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     "Just go, Daniel. I'll be fine." I rolled my eyes at him as he hesitated on leaving.

"But, it's Christmas and I don't want you to be alone and since Mom's not here, I can stay-"

"Daniel," I said. "Go with Mister Miyagi. We've spent seventeen Christmases together, I'm sure one won't hurt." I told him. He sighed, sticking out his bottom lip. "Put that away. Go already." I told him. "Have fun. Tell him I said Happy Christmas, and try not to get killed." I pushed him out of the door.

"I'll be back soon, then." He gave in. "No boys." He pointed at me.

I gave a fake sheepish smile, "Hm. You're funny. Goodbye!" I closed the door and heard him laugh before his footsteps faded away. I yawned, stretching my arms over my head, trying to think of what to do now that I was home alone. "What to do, what to do." I went into the kitchen, opening the fridge and sighing. I settled on a cheese stick and collapsed onto the couch.

I took the remote and turned on the T.V and watched whatever was on. I ended up falling asleep during the Coke-Cola commercial that played and dreamt about a certain blue-eyed blonde. Who knew that when I woke up to the knocking on the door, it was him. "I'm coming!" I said loudly, standing up from the couch and throwing away the wrapper before going to the door. I rubbed my eyes from under the glasses I somehow fell asleep wearing and yawned. 

I unlocked the door and opened it, finding that blue-eyed blonde. "Oh, hey, Johnny." I yawned, opening the door for him. "Come in."

"Were you sleeping?" He asked.

"Yes, I was. But it's alright." I closed the door once he came in and looked back at him. "What's up?"

"Oh, um, I just wanted to thank you for the other day. For asking Mister Miyagi to help out."

I waved my hand, sending him a small smile. "Honestly, don't even worry about it, okay? No one, not even Kreese, is gonna lay a finger on anyone." I told him sincerely. "So, aren't you supposed to be with your family? You know.. since it's Christmas?"

He shrugged, "Nah. Not like Sid wants me there anyway." He replied.  "Where's your mom? Daniel?"

"Uh, my mom is working tonight and Daniel went with Mister Miyagi for a while," I said, sitting down and patting the open space next to me. "Sit down, Johnny. You're still welcome here, you know." 

He chuckled nervously before slowly sitting and putting his hands on his thighs. "Um, Noelle, I'm still really sorry about the whole..." He looked at me, "the whole bet thing..." He said. "It was wrong and I regret agreeing to it." 

I sighed, looking down to my hands, "Johnny," I stopped, not knowing how to word what I was trying to say. 

"It's okay if you don't forgive me for it, I just... I just wanted you to know how sorry I am." 

I nodded, of course, I forgave him. The journal said everything that I needed to know. He really did lo... like me and I liked him back and that bet is practically what put us together because if that bet wasn't going on when I presented my revenge plan against Daniel, then we wouldn't have fake dated and then eventually real date. "It's okay, Johnny." I finally said. "I know you only meant well." 

He nodded, "Yeah. I did." He says with a small smile. I smiled back, and we were left in a small silence. "Well, um, I just came to... to apologize. So, I guess I'll be heading out." He said quietly, almost afraid to break the silence. 

I nod, "Okay." I cleared my throat, tearing my eyes away from his. "I'll walk you out." I stood up, with him following. When we got to the door, before I opened it, I heard him mutter a 'screw it' and spun me around, not leaving me any time to say anything about it, and felt his lips on mine. A feeling that I missed all too much.

I closed my eyes, relaxing under his touch and wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged my waist tighter, "Bedroom?" I asked hesitantly in between the kisses.

Johnny nodded, "Bedroom." 

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im so so so sorry for the wait on this, but i just haven't had any time really or any chance to get on wattpad to write, but i did right now, and let me tell you, 18.1K IS A LOT OF READS, HOLY SHIT


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All the love, C. xx

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