Part 22

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He nodded in understanding, his hand coming off my waist and he reached into the pocket of my joggers. He pulled my phone out, unlocking it. I went to the settings and changed it so there would be no caller-ID. He went to the phone, dialing a number.. I hit the speaker button, and felt his arm come back around me.

"Hello?"A woman asked. His mom. "Mum. Hey."He said. "Harry, oh thank God. Where have you been? You haven't called in a while. Are you alright?"She asked.

"I'm ok. I just needed some time away from everything."He lied. "Ok, but where are you? I've been calling everyone I could think of for months. No one knows where you are."She stated. She sounded incredibly worried. As she should be.
"I.. Can't tell you."He said, running his free hand through his hair. I could tell he didn't like lying to her..

"Harry.. Why? What's going on? Did something happen?"She asked. "No, mum. Everything's ok. I'm fine."He replied. "Then why can't you tell me where you are?"She questioned.

"I'm sorry.. Mum, I've gotta call Jeff. I just wanted to let you know that I'm ok."He said. "Harry.."She trailed off. "Mum, I'm fine. I love you."He said, his grip on my waist slightly tightening. "I love you too. Please be careful. Come home, Harry."She said.

He sighed, and hung up.. "Sorry."I murmured. "It's ok. I just wanted to hear her voice."He replied, dialing another number. "You've got a good memory, knowing all these numbers off the top of your head."I commented. He laughed, hitting dial. It rung, and rung, and kept ringing. Then it went to voicemail. He hung up and called again, then again when he didn't answer.

"Who is this?"A man finally answered the phone on the fourth try. "Jeff, it's me. Harry."He said. "Damn it, where the hell have you been? Where are you calling from, this isn't your phone."Jeff commented. "I needed a break."Harry said, shifting his position a little bit..

"For six months? You could've called. Or texted. Anything. Your album, the movie deal, all the interviews.. Harry, you've missed all of it."His manager explained. "Did you release my album?"Harry asked, sounding concerned. "No, of course not. But everyone's been waiting. The movie deal fell through.. You've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars by taking your little vacation."Jeff stated.

"Ok. Ok. Um."Harry seemed to be thinking about it. "Are you ready to release the album?"Jeff questioned. Harry looked over at me.

"Give me a minute, mate."He said, putting his side of the phone on mute..

"When are you and your friends planning on releasing us?"He asked. I shoved a hand through my hair. "Honestly, I have no idea. I wasn't wanting to keep you guys for even this long."I replied. He sighed, reaching down and grabbing my hand. "Please let me go. Please."He pleaded, looking at me, lightly squeezing my hand.

"Harry.. I wish I could. I really do. It's not up to me."I said, looking up at him. "I'm sorry."I said, meeting his eyes.. He looked at me for a few seconds. He cut the phone off mute. "I can't release it yet."He said. I heard his manager sigh on the other line.

"Harry, man. What the hell is going on? If you're going through something, talk to me about it. And if you don't want to talk about it, just at least tell me where you are. There's been no pictures of you taken in six months. No one has seen you in six months.. What's going on?"He asked, sounding genuinely concerned. Harry was still holding onto my hand.

"I'm sorry.. I can't tell you."He replied.

"Where are you? Continent, country, state. Anything. Just, please. I need to know."He said. Harry looked at me. I didn't know why his manager wanted to know this. But, I knew he couldn't tell him. I shook my head. He sighed. "I can't tell you... I'm not entirely sure.."He said, his eyes locked on mine the whole time. I signaled for him to end the call.

"What's that mean, you aren't sure? Harry. Is someone with you? Did something happen? Are you on something? I need answers."Jeff expressed. "I'm sorry. I can't."Harry replied, hanging up.

I sighed. "I'm sorry."I commented quietly. "I know.. Just, talk to the others. Please. Ask them when we can go. I don't understand why we're all being held here. What's the end goal?"He asked. He still was holding onto my hand, and he pulled my arm across him, so it was lying across his bare stomach again..

My head hurt so bad, and I was still nauseous. I just wanted to go back to sleep at this point. "Honestly.. I'm not sure. The girls wanted you all to get back together.. And, the guys are just here for security."I explained. "So, you all just decided it'd be a good idea to kidnap all of us and hold us hostage for the last six months? To drug us, and tie us up. You all thought that would make us want to get the band back together?"He asked.

"I mean.. I've told you that I never thought this was a good idea.. I'd let you go if I could, believe me. But they'd be pissed at me. I have no idea what they'd do.  I'm sorry."I said.

"Why are you asking me all this? We've talked about it already.."I said, my eyes catching on the phone. He had it facing away from me. I quickly grabbed it and cursed, hitting the end button.

I could've sworn he'd hung up. But I guess he just cut it off of speaker so I wouldn't hear his manager on the other end..

"Damn it.. Why'd you have to go and do that? Now I have to go tell everyone."I said, attempting to get up. He grabbed my hand again, keeping me there.

My headache was so bad now. I sighed. "Harry. You're going to get us all arrested."I said. "No. I just want to get out of here. Please, Brooke. Let me go."He begged..

Written on July 26, 2019

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