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     "Hey, what's that?" I asked the next day and pointed to the glass window that was attached to a white building with the words "COBRA KAI" on the sign with a painted cobra. 

"I don't know, but it looks pretty sick," Daniel says. 

"Should we go in?" 

"Yeah, let me go let Ma know." He jogs across the street, tapping the window where Mom was and signaling that we were going to go in. He comes running back and I open the door, walking in with Daniel behind me.

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No sensei!" 

"Jesus, this guy is tough..." I muttered quietly to Daniel as we sat on the bench where a couple of other people sat watching the class. Daniel nodded in agreement, not removing his glance from the people in front of us wearing all white with a black cobra on the back. 

"Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No sensei!"

"Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No sensei!"

After a few more chants, that got me wondering why in the world their motto was "strike first, strike hard, no mercy". If I didn't know any better, I'd say that this man is brainwashing these students. That's no way to teach, especially self-defense of the sort.

"Mister Lawrence," I felt my eyes widen as I heard the last name. Please don't let it be him.

"Yes, sensei." He answered, the familiar cocky voice ringing throughout the dojo. 

"Warm them up." The sensei instructed. The blonde began to walk to the front of the room. 

"Danny, we should go," I told him quietly. 

"What for?"

Johnny turned around, bowing to the class as they follow his actions. As he began to come back up, he looked to where we were and found us both. Daniel groaned in annoyance as Johnny's crystal blue eyes met mine. He smirked with a wink following after. I rolled my eyes, avoiding the fluttering feeling at the pit of my stomach while standing up with Danny. "Come on, let's go," I spoke softly. Danny shook his head, standing up and we began to leave. 

"I can never get away from that guy, can I?" He asked with an angry tone. 

"Makes two of us." I agreed as we walked around the restaurant and to the entry. 

"Do you think he'll ever leave us alone? He has to at one point." 

I shrugged to Daniel, sitting in the booth with Daniel in front of me. "I don't know, but if he doesn't, the option of me hitting him is still on the table." Daniel chuckled, sitting in front of me as Mom came and brought our dinner. 

"Thanks, Ma." I thanked her, beginning to eat as she sat next to me.

"Guess what." She spoke with a bright smile. "I'm going to be trained as a manager, isn't that great?"

Daniel nodded, picking at his food. "That's great." He responded flatly. I sighed, taking a sip of my water. 

"The program's two nights a week. And as soon as the spot opens up, I'm in. And the benefits are just great! They pay for everything." She continued, still keeping her excited smile. 

"That's really great, Ma. Congrats." I spoke sincerely, hoping that the image of Johnny right now would leave my mind. I hate his guts, remember? He hates mine. It's a perfect circle all around. Why in the world would he, of all people, be the only one who I can't stop thinking about? Why couldn't it have been... I don't know... Tommy, or Bobby even. But it had to be Johnny? Now, that's just not fair. 

After Mom and Danny talked a little bit, Mom finally looked at me. "How's the karate place?" She asked, moving her head towards the building. 

"It sucked," I mumbled, picking up a piece of chicken from the plate.

"Good, we couldn't afford it anyway." She jokes. "Any boy or girl situations?" She asks us both. 

I see Daniel turn red before shaking his head, trying to resist his smile. "It's okay."

"Just okay? To me, it looks like the whole world went blonde." She chuckles. "Got your eyes on anybody?"

I feel my face turn warm as the same blue eyes popped into my mind again. But why? I don't like him. So why the hell am I feeling so anxious about my mom asking if there's anybody on our minds? Daniel, on the other hand, began to turn into a walking tomato as Mom began to slightly tease. 

"Oooh. She cute?" She smirked.

"Not cute. She's beyond cute." He replied, finally letting the smile cover his features. 

"Ooh. And what about you, Noelle?" She looked at me. "Any blondies that are beyond cute?" 

"Huh? Uh... no, not really anyone my type." I shook my head. Universe, stop punishing me. If it makes you feel better, I won't hit Johnny in the dick. 

Mom narrowed her eyes while humming. "Hmm... I don't know. Is she as cute as Judy, Daniel?" She went back to ask him while I let out a discreet sigh of relief. I don't like Johnny. I don't know who said I did. Or why I react like this, but I do not like him, or even tolerate him, to add to that. Mom stayed with us up until a co-worker of hers called for her. 

"Lucille, let's go, here they come."

"Alright, you two careful on the way back home, alright?" She kissed both our heads, "Love you." And then she left. Daniel continued to mutter things under his breath about Ali until he finally looked up at me. 

"Maybe I should ask her out. Would she say yes?" He asked. 

I shrugged, grabbing the salt from the side of the table. "I don't know, Daniel. She might?" I answered. He sighed, looking back down to his food. "But you never know until you try." 

He nodded, "Yeah, maybe you're right."

"Of course I am. Listen, I'm gonna go ahead and head back home. I have some homework." I told him, wiping my mouth and standing up. 

Danny nodded, continuing eating. "Alright, stay safe please."

"Yes, mom." I rolled my eyes with a smile. "See you later." 

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You guys are honestly nuts, just yesterday I was so excited about the 54 and -later- 65 reads, but hOW IS TEENAGE DIRTBAG ALREADY AT 140???? 


i'll see you guys in the next chapter,

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All the love, C. xx

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