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     "Hey, Noe." I looked up, smiling at the sight of my brother before looking back down at the stack of papers.

"Daniel, I swear to God, if you keep bugging me, then I won't be able to do my work for your business," I said, signing my initials at the bottom.

"Exactly. It's my business, so it's my rules. And last time I checked, there's no rule against the boss giving a friendly visit to his sister who also so happens to be the co-owner." 

I snorted, putting down my pen. "Okay, you have my attention, what do you want?"

"Just came to say you had a visitor. Sheesh, Noe! It's almost like you've matured!" 

I laughed, shaking my head and looking back down to the papers. "Ah, nothing's changed." I sighed. "Who's here?"

"Only the bestest son you could ever have." I looked up again, smiling wider. 

"Aw, kiddo. Sorry I couldn't pick you up as I promised." I sighed, standing up and greeting the tall boy in front of me with a hug.

"It's alright, Mom. I told you that I get why you can't. Just as long as you let me eat ice cream before dinner tonight, then I forgive you." He joked. 

I stepped back, narrowing my eyes at him, "Dunno if you're joking or not, Liam." He laughed, settling himself down at my desk. "Anyway, you can hang out in here or go help my brother with the bonsais, but I need to go give these up," I said, circling around the desk and grabbing the papers. "I think Sam was coming in a bit too," I told him, leaving a kiss on his head.

"Alright, Mom." He said out.

I smiled lightly before leaving the office and looking through all the papers to make sure I did it all correctly. After dropping off the papers, I began to walk back, only to stop in my tracks. I felt the oxygen leave my lungs at the sight of the man walking in. It was him, it was him, it was him. After 24 years, you would've guessed that I could just walk up to him and say hey, but nope. That's not even close. I spun around quickly, pretending to be busy with the coffee machine, and readjusted the sugar packs.

What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? Run back to my office? No, that'll be too obvious...

"Johnny?" I heard Daniel's voice say. That confirms it. "Johnny Lawrence! I knew it was you!" Oh my, God, oh my, God... "Holy... how the hell are you?"

"Hey, Noelle, I think Daniel's going... you alright?" I looked up, trying to hide the nerves as Amanda looked at me concerned.

"I... uh... yeah! Yes, perfectly fine!" I tried not to look over at Johnny and Daniel too much to not make it obvious that they were the cause of my nerves, but Amanda caught on quickly. 

"Who's that?" She asked.

I cleared my throat, "Uh... no one!"

"Clearly someone if you're freaking out, Noe." She laughed lightly. "Oh, is that Johnny?" She wiggled her eyebrows. I stayed quiet, feeling like I was gonna puke. Her eyes widened, "Oh my God, it is!?"


"Hey, hey, Anoush, come here! Louie, get over here! I want you to meet somebody!" Daniel motioned for the two guys to come before searching more before his eyes landed on me, "Noe, come here! Come say hi!" 

"Noe?" Johnny questioned nervously. 

I shook my head at Amanda. "I... I don't think..."

"Go!" Amanda began to push me out.

"No, Amanda, no!" But it was too late, I was already in the sight of Johnny Lawrence.

"Elle." He said quietly.

I cleared my throat, beginning to play with my fingers. "Hey, Johnny."

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T H E  E N D

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thank you so much for reading Teenage Dirtbag and for the incredible support that I've gotten! you all are so amazing and I couldn't ask for anything better!!

as a "token" of my appreciation, i'd like to announce that i'll be doing an official character q&a. you will be able to ask any of the characters a question along with questions for me! you can ask anything and they'll answer and so will i. you can ask your questions in the comments. here's an example of how it'll work:

q: *the question* from: *the user who asked the question*
a: *the answer*

and it'll be the same for the rest of the characters. anyway, i really hope you enjoyed reading my book and if you like my writing, i have more books on my profile if you'd like to read those. i really do love you and appreciate you so much for the love and support you've given to this book.

that's all, so, i'll see you guys in the q&a. peace out, lovelies!!

[EDIT] because i wanted to make them younger, i made their reunion and everything further on starting from the year 2008. i can explain more about it later if you want, but that's the current plan.

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