Part 43

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It took about four hours of Jeff on and off the phone, with so many different people, I lost count. He came back in, shutting the door behind him. He looked at Peyton. "I didn't clear your name, but I didn't tell them where we are right now. So, you're fine for now. Now, you." He started, his eyes landing on me. I was lying on the couch. Harry was asleep, halfway on top of me, his arms around my waist, his head on my chest..

"I did absolutely everything that I could. They told me that your name couldn't be cleared just because Harry requested it and he dropped any possible charges. You were involved in not only his kidnapping, but four others' as well. So, I called all four of them, convinced them to drop all charges against you. They then had to call in and say that they did that. After about two hours of arguing over this, six-out-of-seven continents have cleared your name." He explained. I let out a breath, thinking over it. "Let me guess, Europe?" I asked. "Actually, it's Australia. Which is kinda ironic considering that's where you are." He said.

"However, you are still despised by just about everyone out there. And there's not much you can do about that, given what you did." He expressed. "Yeah, I figured as much." I commented. He looked at Harry, who was still asleep.

"Harry." He said. Harry groaned, his arms slightly tightening around me before loosening again. "Harry." Jeff repeated. "What, Jeff? I'm sleeping." He murmured, his voice raspy.

"It's done. She's been pardoned of her crimes. So, let's go." He stated. Harry didn't move. Jeff sighed. "I just spent four hours doing this for you, because you said if I did this, you'd come with me." He stated. Harry was obviously still half-asleep. I had my arms around him, loosely resting on his lower back. "I said it was the only way I'd leave. I didn't say when." Harry commented, and I watched Jeff's reaction. He looked from Harry, to me.. "Get up. Now. I did not just do all of that, for you to spend more time here with her." He demanded, obviously getting annoyed.

"Ok, well it's going to get out that I wanted her to be pardoned for her crimes, and all this other shit. So, it's best to let that cool off a little." Harry stated, finally opening his eyes and turning his head the other way so he could see Jeff. "Ok, well you need to make a statement to the press that you've been released." He said. Harry glanced up at me. "Ok. When?" He asked.

"Now, preferably."He replied. Harry turned his head back so it was facing the couch, and shut his eyes again. "Harry." Jeff said. "Later. I'm busy." He said.
I sighed, looking over at Jeff.

"If you're staying, you can room with Peyton. She's right next door, and probably won't care. She's got a sofa pullout thing in there." I said. He looked at me, sighing. "I need to stay where I can see him, to make sure you don't run off again." He responded. I rolled my eyes. "I'm tired of running. I'm just offering you a clean bed, and a place to stay." I said.

"And you probably don't want to be in here with us." Harry murmured. I laughed. "That too." I said, looking back to Jeff, who looked annoyed and disgusted. "Fine." He muttered, hesitantly walking out of the room and shutting the door back behind him..

I glanced down at Harry, then looked back to the tv, which was playing an earlier episode of Friends. "You could leave and just not go out in public. That's not why you're staying." I commented. He didn't open his eyes, or show any sign that he'd heard me.

After a few minutes, he sighed. "I want you to come with me." He said, confusing me. "Harry.. I'm not.." I sighed, trying to think. "I can't go with you." I stated, knowing there was no way in hell I'd go with him. It's not like we're dating..

"Why not?" He asked. "Because, why would I?" I responded. He shrugged a little. "I dunno. I mean, I like you a lot. I assume you have some feelings for me. I want to continue this." He commented.

"This was never even supposed to happen, Harry. We kidnapped you. You're supposed to hate me." I replied. He sat up. "Well, I don't." He stated.

He kissed me, his hands coming up to my face.. I kissed him back, but only for a few seconds, before pulling back. "Will you please come with me? Back to London? I mean, you can't exactly stay here. Australia still didn't pardon you." He commented, and I sighed. "I know.. But, I have to stay with Peyton." I replied. "She can come too." He said, and I laughed. "And stay with us? No, I wouldn't do that to her. She'd probably feel really uncomfortable being around us 24/7." I commented, and he seemed to take a moment to think about it..

"Well... I could rent her a place of her own. Like, near mine, so you could visit her. She'd have to keep wearing her colored contacts and dyeing her hair, but, personally I think she looks better with her brown hair anyway. So.. What do you say? Will you come with me?" He questioned, and I hesitated.

"I can't give you an answer right now. I'll talk about it with Peyton tomorrow. But.. I think it's a good idea. As long as I'm near her." I replied, watching as his dimples appeared..

"That's good enough for me."

Sorry it took me so long to post this part. I stopped writing this story a while back, since I got busy with my other stories. But, here you go. <3 <3

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