Part 27

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*8 weeks later*— January 16th, 2020 **

I'd gotten a new phone, and had paid someone to make my phone impossible to trace. I've been in this house with Harry for the last two months. He seems like he's adjusted a little bit.

He was sitting at the bar behind me, while I was making a smoothie. My phone started ringing, and I walked over, picking it up. Chris.

I answered it, putting it to my ear. "Hey, what's up?"I asked. "Where are you?"He asked. I glanced over at Harry, confused. "My new house.. Why?"I asked, taking the smoothie off the fruit blender, and setting it down in front of Harry. He thanked me.

"I need you to come get Liam. There's a very high chance that I'm getting arrested soon. I'm going to drug Liam and drop him off somewhere remote. They're going to follow my location. You need to pick him up and keep him with you."He explained quickly.

"Are you driving?"I asked. "Yes. I'm in Kansas right now."He said. "Ok. Ok. Um.. Just let me know where you drop him."I said, walking over and putting the dishes in the sink. Chris hung up. "What's going on?"Harry asked, sipping his smoothie. "Guess you won't be alone anymore. Liam's gonna come here."I answered. "Are they still looking for us?"He asked. I nodded.

"They now know that all five of you were kidnapped approximately 8 months ago. They don't know who we are. But, they won't be able to find us. Well.. Chris, yes. I guess he did something stupid.. But, no one knows where this house is, and my phone can't be traced. So.."I trailed off. He nodded, looking disappointed.

"I need more clothes. I'm so sick of wearing the same eight shirts with these shorts."He commented. "One thing at a time. I have to tie you up in your room while I go get him."I explained.

He nodded, and took his smoothie with him as we walked upstairs.. He sat on his bed, holding out his wrist..

My phone started ringing again and I answered it without looking. "Bring Harry home, now."A familiar voice stated. Jeff. How the hell did he get my new number?

I laughed. "Wow. Impressive."I commented. "I was informed that the authorities tracked down and arrested your friend, Christopher Adams, just minutes ago.. Liam will be returned to England this afternoon. Niall is back in Ireland as of last week. Your number was on the list of recents on Mr. Adams' phone calls.."He explained. I glanced over at Harry, untying his wrist. He gave me a confused look. "Change of plans."I said to him. He nodded.

"So, where are the other boys? Since you obviously know so much."I commented. "They're in the process of being tracked down at this very moment."He said.

I heard someone on his end, talking to him. "What? How is that possible? Try again."I heard, despite his attempt to speak quietly.

"Having trouble tracking me?"I asked. "Return Harry, or so help me—"I cut him off. "Listen. Jeff. I have to go. Good luck with whatever you're going to try next. Just going to help you out before you put all this effort in trying to find us.. I leave no trace. Ever. So.. Peace."I said, hanging up..

I wasn't bluffing. I leave no paper trail. Never have. Well, maybe under my original name, which was Brooklyn Daniels. I'd wanted to cut all ties with my family, so I changed my name to Brooke Waters at age 16, and had that paperwork filed away where no one could find it.. All of the friends I was with, I never let them take pictures of me or with me. It was part of my plan to abandon my old life and start new. Which, I guess is now. Even this house, is signed under a fake name. Which is Carmen Santiago. I have separate credit cards and a whole fake identity under that name. It's a huge, complicated mess. Dark web shit..

Harry was watching me. "I'm never going home, am I?"He asked. I looked at him. "Seems unlikely. But, your manager's sure not going down without a fight."I replied.

"What if you drove me somewhere, dropped me off and then once you were far away, called Jeff and told him where you left me? I won't say anything. I won't tell them your name, or even where your flat is. Please. I just want to go home."He pleaded. I sighed. "I want to.. You know that."I said, being serious.

I sat down next to him on the bed. "So then, why not? I promise not to say anything. To anyone. Ever. I don't even know your last name."He said. I shrugged. "I'll take it into consideration. I need to let things cool down though. All my friends are being arrested right now."I commented...

We talked for a little bit, and I explained to him that I was completely off the grid, and have been since I was 16. It wasn't difficult. You just cancel your debit cards, start paying for everything in cash. Erase all pictures of yourself everywhere. Delete all accounts. And, that might sound like absolute hell. But, when you hate your life as much as I did when I was living at home; it's all worth it. Besides, you get used to it...

I laid on my back, my boyfriend-tee coming up on my stomach a little. I shoved my hands through my hair.

He was watching me. "I probably can't call my mum, right?"He asked. I looked over at him. "Seems unlikely right now."I said. He sighed, but nodded..


"I was going to get some food, did you want anything?"I asked, glancing over at the time. I'd been lying on Harry's bed for the last two hours. he shrugged. "Sure."He said, standing up. He helped pull me off the bed, and stood super close to me.

"Still not going to happen."I said, patting his chest twice and walking around him..

"Oh come on. If I'm not getting out of here anytime soon, we might as well."He commented, following me down the stairs..

I laughed, putting some water on the stove. "You're funny."I commented, preparing the pasta to put in there.

"I'm not joking."He said, walking over and cutting on the tv that's hanging in one of the corners of the kitchen. He changed the channels a few times, and I told him to put channel 19 on.

"What's that?"He asked. "E News."I replied, knowing a story like this might not make it to the regular news feeds just yet.. But, I was right. A picture of the five of the boys was up on the screen..

A/N: Written 7/31/2019

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