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     The next morning, I woke up earlier than Daniel so that I can leave before him. Mom didn't understand what was happening, but she didn't question it, since she thinks that this is probably one of the stupid fights again. The only difference with this one is that I have a revenge plan for this one. 

"So, what happened last night?" Mom asked, setting the plate down in front of me. 

I shook my head, "Daniel and I had a disagreement." I told her simply, beginning to eat.

"Well, it must've been some agreement if you're up before him." She said, sitting down in front of me. 

I shrugged, "I just don't want to talk to him, is all. If I talk to him before I'm over it, I might do something that I regret, and that'll just mess with the situation more." I explained, which was partly true. Mom nodded, understanding just as Daniel walked in fully dressed. I sighed, standing up and placing the half-empty plate on the counter. "Well, that's my cue. I'll see you later, Ma." I kissed her cheek and walked past Daniel.

"Noelle, can't we just talk about this?"

"I'll be home after school, Ma." I walked out of the apartment after grabbing my skateboard and walking down the stairs.

When I got to school, I hopped off my skateboard and ran my fingers through my hair to tame it down from the wind. I walked across the courtyard, trying to find the familiar blonde and his group of minions. I smiled successfully to myself when I spotted them at their motorcycles and walked over. As I got closer, Bobby nudged Johnny, motioning to me. "Can I talk to you?" I asked Johnny. I almost cringed at the sight of the purple surrounding his eye. A couple of the boys 'ooh'ed, causing me to roll my eyes. "Stop acting like five year old's." I glared.

Johnny followed me away from the group quietly until we made it beside the building away from anyone's eyesight and hearing. "What's this about?" He asked, leaning against the wall.

"What happened last night?" I asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows, showing that he didn't know what I was talking about. "When Daniel went to the bathroom, and then you all started chasing him." 

Johnny nodded, now understanding, turning his body so that he was facing me while his side was leaning on the wall. I tried not to stare too long at his golden hair that the sun was lighting. "I was in the bathroom and I guess he heard that I was in there and he put the hose over me and turned it on." He explained. I stifled a laugh as he rolled his eyes. "If that's what you wanted to know, there's that."

He began to walk away, but I pulled him back by the arm. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to laugh, Johnny." I apologized. "Were you using the bathroom, or...?"

He shook his head, "I was rolling numbers." 

"Oh." I nodded. "Um, after the fight, I had an argument with Daniel," I told him. 

He leaned back on the wall again with a mocking pout. "Oh no, get into a little pickle?" 

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, he really pissed me off and I want to get back at him."

"And what do I have to do with it?" 

"Well, you hate Daniel, don't you?" He nodded, "Well, he's always telling me not to get involved with people he hates or anything like that." I tell him. 

He began to smirk, "So, we're going to start hooking up?"

"Well not literally, Johnny, don't get too excited." He chuckled, signaling to go on. "We'll just make it seem like we are. If all works out, he'll apologize for being a dick and it'll prove my point of breaking promises." I finished.

He nodded, impressed with the plan. "Hm, not bad, LaRusso." I shrugged, proud of the plan, myself. "But you forgot one thing." 

"Which is?"

"What do I get from it?"

"Okay, I thought about it." I pointed to him, showing that I indeed did.

"Did you? And what did you think of?"

"It may not work, but there's a chance that it might," I told him. "There's a chance that it'll get Ali's attention." 

His eyebrows perked up at my statement, now I had him. "Will it?"

"That's the thing, the way she talks about you just shows that she's completely over you, but, I don't know. The way the girl thinks is weird. So, if you show that you're over her too, and she sees that you're with me..."

"Then she'll be jealous because you're her friend." He finished, looking as if he's thinking. 

I shrugged, "It's hard to tell. She's really good at hiding it if she's not over you, Johnny." 

He shook his head, his blue eyes finally meeting mine again, "No, no. I like it." 

"So, are you in?" I stuck my hand out so we can make a handshake deal.

He hesitated a little before his hand met mine, confirming it with a firm shake. "I'm in." 

I nodded with a successful smile. "Great."

"Now, to make this more believable." He began to ruffle my hair and wrinkle my shirt. "Is he here already?" He asked, messing up his own hair and unbuttoning the first two buttons. 

I shrugged, peeking over the wall, finding Daniel pulling up to school. I went back behind the wall. "Yeah, he's here."

"Alright, I'll go first. We'll talk more at lunch." He said, beginning to fix his shirt to make it more believable.

"Alright, go. I have to get to class." 

"Just for more effect." He kissed my cheek, making my cheeks flush pink. He smirked, seeing my crimson face before walking off, leaving me shocked at the sudden action. I waited a couple of minutes before walking out myself, running a hand through my hair while still holding onto my skateboard. Daniel found me, giving me a questioning look before I looked back at Johnny. He winked as I continued my jog into school. 

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also, bet you weren't thinking of that, were you?? ;)

i'll see you guys next chapter,

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All the love, C. xx

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