Part 40

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>>April 27th, 2020>>

Another month went by, and they still hadn't figured us out. Well.. Until now. I woke up to banging on my bedroom door, and heard Peyton yelling. I was only wearing a bralette and a pair of underwear. Harry was naked under the covers, and had his arm wrapped around my waist, still asleep on his stomach. A second later, she burst through the door. "Brooke, oh my god!"She exclaimed, turning on the tv in my room. There it was. My 9th grade yearbook photo. I laughed, despite only just waking up.

Harry groaned, pulling the comforter over his head. Peyton briefly glanced over at him, before looking back at the tv.

"—to an expert in research. He wishes to keep his name and company's name anonymous. Here's what he had to say on the matter.."The news man explained, switching over to an audio recording of a man's voice that had been distorted, as-to disguise his identity.

"Yeah, so. I've been researching this specific case for months. Truly one of the more difficult things I've ever had to do. This young woman, is a genuine genius. She has stayed so far off the grid, the only stuff you can find on her is buried extremely deep. However, I did manage to find her real name. Had to bypass the government database for this. Her current name is Brooke Waters. Her last known address is unknown, because she paid for it in cash, and obviously used a fake name. Her last known payment for anything, was when she got her name changed. After that, everything has been kept off the books. It's impressive, actually. I'd love to have a chat with this young woman; she's highly intelligent. But anyway, I managed to hack into one of her friends' ICloud account. Here, I actually managed to dig up a semi-recent photo of her. I've emailed it to you."The man explained, and I looked over at Peyton. "It was Kai's account."She elaborated. I nodded, sitting up a little. Harry's arm slid down around my waist.

"He personally sent this to me, and I've pulled it up for all of you to see. Hopefully someone out there recognizes her, and can give us new information to help authorities locate Harry Styles."The newscaster stated, and a picture of me showed up on the screen behind him. It was actually a group photo of me, Kai and Peyton.

"As you can see, Brooke is the one in the middle. This photo was taken a little over a year ago, so it's fairly recent. If anyone has seen this young woman, or the one on her right, please call the rightful authorities, as Harry Styles is still missing. You can call any of the following numbers to report any inform—"Peyton cut the tv off, turning to face me. Her eyes landed on Harry, who was still buried under the comforter, but she could see his arm around me.

"So, what do we do?"She asked. I sighed, thinking. I shrugged. "I'll think of something, I guess. I don't know. I mean, regardless of what we do with him now, we're both getting arrested. Nearly the whole world knows our faces."I replied.

"So, should we let him go, make a run for it? Maybe go to Greenland or Australia or something?"She asked quietly. "Yes, let me go."Harry murmured, obviously still half-asleep. He rolled over onto his side, facing me, pulling himself up against me. I pulled the comforter down some, and he wrapped his arms around me, tucking his head against my neck. He had his eyes shut still.

Peyton looked at me. "Is he wearing anything?"She mouthed. I shook my head. "Lucky bitch. Ok. Well, I'm going to make coffee. Did you want any?"She asked me. "Yeah sure."I replied. "Make that two."Harry muttered, holding up two fingers. I laughed. Peyton rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, shutting the door. "Ok. Well, we should get up."I said, but his arms only tightened around me.

I sighed. "I have another idea."He murmured. "What?"I asked.. He rolled onto his back, grabbing me and pulling me on top of him so I was straddling his waist. "Wow. Ok well wait, I need to brush my teeth first."I said, getting up and running into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and peed too. I went back out, and laughed, getting back on the bed with him....

***  One week later ***

After that picture of me surfaced, people all over were saying how they'd seen me. In Colorado, Iowa, even down at the beach we started off at.. Right now, Harry is lying on top of me on the couch downstairs. I was listening to Jeff's most recent interview with the media, on my phone. "What was your first thought when the picture of Brooke surfaced?"He asked Jeff.

"Um, well you know I guess the first thing that came to mind is that I could finally put a face to the young woman who's been such a pain in the ass."He commented, making Harry laugh. "Do you think she could be Harry's type?"He questioned, and Jeff hesitated a moment. "Personality-wise? No."Jeff half-answered.

"Ok, well what about her looks?"The man asked. Jeff sighed. "I have no idea. He never really had much of a type."He replied. The man was looking at him. "Ok. Well, thank you for your time."He said, despite looking like he hadn't gotten his question answered..

"Hey, we need to go to the store. We're really running low on food. I'd go by myself but it's late out."Peyton said, walking into the room. I cut my phone off, looking over my shoulder at her. Harry was asleep on my chest, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.. It was late, probably 10PM. The stores were getting ready to close soon.

"Um. Yeah, ok we can do that. Harry."I said, and his grip around me only tightened, and he tucked his head under my chin. "Ok. Harry, I have to go to the store. We have to put you upstairs."I commented, fixing a strand of his hair that had fallen across his forehead. I glanced over at Peyton, and lifted one hand up, signaling her.. She put down her tea and walked over, grabbing Harry's arm and pulling him off the couch. He groaned, hitting the floor pretty hard. She laughed.

"Alright, let's go."I said, getting up. He slowly stood up, following me up the stairs.. I ended up tying one of his wrists to the bed, using one of my more complicated knots. I quickly brushed through my hair, keeping the outfit I had on (the one pictured).

** At the store **

We both kept our heads down, and we bought all the groceries, getting back into the car, and making it back to the house. We started unpacking it all. "Shit."Peyton said, groaning. "What?"I asked. "My birth control. I forgot to get it."She said. I looked at her. "It's under a fake name, right?"I asked. She nodded. "Ok, um I'll run back and get it really quick. You take care of Harry."I said. She nodded, putting the coffee creamer in the fridge. I grabbed the car keys, and headed back to the store.

I got to the pharmacy, and had to show her my ID, in  order to get the prescription (you can pick up someone else's stuff as long as you show an ID. And also, the person has to make you their secondary-pick up person).. I handed her my fake, which is under the name Carmen Santiago. She scanned it, and hit a few buttons. She suddenly froze, and I bit my lip, realizing they probably put out some sort of watch for that ID. I'd used it at the police station to bail Kai out.

She hit a few more buttons. "Alright, everything seems to be in order. Let me go get it for you."She said, walking down one of the isles and grabbing a bag. I looked over my shoulder, feeling my heart rate pick up. I looked back to the main counter, watching her walk back towards me with the prescription bag.

"Brooke Waters?"

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