Part 38

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Four more days went by. It was around three in the afternoon, and I'm wearing a cropped long-sleeve tee, with grey sweatpants.. I'd gone for a run, so I just got out of the shower, and Peyton went to take one.. I sighed, shoving a hand through my hair and going downstairs. Louis and Harry were sitting on separate couches, talking. "Are you joking? Harry, now's our chance. They're not around. We talked about this."I heard Louis say in a hushed tone.

"I can't.. Louis, I know that was the plan. But.. I can't leave her."Harry replied. I rolled my eyes. "Why? Why the hell are you so fucking obsessed with this girl? She kidnapped us. She drugged us. She's been holding us hostage for almost a year. A year, Harry."Louis commented. Harry sat up, and I quickly moved behind the wall, out of sight.

"She's made me see things in a different way. All I want to do is be around her. To take in her presence, her thoughts, her beauty. She's such an incredible person, Lou."He replied. So.. My plan had worked.

"Harry, what the hell are you talking about? She's a fuckin' sociopath. They both are. I'm going. Ok? I have to get out of here while I still have the chance. You need to stop being delusional and come with me."Louis commented, and I heard him stand up.

"I'm not going."Harry said. "Fine. Mate, it's your deathbed. As soon as I can, I'll send someone. I know where you are."He said, and he ran out of the living room, and I watched him run out the front door without looking back. And.. I didn't stop him..

There wasn't a need to stop him. We'd have to move
locations again. But, as per usual, I'm one step ahead of them. I walked into the living room. Harry jumped up out of his seat, looking guilty.

"I let him leave. I heard everything, saw him run out the door. There's no need to keep him any longer. But, you should've gone too."I said. He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him. "What're you doing to me?"He murmured. I looked up at him. "What do you mean?"I asked.. "I should want to leave. My life is waiting for me. I have a tour to schedule. My family is out there.. And yet, I want to stay. With you. Why? How?"He asked quietly, gently caressing my cheek. "Don't you see it? This was all part of my plan. My revenge.."I trailed off, meeting his gaze.

"You've got ice in your veins, you know that?"He asked, and I smirked. "Yes, I do know that. Now, go pack your bag. We're heading to Indiana."I stated, motioning for him to go upstairs.

Within thirty minutes, I'd wiped the house of fingerprints, and cleaned it as best as I could. Peyton was mad at me for letting Louis go. But, she also seemed pretty relieved about him not being her responsibility anymore. "Ok. Um, so where are we going now?"She asked when we packed the car up. I made Harry wear a sweatshirt, and pulled the hood up as he walked out to the car. Just in case anyone was watching..

"Uh, I thought we'd go to Indiana. I'm renting a place there now."I commented. She nodded, getting in the passenger seat. And then we started our drive...

 And then we started our drive

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*** Seven hours later ***

We got to the new house, which was actually pretty nice for the price I paid to rent it. Peyton made me buy her brown hair-dye, so that she could go out in public without being recognized from her picture in the news.. Oh, and Louis had already gone to the media. There's dozens of stories out there. The cops had raided the old house, and found Harry's DNA somewhere. But, no Harry.

I turned on the tv, sitting on the couch. Louis was being interviewed by a young news woman. They'd already introduced him and summarized the last few months.

"So, Louis. You managed to get out of there. How?"The woman questioned. "I just walked out."He replied. "And.. No one tried to stop you? There wasn't any extra security measures?"She asked, seeming surprised. "Not during the day, no. Usually they're around to watch us, but they had both went upstairs to shower. So, I took my opportunity and ran."He explained. "And.. We haven't heard anything about Harry Styles. I assume he escaped with you, and has chosen to stay away from the media?"She asked.

Louis seemed to hesitate, and he glanced off screen, before looking back to her. "No. He didn't."He commented. She seemed surprised, and glanced down at her notes. "I see.. And, um. Why not?"She asked. Louis was really hesitating now, and seemed not to want to say the real reason..

He muttered something, and sat back up, looking at her. "He didn't want to leave."He stated. Peyton looked at me, raising her eyebrows. I winked, and she smiled, shaking her head.

"What do you mean by that?"The woman questioned, putting her script down on the desk, completely ignoring it.

"I mean, I fucking yelled at him, trying to get him to understand today was our only chance to get the hell out of there. And he said no, that he wouldn't go with me."He elaborated, running his hands through his hair, obviously frustrated. "He forced me to leave him there, and apparently the police went to the house and they were already gone."He stated, now seeming upset with himself, for abandoning Harry here..

"Why didn't Harry want to leave?"She asked, glancing off the screen. Someone was probably telling her to stay on script. But, this was apparently more interesting to her.

He sighed, fixing his hair again. "Uh, well. He's crazy, and delusional."Louis answered, making me laugh. Harry threw his arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

The woman gave him a confused look. "Could you.. Elaborate on that?"She asked. "He wouldn't leave, because he wanted to stay there."He stated, then looked at her. "With Brooke."He concluded. Her jaw basically dropped to the floor. "Wow. So.. He said that? That's what he told you?"She asked, moving to the edge of her seat..

"Yeah. I asked him why the hell he was so obsessed with her, after everything she'd done. And he gave me this total crap answer about how "amazing" she is. I have no idea what's gotten into him."He explained. "Wow.. And, you had no idea he was into her?"She asked. "I mean.."He trailed off, hesitant.

"I guess I should've seen it. He was always all over her, all the time. They still slept in the same bed, she let him call his mum and his manager on occasion.. I don't know, they were pretty close I guess. I think it really surprised me when he said he didn't want to leave though. I mean, it's been eight months. I have no idea why on earth he'd want to s—"He stopped mid-sentence, and seemed to be putting something together in his head. The woman was watching him, waiting.. "No.."Louis murmured. He knew. He'd put it together.

"I'm sorry, I should probably go. I think I've said more than enough."He commented out of the blue. "No, what is it? You look like you just saw a ghost."She asked him. "Yeah, uh. I don't know. I probably shouldn't speak on it. But, if you have any questions involving other matters, we can talk about those."He said. She looked at him. "You sure? Nothing you maybe want to.. Get out there? It may help the authorities understand the situation better."She tried, obviously wanting to hear what he had to say. Peyton looked at me, but I was watching the screen.

"Ok. Well, I guess what I was thinking. Was that it didn't make sense for him to be so obsessed with her. But, I don't know. They did seem rather close, and I'd seen some stuff when I was there. And heard it. And, I think maybe.."He hesitated. She motioned for him to continue..

"I think maybe he genuinely likes the girl."

I have absolutely no idea where I'm taking this story. But, I like it. So, hopefully anyone who's reading it is enjoying it. Thanks for reading <3 <3

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