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     At lunch, I was sitting with a girl from chemistry instead of with Daniel and Ali. We were talking about how the teacher always seems like he's in pain, up until the chair beside me squeaked loudly. I turned to my right, finding Johnny sitting down beside me. "Hey to you too." I chuckled sarcastically. Johnny stole one of my fries, then finally looked up at me.

"You are coming to the dojo today." He says, still chewing on the fry. 

"I am? Since when?" 

"Since now." He smirked. "And he's looking." He muttered, covering it up by clearing his throat. I looked back at the table where we usually sat, indeed finding a Daniel with narrowed eyes and Ali who was looking at us with a questioning look. I slightly smirked, looking back to Johnny whose elbows were now on his knees and he was looking up at me. 

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope." He grinned. 

I let out a long sigh, looking to my side, "I mean... I guess."

"Okay, great." He now looked back to the people I sat with, "Mind if I steal her?"

Lexi shook her head, a shocked, yet terrified, look in her eyes. "No, not at all! She's all yours." She spoke quickly. Johnny stifled a chuckle while I picked up my backpack and tray. 

"I'll see you guys in chem," I told them with an apologetic smile. 

I tossed the remainder of the food, putting the tray in the area while Johnny followed. 
"You take too long." He complained. 

"Yeah? Well, it's called picking up after myself. You should try it." I spoke back as we walked out of the cafeteria. "Okay, so, now we set rules." We sat by a tree away from everyone else.

"Rules? Why the fuck do we need rules?" He questioned, sitting beside me, stretching out his legs while I crossed mine.

"There are boundaries and limits, Johnny. We need to set them and follow by them so that this will work and we won't get caught fighting about a misunderstanding of one of us going over the limit." I explained, taking out a notebook and pen from my backpack. Johnny sighed, letting his head fall back onto the tree trunk as I got myself ready to write. "Okay, so, rule one..." I wrote the words on the first line and looked at Johnny. "What is it?"

Johnny stayed quiet for a second before speaking. "We don't talk about my home life." He said. I nodded, not asking anything further.

"Rule two, we don't talk about my dad," I spoke, writing it underneath the first rule. 

"Rule three, you tell your brother and his friend to back off." He pointed to me. 

"I wasn't involved in it-"

"Just write it down." I sighed, nodding before writing it down and putting my hair behind my ears. 

"Rule four, nobody is to know about this arrangement," I said, writing it down. "Not even the people we trust the most."

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now