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     "Noelle! Wait up!" I turned around, my books almost slipping from my hands. Ali comes up to me with a smile. "Hi!"

"Hey, Ali! What's up?"

"Do you have any plans after school?" She asked. After what Johnny told me this morning, I wanted to go over to his place. I'm sure that if I was there, nothing would really happen. 

"Uh, yeah, I do. Why do you ask?"

"Oh, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come along and go dress shopping for prom, but if you're busy, we can reschedule." 

"No, I'll come with." I nodded. Ali's features physically brightened. 


"Yeah! My plans can wait. And whenever we're done, I can go over to... I can go do what I was gonna do." Close call, Noe.

"You sure? I don't wanna get in the way." Ali stopped walking. I stopped in front of her.

"Oh, don't worry about that." I waved my hand. "When do we leave?"

"After school, if you want."

"Sounds great. Meet you at the front."

"Okay! See you later." Ali smiled before walking in the opposite direction to her class. 

I began to walk again and went into class. Johnny sat in his usual seat, so I walked over and sat at the desk beside him. "Hey, Elle." He smiled.

"Hey. So, I'm still going over today, but, it'll be a little later. Is that alright?"

"Of course it's alright, Elle. Why wouldn't it be?"

I shrugged, setting my books down on the desk. "Just checking with you, is all. I'm going dress shopping with Ali." 

I saw a small smirk forming on Johnny's features. "Are you?"

"Mhm." I nodded. "So, what color are we thinking?"

Johnny shrugged, "You pick whatever, and then I'll get something to match."

I smiled, nodding. "Deal."


     "Thanks for coming with, Noe. I'll give this to Daniel for you." Ali smiles, dropping me off at Johnny's. 

"Thanks, Ali. I had fun." I smiled back.

"And I swear to not tell Daniel about your... whereabouts." She winked.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'll probably have to tell him soon, anyway. Guess who my prom date is?"

She gasped, her jaw, dropping. "No way! You're going with Johnny?"

"That's the plan."

"Aw, I'm so happy for you! Anyways, I won't hold you back any longer. Have fun, but not too much!"

"Yeah, yeah. Bye!"

I closed the door and watched her drive off, smiling to myself and letting out a sigh. I never thought I'd have this much fun with Ali. I never had a lot of girl friends since we got here. In Jersey, I did. But those were ones that I made in Kindergarten, so those were easier to make. 

I cleared my throat before ringing the doorbell and stepping back. The door opened a bit and Johnny poked his head out. My mood literally changed in a second when I saw him. "Johnny, what the hell happened?" I questioned, grabbing his face to examine the purple eye. 

"Elle, I'm sorry. But you have to go."

"Why? What's going on--?"

"It's hard to explain right now. I promise I will tell you next time I see you, but right now is not a good time-"

"Oh, is that the dollface?" A slurred voice said. "Ah, Johnny, why are you pushing her away? That's not very... gentleman-like of you, now, is it?" 

Johnny's face resembled fear as he ignored the voice behind him. "Noelle, please go. I'll explain everything tomorrow, but please--"

"Johnny, I'm not leaving you!" I snapped.

"Noelle, please just go!"

"Bring her in, Johnny." Sid's voice said. 

Johnny looked back for a moment before opening the door a bit more. "Stay close to me." He muttered. I let out a shaky breath before I walked in. Johnny kept his hand on my arm as he closed the door and walked in front of me, trying to shield me from view. "She has nothing to do with anything--"

"Noelle, was it?" I peeked from the side of Johnny's shoulder, Sid stood there, an eerie smirk on his lips with an almost empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. "My, hard for such a good girl like you to go out with a useless piece of shit like this one." He said quietly, taking slow steps towards us.

Johnny moved me back more, "Leave her alone, Sid. This is between you and me. There's no reason to bring her or my mom into this." He said.

"But there is. See, her? She's distracted you from every little thing. Second place at the All-Valley, never with your friends? How do you think that makes me look?" Sid questioned. "There's obviously something about you that a pretty little thing like her likes, so then what is it?" Sid began to walk around Johnny until he was on my side. "Maybe it's the stupid hair you have. Or the car you drive. I don't know what it is, because there's nothing good about you."

"That's a lie!" I snapped.

"Is it now? Then tell me, what was your reaction to learning about the bet?" My heart dropped, how did he know about that? "Or did you not know?"

"I knew."

"Did you?" Sid stands back up straighter, another smirk covering his drunken features. He took another step towards me and it felt like my feet had been glued to the floor. "Or did you just agree?"

"Back up, Sid." Johnny snapped. "You don't get to do anything to Noelle." 

"And why not? Hm? Protecting her because she's different than Ali? Protecting her because just maybe this one is the one? Guess what, kid. All that is bullshit." And before I knew it, Sid was pinned against the wall. Johnny grabs Sid's collar tightly and stares at him darkly. 

"You can push me around all you want, you asshole. But Noelle and Mom? Not a chance. If you even talk to Noelle again, I will not hesitate to make you regret it."

"And what are you gonna do? Kill me?"

I finally regained myself, walking over quietly, putting a hand on Johnny's shoulder. "Johnny, come on," I whispered to him. Sid's smirk turned into an eerie grin as Johnny glanced at me before looking back at Sid. Johnny let go of him harshly and turned around. I began to follow him before I heard Sid laugh.

"Ah, too much of a little shit to--"

My blood boiled again as I spun around and punched Sid in the nose with all my strength. Watching the Cobra Kai classes did teach me a thing or two on how to punch. "Serves you right."

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All the love, C. xx

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