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     "Mom, are you sure about this? I mean, I don't have to go, and you can return the dress." I offered as she tied the dress from the back. "You know, I could... I could help you wash the car... or the dishes-"

"Noelle, of course, I'm sure about this. You deserve it." She says, rubbing my shoulders reassuringly as we stared at the mirror at my reflection. "You look so beautiful." She smiles proudly. My hands landed on my stomach as it was filled with butterflies from the nerves that began to build up from actually making an appearance while wearing this. A cream gown hugged my body with off-the-shoulder sleeves. The gown part was ruffled, but not as ruffled as most dresses from this decade. 

"Oh, I got you something else

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"Oh, I got you something else." She goes back to my bed, picking up a box before bringing it. She opened the box, showing me a beautiful tiara. "I wore it for my sweet sixteen, but since you didn't have one, I figured this would add the perfect touch for the princess." She spoke, taking it out from the box and putting the box down.

" She spoke, taking it out from the box and putting the box down

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"Mom, I can't wear that." I shook my head. "You could've saved that for my wedding." I chuckled nervously as she shook her head.

"You can wear it then if you want, but for now," She placed the crown on my head, careful to not mess up my perfectly curled hair, thanks to her curlers. She set it on my head, stepping back, admiring me. "You look beautiful, Noelle. I'm sure all the boys are going to drool over you." She slightly smirked. 

I rolled my eyes, a smile still on my face. "Okay." I snorted. Though, I can probably think of one. Of course, I'm not saying that Johnny likes me. I don't have any proof to say that. But the way he told me to go to the dance with him, how he didn't mind being so close to me then, how else would he have willingly done that? A dare? Okay, maybe. 

"Hello to you, Mister Shower." I greeted Daniel after we met outside. 

"I can't see..." He muttered from the inside just before the curtain began to move until it was pulled back. "Oh wow." He smiled. "You look great."

"Aw, thanks. Mom helped." I chuckled, picking up the dress slightly. "I told her that I can just wear something of mine." 

"But it looks great!" He said. "You ready to go?" 

"Yeah, I guess so." Though, I was really nervous. What would Johnny do? Would he even care? Would he still go, even if I told him I wouldn't go with him? Johnny should be the least of my worries. Only, I couldn't help think that maybe he would try to do something to either me or Daniel because of my answer earlier today. "Daniel, promise me that you won't do anything stupid." I pleaded as we began to go to the school.

"I told you I wouldn't." He reminds me from behind the curtain. 

"I know, but I'm serious. If you do anything to piss Johnny off, who knows what he'll do. Especially since I told him no." I sighed. "I just don't want you getting hurt again." We stopped and Daniel opened the curtain, now looking at me. 

"I won't get hurt, Noelle." He says, looking into my eye. "If I do, it's to protect you, okay? I told Ma I would take care of you, and I still stand by my word." 

I gave a little smile, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I love you, bro," I told him quietly. 

"I love you too, sis." He replied. We removed ourselves from the hug, smiling with him. "You ready to party?"

"A hundred percent."

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we need a little larusso love for a second before we bring out the big guns >:)

also, sorry for the short chapter, but we need the dance to be chapter nine because ten is gonna be... ten is gonna be something ;)

i'll see you guys in the next chapter,

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All the love, C. xx

[Edit] hi, hello, sorry it took me a while to post this, i was caught up in editing my other series, :P. but, here's this, and leave your guesses on what you think will happen later in the book!!

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