Part 45

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*** May 16th, 2020 ***

Peyton and I ended up traveling to a small town outside of London, renting a small house using our new fake ID's. We've been here a few days, and I haven't been recognized yet. But, I figure it's only a matter of time...

"Hey, you're that girl, aren't you?" I heard from behind me. I turned and looked, seeing that there was a girl around my age, now standing next to me, staring at me. "Depends." I replied. "The one who assisted in kidnapping one direction, and then continued to hold Harry hostage for months. You're her." She stated. I hesitated. "Well, I prefer for that not to be at the top of my resumé. But, sure." I replied, not wanting to lie since she obviously recognized me.

"So, what. Are you just stalking him now?" She asked. I sent her a confused look. "Sorry?" I asked, trying to be as nice as possible. "Well, you obviously know he's in London.. And you're from the States. So, what the hell are you doing here?" She questioned, her attitude not changing. I moved up in the coffee line, before turning back to face her. She'd had her phone out the whole time, so I knew she was likely recording..

But, since everyone now knows my name apparently, and what I look like.. There's not really a point in staying off the grid.. "Well, I was in Australia, as I'm sure you know. However, I'm still wanted there. So, I had to go somewhere else." I answered her question. "And you had to come here? Why?" She asked.. I sighed, shoving a hand through my hair and looking over at the cashier, who was taking the person in front of me's order.

"Are you going to answer me?" She questioned, taking a step closer to me. Now I could see her phone screen. It was aimed at our shoes, and was indeed recording.. "No. Because you're being rude, and have an attitude." I stated, moving up in line and ordering my coffee..

"Everyone, this is the psycho bitch that kidnapped One Direction!" She suddenly shouted, and I laughed a little, paying and grabbing my coffee when it was ready.. No one else in the shop seemed to really care, which made her outburst twice as funny.

She blocked me on the way out of the store. "Love, I highly recommend you move. As I'm sure you know, because obviously you've spent a lot of time stalking me on the internet, I'm highly trained and will not hesitate to use that training against you." I threatened, still using my nice-girl tone. She scoffed. "And now you're threatening me?!" She exclaimed, and I laughed at her attempt to get people's attention. "Babe, you're the one that came up to me with a camera and started questioning me like you're a detective or some shit. Maybe put the phone down once in a while." I stated, moving past her and walking out of the store. I crossed the street, pulling my hood up and getting in my car.

She didn't hesitate to run across the street, her phone still in hand. I rolled down the window, having put my sunglasses on. "Can I help you?" I asked, turning my car on.. "Um, yes?! How could you do that to them? They have lives, and families, and careers. You're so selfish to take that away from them." She commented, and I sighed, looking out my front windshield for a moment before glancing back over at her..

"It's sort of hard to understand what you're so upset about when you use that tone." I said, still keeping my demeanor calm. Because, I was calm. I wasn't going to give her the pleasure of me acting like I'm some crazy psycho. Because most of the time, I'm not that.

She scoffed. "You're even worse in person, you know that?! I hope you know that everyone in every country absolutely hates you and hopes you rot in hell." She stated, spitting on the side of my car. I sighed, briefly glancing down at where she spit, before looking at her again. "Yeah.. You know what would make me an even worse person? If I went around filming people for attention, and ending up making a fool of myself. Do yourself a favor, love, and don't post this. Just a little friendly advice, despite how rude you've been today." I commented, shooing her away and rolling up my window.

I pulled away from the curb, laughing to myself. A part of me hoped that she would post that, because I already knew the reaction it would get...


A few hours after I'd gotten back to our house, Peyton sprinted down the stairs, tripping over the carpet.. "Oh my god, Brooke. You have to see this!" She exclaimed, running over to where I was on the couch and shoving her phone in my face. She hit play on the video. It was indeed the video the girl had been recording earlier today, and you could hear everything perfectly..

I watched all the way through, laughing a little. "I'm sure that's blown up." I commented, pushing her phone away. "Yes, it has. But Brooke, the comments.." She trailed off, scrolling through something her phone. "What do they say?" I asked, and she handed me her phone..

Just as I had thought, a majority of the people commenting were not supporting this girl in the slightest. They were actually going after her instead of me, saying how she was actually being really rude. That's why I'd told her not to post it. "Wow." I murmured, handing her phone back to her.. "That's all you have to say?! Brooke, this is amazing. There's so many people saying how disrespectful and argumentative she was, while you stayed so calm it made it funny.. I mean, when I first saw this I was like 'this is not going to end well' and thought you'd have to like go into hiding or something but.. This might actually end really well for you." She explained, and I nodded..

"Yeah.. I warned her not to post the video." I replied, flipping through the channels on the tv...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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