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      When Monday came around, I wanted to ditch school, just so that I wouldn't have to face Johnny today. I think the feelings I was doubting were pretty obvious, that I liked him. I shudder to admit that. And I haven't had a crush in ages. The last time I had a crush, I acted like the stupidest of stupid. I tried way too hard to get their attention and it was just a giant mess. "Kids! Get up!" Mom yelled through the apartment. I wasn't hungry, and it was already ten past eight, so Johnny would be getting here soon. Was I prepared? No. I was not. Not at all. 

After getting ready, I grabbed my bag, "I'm not hungry, Ma. I'll see you later." I told her quickly, walking out of the apartment before Mom could say anything and before I could even see Daniel. I jogged down the stairs and as expected, I found Johnny's bike with him standing beside it with two helmets beside him. I stopped before I could reach him. "No."



"You've been on it before, what makes it so different now?"

"That..." Shit.

"That's what I thought. Now come on." I groaned in defeat as I got to him, having a tight grip on my backpack. He handed me the extra helmet and got on the bike himself. 

I got on after him, placing the helmet on my head. As he started up the bike, my arms immediately wrapped around his torso. I heard him chuckle before we took off. "Goddammit, Johnny!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe I let you convince me to ride this!" 

"Enjoy it, princess!" He said back as my grip on him tightened. Johnny carelessly rode through the streets and past other cars.

"If you get stopped, I'm never getting back on this thing again!" I told him.

"Relax, Elle. We're almost there!" Just then the speed went faster as we began to get to school. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't enjoying this. Yes, I was terrified, but I knew Johnny knew how to ride the bike. When the school started to come into view, he didn't make an effort to pull into the school parking lot. 

"Johnny, you passed school!"

"We're not going to school today, princess!" Oh my Lord... "How's the beach sound!?" 

After a little while, Johnny slowed the bike down as we reached the same place we met. "Johnny, you're insane," I told him as he stopped and took off his helmet. I followed his actions and got off the bike.

"I know I am, but did you really want to go to school today?" He raised an eyebrow and got off the bike. It's like he read my mind. 

"No, not really." 

"Okay then. We'll stay here today, maybe get a bite later." He planned out.

"Why?" I asked him. "We could've gone to school and done our performance as the power couple." 

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now