Part 35🎵

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"Really?"I asked. He nodded. I shrugged, handing him my phone. Louis was watching, and I saw his eyes land on my neck. I turned back around, realizing I should've covered that up before coming down here.

"Peyton, go with him. He's calling his manager."I said, motioning for her to follow Harry, who was walking out of the kitchen.

She did, and Louis walked over, leaning against the cabinets next to me. He was watching me make the coffee. "Ok, what?"I finally asked, pouring some into a mug, adding milk and sugar..

"You've got a bite on your neck. From Harry, presumably."He stated. I shrugged, taking a sip of my coffee. "What's your point?"I asked. "The news people. They're right, aren't they? He likes you."He stated.

"That's what he keeps telling me."I answered. He nodded, thinking. "And you two.. You know."He commented, making a gesture. I shook my head. "No. And I don't plan to."I replied. He nodded again. "So, he probably hasn't tried to escape then? Since he's into you."He questioned..

"Well.. One night, I forgot to arm the security system. And I also managed to forget to lock the door to his room. So, he had a perfect opportunity, and told me about it the next morning. Instead of leaving, he got in bed with me. Because he likes to irritate me."I explained to him. He was listening so intently..

"Wow. What an idiot."He commented. A second later, "Not that you're not attractive enough for him to want to stay. That's not what I'm saying."He quickly defended. I laughed. "No, I agree. He's an idiot. He should've ran. I wish he would have."I replied. He was watching me.

"So.. You probably trust him now, huh?"He asked.. I glanced in his direction. "No. I don't trust anyone. The more he tries to prove his trust, the less I trust him."I replied. He gave me a look. "What?"I asked.

"That makes no fucking sense. That's no way to live life."He commented. I shrugged. "There's quite a bit about my life that isn't ideal, Louis. I'm holding two celebrities hostage in my home, and am weeks away from going to jail forever. My childhood fucked me up for life, and now I'm talking about myself with some guy I don't even know."I commented. He raised his eyebrows. "Your childhood? So, is that why you are the way you are?"He questioned. Who does he think he is, my therapist? Why would he think I'd tell him this stuff?

I sighed, not wanting to talk to him about this.. "I should go get my phone back from him."I said, walking out of the kitchen after setting my coffee down. Harry was in the dining room, still on the phone. Peyton was leaning against the wall, looking bored.. I walked in there, listening.

"And you're sure about that for the single?"I heard Jeff ask. The phone was on speaker. "Yes."He replied, and he turned around, having seen my reflection in the windows.. Peyton stood up, going back into the kitchen with Louis.

"Alright. So, just to make sure.. You want this released on Monday, and the rest of the album on the 18th?"He asked. "Yes."He replied, walking over to me. "Harry, are you sure you want to do this right now? Did they say they were letting you go or something?"Jeff asked. Harry wrapped his arms around me, pulling me out of view from the hallway..

"No. I just think they all have been waiting long enough for this. They should get to hear it."He said, pressing his lips into the side of my neck. I rolled my eyes. He's literally on the phone..

"Ok. Well, I'll work on getting that out. I've also had some guys try and figure out why her phone can't be traced. We have everyone trying to figure out who this girl is. She's off the grid, Harry. There's no pictures of her, no record of her even existing. Just, be careful."He commented. Harry pulled away from kissing my neck, leaning me against the wall. "Yeah, I'll ask her. I gotta go though."He said, and hung up.

He pushed his lips against mine before I could say anything, and I felt him slide the phone back into my pocket. His hands came up to either side of my face, and I kissed him back...

After a few minutes, I pulled away from him. "So, wanna tell me why no one has ever even heard of you?"He asked. "I already told you that."I stated, laughing, managing to get out of his grasp and walking out of the room. I fixed my hair, and sat on the sofa in the living room.

*** Monday ***

As soon as the single dropped, everyone on the internet/the media was freaking out about Harry releasing his new music. They didn't know if he'd been let go, or if his manager accidentally released it, or if we had forced him to release it.. But, it was absolute madness.

"Cut on channel 19!"Peyton screamed, sprinting out of the kitchen. I sighed, switching the channel, already knowing it was going to be about them..

"—situation of the still-missing Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. The two are said to be being held hostage at the same location, but for right now, those are just rumors. However, just a few hours ago, Harry Styles dropped his new single Lights Up."

"We have gotten many different reports and commentary on this subject matter. And we managed to get a quick interview with Jeff Azoff, who's Harry's current manager. Over to Katie, live from the streets of LA."The woman explained. The screen switched over to one of their other news reporters out on the street, asking Jeff questions.

"Mr. Azoff, has Harry Styles been found? Is that why his new single was finally released?"She asked. I have no idea why he stopped to talk to her, but he did.

"No. Harry is still missing."He responded. "So, did you make the decision to release the song?"She questioned. "No. That was his decision."He stated. He was making very blunt, simple statements. Smart..

"How?"She asked. He rubbed the back of his neck, and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I was in contact with him just recently. Using one of the suspects' phones."He said. "And.. Is this suspect the infamous Brooke?"She asked. "I cannot be sure of anything right now; it was a very short phone call. Harry wanted to release his music, and let me know that the suspects have not made any arrangements to release the two of them."He explained, then mentioned that he had to get going.

"So, wait. Just one more question. You say that last part, and yet we have not had it confirmed that Louis and Harry are being held together. Can you confirm that?"She questioned. He hesitated for a moment. "I can confirm that, yes."He said, then gave her a small wave and continued down the street.

Harry was standing behind me, watching.. The screen turned back to the main woman. "There you have it, straight from the mouth of Harry Styles' manager. All the confirmation we need."She stated. Her co-host sat up in his chair. "How is it that Harry was able to make this phone call, and many others? That's what I think a lot of people are confused about.. It doesn't sound like much of a hostage situation of he's being allowed to call whoever he wants."He commented..

Harry walked around the couch, sitting next to me.
"Yes, well.. It'll certainly be interesting to find out more details as the search continues. We'll discuss the matter further, after this short break."She announced, and the tv cut to commercials...

Peyton sat down on one of the chairs, glancing over at me.. "So, what's the big deal with Harry and I being in the same flat? Who cares?"Louis asked. He was lying on the other couch, a blanket draped over him. He looked better then when he first had gotten here. I'd let him shave, and cut his hair for him too..

"Well, it makes them easier to find you if both of y'all are together."I stated. "Did you just say.. Y'all?"Harry questioned. I looked over at him. "Fuck off. I was raised in the south."I replied, hitting his arm. He laughed. "Wow."He said, watching me.. I rolled my eyes, focusing my attention back on Louis.

He was staring at us. Observing, watching, listening..

I hated that.

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