Part 9

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I got up there, and didn't even see Chris. My eyes immediately landed on Harry. He was on my bed, his wrists tied above his head, connected to one of my bed posts..

"Uh.. Chris?"I asked, and he popped out of the bathroom. "What?"He asked, when I didn't say anything more..

"What's going on? I thought he was going back in his room."I stated. "No, he was. But then I decided to wait until he woke up. I'm so sick of carrying these guys around."He commented. "Ok, well I don't want to sleep up here with him. That's weird."I stated. He looked at me, rolling his eyes. "You'll be fine. You know self-defense, you took down two of those guys, one of them being Zayn."He said.

I gave him a look. "Ok, but I don't want to sleep next to him. I feel like that's invading his privacy, or personal space or something."I stated.. He rolled his eyes, again. "Brooke. Get over it. He's staying up here. Besides, he'll probably be out 'til morning."He said, walking towards the stairs. "And if he's not?"I asked. "Then.. Talk him down. I gotta go. Have fun."He said. I sighed, glancing over at Harry..

He still had blood running down his face, so I cleaned that up, and put two pieces of tape across the bridge of his nose to help "re-set" the bone(s).. I decided to do the same to Louis, and went downstairs, remembering I was supposed to tie them all up..

I did all that, and then left, locking the door to the bunk-room and going back upstairs.
At that point, it was around two in the morning.. Time flies when you have to tie a ton of complicated knots..

I showered, pulling on a pair of plaid pajama pants and a black camisole.

I walked back out, doing my best to ignore the unconscious celebrity in my bed. Well, technically he wasn't in it, just on it..

I convinced myself to go to sleep, and shut off all the lights.....


I woke up the next morning, and out of habit, put my hair into a ponytail while still half-asleep. I felt the bed move next to me, and went still, remembering Harry was there..

I rolled over and sat up. He was just sitting there, watching me.. "How long have you been awake?"I asked. "Oh only about four hours or so.. You know, you talk in your sleep."He commented. "Yeah, so I've been told."I replied, making sure he was still tied up..

"Anyway, I'm gonna go get Chris. He's gonna take you back downstairs."I explained, pulling the sheets off of me and standing up. "This might sound weird. But, do you have makeup on?"He asked. I gave him a confused look, almost laughing. Who sleeps with makeup on?

"No. I don't.. Why?"I asked, realizing I probably don't look that great. I've gotten used to how I look with mascara, and now I hate it when I don't have it on.. "No reason."He replied.. I slowly nodded, turning and walking down the stairs.

I knocked on Chris' door, and heard him groan inside, so I opened it. "Harry's up. Come get him out of my room. He was watching me sleep for the last four hours."I stated. He ran his hands over his face and through his hair, slowly sitting up in bed.. "Did he tell you that you sleep-talk?"He asked. "How'd you know he said that?"I questioned, briefly covering my eyes as he got out of bed and put on shorts..

"I didn't. But you talk a lot in your sleep, especially in the mornings."He explained, following me up the stairs. "That's great.. Ok, um. Take him downstairs. I'm going back to sleep forever."I said, jumping back on the bed and pulling the still-warm sheets over my head...

"Alright, I'll take him downstairs and then I'll be back to join you."He stated jokingly. "Shut up."I replied, hearing him untying Harry. "Let's go."Chris said, and I felt the bed move as he got up....


After a few hours, I heard someone come up the stairs.. "Get out."I groaned into the pillow. I heard Chris laugh. "The boys want to talk to you."He said. I rolled over, pulling the sheets off of me and sitting up. "Why?"I asked, glancing over at the clock.


"Because they hate us, and Kai and Peyton still aren't back."He explained. "Where are they?"I asked, getting up and going into the bathroom to brush my teeth..

He appeared in the doorway a second later. "I don't know. Dylan and them went out drinking last night."He said. I finished brushing my teeth and fixed my ponytail, glancing up in the mirror.

"Can I ask you something?"

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