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Throughout the week, Johnny would pass me in the halls, stop, come to me, give me a piece of ripped paper and a kiss on the cheek or if he was feeling adventurous, he would place one on the back of my neck. It was always effective, and he would even say a few words if Ali was around. Right now, I was talking to Ali as she filled me in on what had happened on hers and Daniel's date. "I beat him at air hockey... and we took photos in the photo booth." She smiled, hugging her books closer to her chest.

"That's really great, Ali. I'm glad you two had fun." I smiled, grabbing the books that I would need for my next class. Geometry. Halfway through the week, Noe. Just two more days. I reminded myself.

"So, speaking of relationships, you and Johnny, huh?" I closed my locker with a sigh, I knew this question would come up eventually.

"Uh... yeah. Came out of nowhere, really." I explained, grabbing my bag.

"How did it happen? When did it happen? You two seemed at each other's throats at the dance." She says, a small chuckle leaving her lips in an attempt to show that she wasn't upset.

"It's almost three weeks, actually. We kept it on the low for a little while before we decided to open up about it." I nodded awkwardly. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows as we began to walk to our next class.

"We're friends and it's not right that I'm dating your ex." I sighed.

She waved her hand, "It doesn't matter, Noe. I'm dating your brother. I think that's a little odd, don't you think?"

I laughed, "Yeah, I guess." My shoulder was tapped, I turned, not finding anyone before I turned the other way and found Johnny with a sheepish smile. "Hey!" I smiled.

"Hey, Johnny." Ali greeted him, clearly uncomfortable by him being there.

"What are you up to?" Johnny asked me, putting an arm over my shoulder, avoiding Ali.

"Uh..." I held up my textbook with a little chuckle. "Off to the class that we have together, Johnny." I joked.

"Oh right." He looked the opposite way, smacking his lips. "I forget that we sit by each other in that class every day. Or even have that class, for that matter." He spoke. I rolled my eyes with a little scoff and shoved him jokingly. He laughed. "Oh, before I forget." He dug into his pocket, pulling out a folded paper. "Here you go." He smiled, handing me the paper. I smiled, taking it.

"I'll read it later." I looked back at Ali, she looked awkward, a little hint of sadness in her eyes as she eyes the note. "Ali, you alright?"

Her eyes diverted to mine. "Yeah! Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to head to class, I'll see you later." She turned around, going back to her class, taking the other way.

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now