Part 30

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I woke up, attempting to roll over. I felt someone's arm around my waist, keeping me where I was. I groaned. "How did you get in here?"I asked, recognizing his scent.

"Mm. You didn't lock my door last night. This is my way of proving to you that you can trust me."He replied, resting his chin on the top of my head. I was lying on my side, directly next to him, and had my head on his chest. Yes, he was wearing a shirt, thankfully.

"Why would this mean I could trust you?"I questioned. "Because, you also didn't arm the security system. I could have left and ran to safety."He explained. "And instead, you came in here to bother me."I commented, trying to pull his arm off of me. "No, listen.. I could have left. But I didn't. I stayed. You can trust me not to go run off and tell anyone."He said. I rolled my eyes. "Why didn't you just leave then? You had the chance."I stated.

"I dunno.. I guess I would rather have gotten to wake up next to you this morning."He answered. I scoffed. "Could you stop flirting with me? It's weird."I said, managing to get out of his grasp and getting up. I was wearing a sports bra and Nike joggers.

He sat up, leaning against the pillows, watching me walk into the bathroom..

I shut the door, peeing and brushing my teeth.. I walked back out, and he was still sitting there. "God, can't you just leave already?"I asked. I wish he would've left last night.. Then I would be out of this mess. "No. Come here."He said, patting the spot next to him. I gave him a look. "Please."He added. I sighed, and walked over, climbing onto the bed and sitting next to him.

"When will they be here?"He asked. I shrugged. "Maybe two or three days.. She's got to take the long way.. And it's just Louis. We don't know where Kai is with Zayn."I explained. He nodded. "Has my mum tried to call you?"He asked. I pulled my phone out, turning it on.

"Yeah. Like six times. You're damn manager won't stop calling either."I said, shutting the phone off again. I set it down on the bed-side table, and turned back to face him. He immediately kissed me, and I pushed both hands against his chest, forcing him away from me. "My god, what the hell Harry?"I asked, moving away. He moved back towards me. "Oh come on. What's the harm in it?"He asked. "A lot of things. You can't just throw yourself at a girl, and expect her to reciprocate. Especially not me. I don't do well with that."I replied..

"Why not?"He asked. "That's no one's business. Now, I'm going downstairs."I said, moving to get up. He stopped me, grabbing my hand before I could get off the bed.

"Wait. Please tell me."He commented. "No."I responded.. "Does it have to do with your ex? Shawn?"He questioned. I gave him a look, extremely confused for a moment. "I was drunk.. Oh god. I told you about him. Damn it."I commented, running my hands through my hair. "I wouldn't do that to you, ok? Not all guys are like that."He stated, his tone gentle. "Ok, well that's pretty hard to believe, especially when you throw yourself at me like that."I replied.

He sighed. "I'm sorry.. Can I be just honest with you?"He asked. "I'd prefer if you wouldn't, actually."I replied. He grabbed my hand again, before I could get up..

"I have feelings for you. Ok. Real, living feelings. And I don't think it's because you're the only girl I've seen in the last eight months.. I like you, a lot."He explained. I sighed, honestly really hating that this was happening to me..

"You're hormones just have no other place to go. So they're building up and you're directing all of your feelings towards me. Again, it's basic psychology. Or biology."I commented.. He groaned. "Brooke, stop with the psychology references. This isn't that."He said.

"Well then prove it."I said. "How?"He questioned. I shrugged. "I'll do some research today, and figure something out."I replied, pulling my hand free and walking out of the room, after grabbing my phone.


"How's your research coming?"Harry asked, sitting down on the other living room chair. I shrugged. "Supposedly you could have raised levels of a few different hormones, based on your diet, and your level of exercise."I replied. "I workout as much as I used to though, so it can't be that."He said. "And your diet?"I questioned.

"I mean.. You've forced me to stop drinking coffee. So if anything, that made me healthier."He commented. I sighed. "Ok well, you don't like me. So, just admit it already."I said. He was watching me. "I can't. Because I do like you. And I don't say that to just anybody. It takes me a lot to actually be interested in someone."He explained, getting up and walking over. He took a seat next to me, facing me.

"Ok, so then what's it going to take for you to get over your little crush or whatever?"I asked. "I can't just get over it.. Brooke, I feel this way about you, because you're an amazing person, and I love being around you.. You really don't feel anything towards me?"He asked, grabbing my hand and holding onto it with both of his hands.

"I can't. I just.. It's against the rules."I admitted. "Rules? What rules?"He asked, confused. "When my friends and I agreed to do this, we made a contract with all these different rules and whatnot. The whole relationship, feelings thing.. Breaks rule number four.. So, I can't feel anything towards you."I explained to him. "Ok, but in this weird contract thing, did it say that if four of you got arrested, and the whole plan fell apart, that the contract would be void?"He questioned. I looked at him, raising my  eyebrows. "I've signed a few contracts."He stated. I nodded, thinking..

"I mean.."I trailed off, groaning and running my free hand through my hair. "It still isn't ok."I commented. "Ok, well.. Do you have any feelings for me? At all?"He asked. I looked at him, observing his stunning green eyes.. "I mean..."I sighed, and saw the light in his eyes change. "So then there shouldn't be any hesitation."He said. "Harry.. I'm not like that. Ok? It takes me a while to trust people. I hate that, but it's how I am. I don't just, pick someone and have sex with them right away. I don't—"I stopped my own sentence. He was listening so intently, it freaked me out a little.

"Hey, we don't have to do anything you don't want to. That's not what this is about. Ok?"He questioned.. I was searching his eyes, trying to pick up on the energy coming off of him right now. I couldn't tell if he was lying to me or not.. He could just be trying to gain my trust so I let him go. But, he had his chance last night...
"It's just all too confusing."I admitted.

"Hey, listen. It's not confusing. It's me. And you. That's it. There's nothing else. Stop overthinking it."

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