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     The two days passed by and now it was Monday. It went by fairly quickly for my liking. It seemed like I woke up and got dressed and it was already time for me to leave. Might've been the fact that I woke up late, but I wasn't going to be late for school, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I snacked on a granola bar as I dropped my foot onto the sidewalk and pushed myself further so that I can keep at a quick pace. I hummed to myself and almost jumped when a car loudly honked at the car in front of it. I stopped just in time to see a girl quickly come up and wipe her mouth.

I rolled my eyes and pressed the button repeatedly on the crosswalk. Some people these days really do have the nerve to not control themselves while driving. I mean, come on, it's LA! This place is literally the last place you want to be caught doing that when you're supposed to be driving. And plus, it's barely eight in the morning! How can one be so needy so early in the morning?

The light finally turned red and I quickly set off to skate across the street and to the next sidewalk to turn for the school. I shoved the wrapper of the granola into my pocket, making a mental note to throw it away when I got to school. I hopped off the board and walked inside the school and made my way to my locker. It was way too early for this. I effortlessly put in the combination and opened the locker, placing the board in and grabbing my textbooks for my first classes. 

I didn't see Johnny that morning until I went into our first class. He was sitting at our usual seats with his head down in his arms. I furrowed my eyebrows and calmly walked over and set my bag down and my books to the side. "You alright?" I asked him quietly. He groaned in response, shaking his head against his arms. I sighed, letting my hand fall onto his head, rubbing it soothingly before retrieving it back and grabbing my materials for the class. 

Throughout the class, Johnny occasionally moved, once in a while moving his head, but for the most part, he kept still. When class was just about to end, he turned his head so that he was looking at me. I looked at him as his crystal eyes slightly twinkled under the messy head of hair on his head. "I'm hungover." He admitted softly. 

"Johnny," I said warningly. 

"I know, I know. It was a school night, but... it's not just me." He hesitated a little before finishing off his words. "It's the rest of the guys too." He muttered, closing his eyes. I sighed, placing my left hand on the side of his face, letting my thumb caress his cheekbones. He sighed in comfort as the bell rang. I was quick to pack up my things as the teacher called out for the homework. Lazily, Johnny got up and he quickly intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked out. 

He took me to my next class, kissing my cheek before going to his.

When lunch came around, I met Johnny outside of his class. We walked to our tree and sat down. I sat with my legs crossed and my backpack to the side. Johnny sat down in front of me before he laid back and placed his head in my lap. He sighed in comfort as he adjusted himself and turned his head slightly. I smiled lightly, knowing that he wasn't feeling well, and yet, here he was. "Johnny, why didn't you just stay home if you weren't feeling well?" I asked him softly, my hands automatically finding themselves rubbing his cheek.

"How else was I gonna see you?" He muttered, yawning afterward. 

"I don't know. You could've come by my place later if you wanted." I told him, caressing his cheek. 

He shrugged, "Then you wouldn't be doing this, right now." He said. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head and smiling. "I'm nervous about the tournament." He said out of the blue.

"I know you'll be great, Johnny," I told him.

"Yeah, but you know Sensei. He'll expect me to win first place and..."

"And it's a lot of pressure." I finished. He nodded, opening his eyes and looking up at me. "Have you ever heard the phrase 'a diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure'?" I asked him. He shook his head, "It means that everyone is special, like diamonds. We all start out as coals, but with people and teachings, it helps us transform. Just like when pressure is added, we transform, just like coal transforms to a diamond." I explain. "Right now, you're a chunk of coal under pressure, when you win the tournament, you'll transform into a diamond." I summed up.

He smiled before slightly sitting up and putting his weight on his elbow and facing me. "I love having such a smart girlfriend." He said with a little smirk. 

I felt my cheeks warm, "I love having a boyfriend that's in need of my intelligence." I told him with a smile. He chuckled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to my lips. 

"I needed one of your kisses." He mumbles.

I giggled, "Well you got one. I think I need one more though." I said in a playful tone with a little smirk.

"Your wish is my command." He kissed me again, making the butterflies in the pit of my stomach appear again. I loved these little moments with Johnny. The ones where he needed me and I was there. The ones where I needed him and he was there. It made me happy. Like, really happy.

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originally, i had a more ✨steamy✨ chapter planned for this, but i really wanted to make a cute one. next chapter, though ;)

p.s, i wrote this during my biology quiz. i still passed :)

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All the love, C. xx

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now