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Meeting Johnny and the rest of the cobras in front of the school, Daniel tried to come after me but sighed in defeat when I reached them. Johnny was leaning against his bike surrounded by the other boys. I really didn't want to go with them to the class, seeing that it'll just be another lesson of brainwash. But, I figured that while I was there, I can just get my homework done. "Hey, Princess." Johnny greeted, seeing that we were in front of his friends and it was part of our arrangement.

"Hey," I fake smiled as he hugged me and I tried to resist wanting to pretend gag. The cobras looked shocked at our exchange, but they didn't say anything further as I got on the bike behind Johnny.

"I don't have my extra helmet, but you can just wear mine until I bring the other one," Johnny says, handing it to me.

"You sure?" I questioned, for a second forgetting where my skateboard was until I remembered that I left it in my locker.

"Don't want you getting hurt now, do we?"

"Johnny, it's alright-"

"Just put it on, babe. I'll bring the other one the next time we ride the bike." He encouraged, turning on the bike. I ignored the fluttery feeling at the pit of my stomach. I made sure that my backpack was closed and it was on tightly before wrapping my arms around Johnny's waist.

It didn't take long before we arrived at the front of the white building with the familiar cobra on the sign. I shivered slightly, only imagining myself in the presence of one. Did I mention I was terrified of snakes? Johnny brought me out of my trans as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him to the entry. "You alright?" He asked quietly.

I nodded, "Yeah... yeah, I'm okay." I said.

"Alright, well, you can sit here." He motioned to the bench pushed against the wall. I nodded, starting to walk away before I found Dutch glancing at us. I really don't want to do this... I leaned up and left a small kiss on Johnny's cheek before turning and walking to the bench and setting my backpack down. I glanced up, finding Johnny flushed red and the cobras silently rooting for him. He only shoved them, walking with them to, what I assumed to be, the locker rooms.

I leaned back against the wall, putting my legs up and bringing them closer to my chest, and taking out my English homework with a sigh. I wasn't the best student, seeing that I was never really able to take in the information given to me, but I really did try. I succeeded through middle school with straight A's and the first four years of high school with a few B's, but mostly A's. But senior year is a pain in the ass.

As they did their practice, I worked on the work for my classes and tried working on some of my Chemistry homework, unsuccessful might I add. I gave up with a quiet groan, not to interrupt their training, and moved the work away from me. I leaned my head back and looked towards the group of boys. Why are there no girls here? Are they that sexist? Anyway. I found Johnny looking at me already, me almost wanting to cringe seeing the purple bruise around his eye. That is, up until he looked aside me and his face slightly fell to terror.

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now