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The next morning, I dressed in skinny jeans with a striped long sleeve. I combed my hair, pinning back the front, and grabbed my bag. I was quick to eat breakfast, only eating a bowl of cereal. "Hey, do you two need a ride to school? I go in later today." Mom said, coming in while fixing her hair. Continuing to pretend that Daniel wasn't in the same room as me, I shook my head.

"Not me. I have a friend picking me up." I told her before tipping back the bowl to drink the leftover milk.

"Must be some friend." Daniel quietly muttered. I rolled my eyes, ignoring him before checking the clock. Johnny should be here now.

"I gotta go, Ma. I'll see you later." I kissed her cheek before swinging my bag onto my shoulder and walking out of the door. I sighed out in annoyance as I jogged down the stairs and made it to the front where a bright red Avanti Convertible was parked on the curb.

"You're late," Johnny said as I got in.

"Well so-rry. Not all of us have work in butlers to make your breakfast on time." I glared, tying my seatbelt as he began to drive away.

"Who said I have work in butlers?" He asked, letting his right-hand fall while he kept his left hand on the wheel.

"You lecturing me about being three minutes late," I replied, already dreading having to have his hand in my pocket when we got to school. And all the time we'd be spending today.

Johnny sighed, muttering a "Whatever." before pressing a button on the stereo, making the rock music playing begin to blast. Jesus, was he trying to blow up my eardrums? He turned it down slightly so that it was loud, just not as much as before.

"Mötley Crüe," I said, "good choice."

"You listen to them?" Johnny asked as he turned down the stereo slightly, clearly surprised.

"More of an AC/DC and Pink Floyd kind of person, but they have some good songs," I said, lifting my arm so that my elbow was on the windowsill and my head was on my hand.

"Seriously? I thought people like you would listen to..." He shrugs, still keeping his sight on the road in front of him. "I don't know, Madonna and stuff like that."

"People like me? Are you saying that I'm different?"

"No, I'm just saying people like your style and personality and stuff like that. Don't get your panties in a twist, LaRusso." He rolled his eyes. "And besides, you seem like one to listen to Michael Jackson, if anything."

"I do listen to him, actually."

"There you go."

We kept quiet the rest of the way to school while still listening to the music that Johnny played. I knew most of them, so I just hummed to them. When we arrived at school, Johnny pulled into the first open parking space and turned off the car, taking out the key. He looked at me as I grabbed my bag from beside my feet. "You ready to show the world the best power couple?" He smirked.

TEENAGE DIRTBAG | 𝑗. 𝑙𝑎𝑤𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ✔Where stories live. Discover now