Part 34

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It took three tries for her to pick up. "Hello?"She asked. "Mum."He said. "Harry. Oh, you're alright.. All these news streams, they just keep saying how it's been so long since you've been seen. They were saying you might not be okay. But you are."She got out, clearly almost in tears.. "Yes, I'm ok mum. How have you been? Are you holding up okay?"He asked, lying down, his arm coming around my waist. He pulled me closer to him, letting my head rest on his chest..

"No, not really. My son is being held hostage by some bloody wanker who doesn't kn—"Harry cut her off. "Mum, hey. I'm ok. She's not a wanker."He said, laughing a little, his hand tightening around my hip.

"She's there isn't she? She can hear me? Brooke, please let my boy go. Please."She commented, using my name. She must be keeping up with the news feeds.. Harry was playing with the hem of my cami, his fingers lightly dragging against my skin.. He sighed. "Mum, she can't. For many reasons. But, listen. Could you do me a favor?"He asked. I glanced up at him, and he shook his head. "Sure, anything."She stated.

"Could you get in contact with Louis' family? Let them know that he's ok too."He stated. I wasn't sure whether or not that would be an issue.. If it got out that they're now back in the same house, it could make it easier for them to find us.. Which, inevitably has to happen, and will.

"He's with you?"She asked. "Well, not right now. He's somewhere else in the flat."Harry responded, rolling onto his side, and pulling me closer to him, He had the upper hand right now. He could very easily try something that would help him escape.. But, he didn't..

"Well.. Harry. I wish you were somewhere else on today. But, Happy Birthday. You're my light in the dark, and I couldn't wish for a better son."She commented. "Thanks mum. I love you."He said. "I love you too, Harry."She replied. He sighed, hanging up.. He put the phone down on the comforter, and his arm came down around me, pulling me closer to him. I was facing him, and he had his body basically wrapped around mine. It was sort of nice. And comforting..

"Oh, by the way, I left a bite on your neck."He mumbled into my hair. "A what?"I asked, confused. "A love bite. A hickey. Whatever you want to call it."He replied. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would do that. Peyton's going to see it, even if I try and cover it up with makeup..

He had his arms tightly wrapped around my waist, and after a few minutes, I felt myself starting to fall back asleep....

***Two Hours later***

I woke up, feeling Harry's arms wrapped around me, just as they were before. I groaned, attempting to move away from him, and failing. There was a knock on the door, and I realized that's probably what woke me up in the first place.. "Mm. I have to get up."I got out, and he groaned, obviously not wanting to move.

"Brooke?! I'm coming in!"I heard Peyton shout through the door and I pinched Harry's arms, and he immediately withdrew them. I rolled over, trying to be smooth about quickly getting onto the other side of the bed.. Turns out, we were already on the edge of the bed, so I hit the floor pretty hard. "Oh god."I groaned. I heard Harry laugh, and Peyton opened the door.

"My god, what's going on in here?"She asked. "Oh, she got a little instant karma."Harry answered, rubbing his arm where I'd pinched him. I shoved a hand through my hair, sitting up.. I then remembered that he'd left a hickey on my neck. Shit.. I had no idea which side it was on. So, I couldn't cover it.

"What's up?"I asked, looking up at her. I was leaning against the side of the bed. "The news. Did you let Harry call someone?"She questioned. "Yeah, his mom. Why?"I asked. She gave me a look. "Because they know that Louis and Harry are being held together. That paints a huge target on us."She commented..

"Yeah.. Um. I mean, there's nothing we can do about it now I guess."I stated..

"Oh and, they got ahold of Kai's Instagram, which led to mine. And so, they now have a picture of me. Luckily, you still are anonymous, since you always insist on us not posting pictures of you."She explained. I nodded, thinking about it. "Ok. Well, that's the problem we need to focus on right now.. I need to go to the store today. And I was going to go bail Kai out in a week or two."I said, standing up.

"Ok, and um. We need to talk."She stated. I gave her a confused look, and she motioned out into the hall.. I followed her out there, glancing back at Harry, who was lying on the bed..

She pulled me into the bathroom, shutting the door. "What's that?"She asked, pointing at the mirror. I looked over. I brushed a hand through my hair, my eyes catching on the hickey.. I sighed, running my fingers across it. It was a pretty average sized one. "That.. Yeah.."I said, not answering her.  She rolled her eyes. "Are you sleeping with him?"She asked.

"Why do people say it like that? Just be straight with it. It's called sex, Peyton. And no, I'm not."I answered. "Well, I still feel like this is going against the contract."She stated. I laughed. "Five of our closest friends were arrested, Peyton. That contract no longer exists."I replied.. She sighed, looking at me.. "Ok. Fine.. Well, you at least have to give me details."She commented, and I laughed.

"So.. Is he like the best kisser ever? He seems like he would be."She asked, and I laughed at her change in motive. "I mean.. So far, it's been pretty good. And that's coming from me. So..."I trailed off, laughing..  "Damn. You're so fucking lucky."She commented. I shrugged.

"Ok, well we should probably go out there now."I said. She nodded, and I followed her out of the bathroom and downstairs. Harry and Louis were talking in the kitchen. "I dunno; I guess I could ask."I heard Harry comment. "Yeah, do that."Louis replied. Peyton walked in first, and I followed her.

I put my hair in a ponytail, and started making coffee. I heard Peyton talking to Louis, and Harry came up next to me. "Do you think I could call Jeff?"He asked. I looked over at him. "What? What for?"I questioned.

"I want to release my album."

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