Part 4

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I looked at Kai, who seemed to be thinking about it. Send me into Zayn's room? Chris can barely go in there because it just makes Zayn more angry..

"Sure, ok. Brooke.."Kai commented, looking at me. I raised my eyebrows. "Take him his lunch and this water. We still need to keep him sedated so there's some in the drink. Go for it, good luck."Chris stated as he came up the stairs. I hesitated, before taking the drink and sandwich from him..

I walked down the hall, pausing outside his door. He was still screaming to be let out, at the top of his lungs, followed by many, many curse words..

I sighed, and unlocked the door, walking in. His restraints were even heavier than Liam's..

I shut the door back behind me, but didn't move. "Zayn?"I called out over his screaming. But he just kept screaming at me. I sighed, and set the sandwich and drink down, walking over. I hesitated, before bending down next to him and setting my hand down on his shoulder. He went rigid, and I saw bruises all over his legs and arms. Chris has been hitting him. I didn't know that..

"Hey, it's ok.. It's ok. He's not here, it's just me."I said, trying to keep myself calm. He was drenched in sweat, probably from his body fighting all the drugs, along with hours and hours of pulling on the restraints..

"Get out.. Unless you're here to let me out of here, I don't want anything from you."He spat out, obviously extremely pissed off. I sighed, and sat down. "Ok. Ok. I know. Um. I brought you some food. You've got to be starving from all the.. Struggling."I commented quietly..

"I don't want anything. You always fill it with more drugs. Just let me the fuck out of here, now."He stated, pulling on the restraints some more..
"Can I take off your blindfold?"I asked. He stopped struggling, his head moving in my direction. "Yes, take it off.. Please."He commented. "Ok. Ok. Just.."I trailed off, moving closer to him and untying the blindfold. I pulled it off and moved a little bit away from him. He kept his eyes shut for about a minute and a half as his eyes tried to adjust to the bright lights.

When he finally opened them, he looked at me, blinking a few times. "Will you eat?"I asked, motioning over to the plate I'd left by the door..

"No. It's drugged. I'm not an idiot."He stated. I nodded, but got up anyway. I brought the plate back over. "Um.. The sandwich is fine. It doesn't have anything in it.. It's the water that he puts it in.. But I'm gonna go get you a new glass. I promise it won't have anything in it."I said, and he looked at me.

"Why?"He asked. I stood up, giving him a confused look. "Why.. What?"I asked. "Is this some sort of trick to get the drugs in my system?"He questioned. I shook my head. "I'll be right back."I said, walking out of the room. I could hear everyone downstairs. They were playing a drinking game.. I went into the bathroom, and grabbed two of the small paper cups that are in there. I filled them with water and quickly went back to the room, shutting the door back behind me..

Zayn looked up at me, from his position on the floor. He'd taken a few bites from the sandwich. "What's with the multiple cups? Is this some sort of test or something?"He asked.. Chris has obviously tricked him multiple times..

"No. No. I just, couldn't go downstairs. I didn't want them to know I was giving you normal water. But, I promise it's clean."I said. He gave me a look. "Prove it."He stated, obviously trying to call my bluff.

I rolled my eyes and took a few sips from both cups. "See? Clean."I said. He hesitated, before nodding. I walked over, and helped him drink what was left in both the cups. "Thank you."He said. I nodded, giving him a small smile. He sighed, pushing his head back against the wall..

"Your boyfriend's a real asshole, you know?"He asked. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about Chris. He's only met Chris and I..

I laughed. "Oh, no. He's not my boyfriend."I replied. He looked at me. "That's good. Cause if he was I'd tell you to get the hell out of that.. You're too nice for that piece of shit."He said, eating more of his sandwich.

"What's going on here, though? I mean, why the hell am I here?"He asked.. "Oh. Um. I'm actually not allowed to say."I replied. He nodded. "What's your name?"He asked. "Brooke."I answered. "Ok. Well, Brooke. I'm gonna need you to get me out of here."He stated. I looked at him. "I can't do that. But, I'll try to keep them from giving you more drugs. You just.. Have to be more quiet.. The better you behave, the quicker you'll be.. Released.. I think."I said, hesitantly..

"I've gotta go though."I said, standing up and walking towards the door.. "By the way that sandwich is disgusting."He commented. I laughed, turning around. "Chris made that. I'll make you one next time."I said. "Oh, wait."I said, walking back over and picking up the blindfold. "Please don't."He commented, ducking away from me when I moved towards him..

"I have to. I'm sorry. They can't know I took it off."I said. He looked at me. "Fine.."He muttered, sitting still as I tied it back around his head and fastened his restraints back to their tightened positions...

Now onto Louis...

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