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^^ that's noelle's outfit and hair :)

^^ that's noelle's outfit and hair :)

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     It's prom night. Whoa. Where did the time go? It disappeared, that's where. After the whole encounter with Sid, Johnny finally moved out and is sadly living in a motel. I wanted to let him come stay with me for a while, but I knew Mom wouldn't allow, and neither would Daniel, so I just let him. But I tried to keep Johnny as much company as I could. But he seemed fine after the whole ordeal. The thing I knew he missed and wouldn't say he did would be his mom. 

His mom refused to leave Sid, saying that she knew he'd get better and wouldn't do it again. I found that hard to believe. I knew Johnny did too.

On the day of prom, after school, I came home and took a shower, making sure to wash every part of my body and hair. I didn't know how long I would take, honestly, so I just decided to do everything before Mom got home so that she can see me leave. After I had showered, I let my hair air dry and walked out of my room in a bathrobe and to the kitchen. When I checked the time, it was already 5. I didn't take that long in the shower. But I did take a nap when I got home, so that explains the time-lapse. 

I made myself a sandwich, not wanting to be too full for when Johnny picked me up. He said we would go eat, so I kept the food I ate on a low. Mom got home at 5:30 and helped me with my hair and makeup. When she had finished doing my hair, she added the finishing touches and smiled at her work. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me through the mirror.

"You look so beautiful, my darling." She said quietly, putting her head next to mine, showing small resemblances between us. "Your dad would've loved to see you."

I chuckled, "Mom, I'm not getting married." 

"I know." She sighed, moving back from me. She chuckled softly, "God, he would always talk about having a little girl. One that he could give the corsage to on her prom night." She said quietly.

I smiled, turning around in the chair to look at her. I put my chin on top of my hand, "He's probably jealous that you're doing it." I joked.

Mom laughed, nodding. "I wouldn't doubt it." She took a deep breath, "You look so much like him, you know that?"

I shrugged, "Good genes, is all."

"Okay, so when's Johnny picking you up?"

I checked the clock on my nightstand, "He said 7:30, so I still have some time."

• • •

     "Oh, honey, why don't you come out of the room when Johnny asks for you? Wouldn't that be romantic?" Mom smiled sheepishly. 

I rolled my eyes with a smile, putting my hands on my waist. "No, it wouldn't because we don't have a staircase for me to descend from." 

Mom scoffed, "Party pooper." She joked, going to open the door while I looked at my reflection. The dress looked nice. The shoes were tied. No makeup was smudged. I honestly looked nice. "Noelle, Johnny's here!" Mom called.

My heartbeat began to quicken as I took a deep breath from my nose and grabbed my small bag with the necessities that I would need for the night. I walked out of my room and found Johnny next to the small table. I awkwardly grabbed my arm, smiling lightly at him as he gaped at me. "Wow." That was all he said.

I chuckled, feeling my cheeks heat up as Mom smiled, clasping her hands together and putting them up to her mouth. Mom had gone to the fridge, taking out the container with the corsage. "Here you go. You put it on her wrist..." Mom handed the bigger one to Johnny. With the clarity of his throat, he grabbed it and slipped it on my hand. "And then you put it on his coat..." Mom handed me the smaller matching one. I grabbed it, smiling at Johnny and clipping it on.

"Aw, you two look amazing." Mom smiled. "Well, you better get going. Have fun." 

• • •

     The dance actually looked really nice. And it was really fun. When we arrived, Johnny and I took our photo and got a table. We sat for a little while, talking about random things until we decided to go dance for a while. We laughed and smiled, having fun. Daniel and Ali weren't that far from us, looking like they were in a rough patch.

I decided to butt out, seeing that I was with Johnny. We sat back down after a couple of songs and he went off to grab some drinks. I sighed happily, playing with the ring on my finger. When he came back, we drank the punch and talked more. Until a specific song came on that made my cheeks warm again. 

*Play the song*

"I can see that you remember the song," Johnny said. 

"How could I not? It's one of my favorites." I replied, slightly swaying to the song.

Johnny cleared his throat, standing up and putting his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

I chuckled, taking his hand and following him to the dance floor where other couples swayed slowly to Every Breath You Take. I wrapped my arms around Johnny's neck, resting my chin on his shoulder while his arms were wrapped around my waist. "Remember the last time we heard this song?"

"Johnny, don't talk about that in public," I warned, causing him to chuckle and hug me closer while nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Elle, can I be honest?" He asked quietly. 

"Always," I replied, unsure. 

He pulled back slightly so that we were still close to each other. "Elle, after Ali and I broke up, I honestly didn't think that I would fall in love again. But you... you made me fall harder than I even fell for her. You're always smiling and always on my side. You always make my day better, to be honest. And after what Sid said, it made me think why I was so protective of you. And you know why?"

"Why, Johnny," I whispered, already knowing where this was going. I bit back my smile, playing with the little hairs on the back of his neck.

"Because I love you, Noelle LaRusso. So damn much that it hurts." He pressed his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.

I closed mine, enjoying the feeling of my knees going weak and the butterflies going crazy in my tummy. "And it's okay if you don't say it back, but I just wanted to tell you."

I smiled, pressing my lips against his. He kissed back without a doubt. Smiling in between. 

"I love you too, Johnny Lawrence."

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All the love, C. xx

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