Part 17

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"Screw good ideas."He said, his hand coming up to my jaw and he didn't hesitate to push his lips against mine. Holy shit. I couldn't breathe, thinking about how absolutely insane this was..

I turned my head, breaking the kiss, and rolled away from him, remembering I wasn't allowed to do that. "Goodnight Brooke."He said, and I felt the bed move as he laid down.. "Goodnight."I replied, trying to figure out what the actual hell just happened. Harry fucking Styles just kissed me.. And it was his idea? What..

**** Three weeks later **** (November)

Harry hasn't tried anything else; probably realized he was being delusional. And the next day I talked to him about it and told him it wasn't a good idea to do that ever again..

I just got out of the shower, and am wearing a yellow champion hoodie with some light-wash jean shorts..

I heard a knock on the door right after I'd finished my makeup, and cursed. No one was supposed to be up yet. I've been sneaking Harry back into his room before anyone else gets up. But he's still in here.. I ran out and jumped onto the bed. He woke up. "What's—"I quickly put my hand over his mouth, holding a finger to my lips. I reached down, untying his wrist from my bed. "Go into the bathroom and start the shower. Someone's up, and they probably noticed you're missing from your room."I said in a hushed tone. He was barely half-awake, having trouble comprehending what I was saying..

He slowly got up and went into the bathroom.. I sighed and walked over to the door, opening it. "Hey, what's up?"I asked, seeing Chris standing there. "Is Harry in here? He's not in his room."He asked. "Yeah, he's showering."I replied. "Niall told me something pretty interesting."He said, leaning against the doorway. "What'd he say?"I asked, shoving a hand through my hair.

"He told me that you have a thing for Harry. Which, we talked about."He stated. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah no, Harry brought that up to me and I told him it was bullshit and that I was just being nice to him. You know, 'cause he's kinda the loner of the group."I explained quietly. He laughed. "Ok, ok. Just making sure."He said. I nodded, hearing the shower running behind me..

"Ok, well I'm about to go for a run. And just to remind you, tomorrow we're switching locations again. So, start packing."He stated. I nodded, and went back into my room, shutting and locking the door back. I sighed, turning and leaning against the it.

I heard the shower cut off and a tired-looking Harry came out of the bathroom. "Is he gone?"He asked. I laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that."I replied, walking over and grabbing my phone off the desk..

I turned around, just to have him push me against the wall in one swift movement. He had my wrists lightly pinned above my head. I gave him a confused look. He was standing there, watching me.

He bent down, pressing his lips against mine. I hesitated, then realized that this was the Harry Styles, and kissed him back. Not only was it him, but he was shirtless, and I could smell his cologne, which I'd re-bought for him since he'd run out.

He let go of my wrists, and I felt him rest one his hands on my waist, and the other came up to the side of my neck..

After a few minutes, I pulled back, hearing commotion in the hallway.. He walked over, lying back down on the bed, and rolled over onto his side..

"What're you doing?"I asked. "Oh, well you told him I was showering. I'm just passing the time."He replied. I leaned against the wall. "Why'd you do that?"I asked. "What? Oh. Well, it's hard not to.. You just keep getting better. The more we talk, and the more I get to know you.. The more I like you."He said. I raised my eyebrows. "Well stop. I'm not that great. And you're.. You."I stated.

"What's that mean?"He asked, sitting up and leaning back on his elbows. "You're Harry Styles... I mean.. That's huge. You've accomplished things, and know so many powerful people. I'm me. Normal, bland, boring—"He cut me off, laughing. "You aren't boring. Or bland."He said. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure. Says Mr. face of Gucci, Co-host of the Met Gala, Actor, Singer, Song writer.. Shall I continue?"I asked.

He fell flat on his back. "But that's not me."He said, pushing his hands through his hair.

I sighed and walked over, sitting down next to where he was lying. "It's not you. But, it's what you do. And, I do stupid shit like this. And I go out drinking with my friends on weekdays, and I have to go to school.. It's just less.. Exciting."I stated, looking at him. I brought my legs up, loosely wrapping my arms around my knees.

"It's not all that exciting. I had a stalker before you guys got me. Well, a few of them.. But this one, followed me everywhere I went. I'm surprised he didn't see you all attack me."He commented. "That's not exciting."He continued.

He sat up. "And I'm constantly having people take pictures of me. I can't do something as normal as even get a smoothie, or go for a run, or go to the gym. Or even drive my cars. They're always there."He stated, looking at me. "Sorry.."I murmured, glancing up at him, meeting his gaze. "I mean, it's part of what I signed up for. I wanted to perform. I wanted to write music and share it with the world.. Music is everything to me. But that comes with its negatives."He explained..

He was watching me. "You're a good listener. I'll add that to my list of things I like about you."He said. I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Ok, well how about we focus on what you don't like about me. Name some of those."I stated.

He moved across the bed, leaning against the wall, stretching his legs out.

"Ok. Let's see..."

Sorry, sort of boring chapter. I'm trying to post everyday. But I have a calculus test tomorrow, and four more quizzes this week. So, we'll see. It gets better, I promise. <3 <3

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