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     It wasn't until later that day when Johnny and I finally calmed down and let ourselves relax by the water. We hadn't left the beach for anything that day unless we had to. We hadn't gone into the water or anything like that, just because we didn't really want to. By now, I'm sure that by now, the school has probably called my mom, notifying her of my absence, but I didn't care. Mom would understand, I know she would.

Johnny sat against the bike, I sat in between his legs. My back was pressed against his chest and his arms were wrapped around me protectively. I played with his hands and honestly, the whole contract that we had decided on just left my mind. At that moment, I forgot completely about it. I wondered why Johnny wanted us to have an all-day date, though. Why did he want to do this even if we weren't in school? This may be a stretch, but... does Johnny like me back?

No. Now, I'm just making things up. Johnny can't possibly like me. He dated Ali Mills, for crying out loud. Why would he like some girl that lives in Reseda that's trying to get back at her brother? It makes no sense that that could possibly be why he wanted to ditch school with me and ask me to Golf N' Stuff later this week. I shook away the stupid thoughts that my mind was coming up with and continued to watch the sunset from where me and Johnny were. 

He let me play with his fingers, his hands were soft and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't fantasize about Johnny sometimes. "You alright, Elle?" His gentle voice said to me. His voice wasn't cocky and it wasn't teasing when he spoke to me. It was just... gentle. He just talked to me as if that contract didn't exist at all. 

I nodded, tilting my head upward so that I was looking at him. "I'm fine," I said truthfully. He looked down at me and his soft blue eyes were staring into mine like it was the most natural thing ever. 

"Hey, um. About Golf N' Stuff, I was thinking that it'd be a real date." He said softly, almost hesitant. He avoided my eyes as he spoke. I continued to play with his fingers, smiling up at him. 

"I'd love to, Johnny," I answered.

He looked at me, almost shocked. "It's okay if you say no, I just thought that maybe- wait. Really?" The fact that he had such a hard shell that just covered a big softie. His eyes lit up as he stared at me, looking for any sign that I was messing around. 

I giggled at his state, "Of course." Then, did he like me? I mean, I only realized my feelings last night, there's no possible way that he probably knew, did he? Maybe he was told to do that? No, Johnny would never do that. 

He chuckled happily, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

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     It seemed like the rest of the week had flown by. Johnny and I had let the contract end, seeing that we were going to start from scratch and as I assumed, my mom was notified by the school. She scolded me a little before I interrupted her and told her where I was. Then, her mood completely changed, and begged me to tell her what happened. And I did, up until Daniel got home from his training. 

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now