Part 13

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"Did you want to put more clothes on?"I asked. He shrugged. "I'm alright like this. But if it's bothering you.."He trailed off..

"No, it's fine.. Okay. So, did you just want it trimmed?"I asked..

I moved closer to him, and checked the length of his hair with my fingers. "Yeah, just, how it was earlier this year. How it was in June, that was good. If you know what that looked like. It was sort of, here."He explained, showing me the length. "Ok. Yeah, no I remember that.. Just.. Keep your head straight."I said, gently moving his head down..


After making sure it was even, I took a step back, observing my work, seeing that the back matched up right. "Ok. Um, what am I missing? Oh!"I exclaimed, opening the cabinet under the sink and grabbing a bag.

I stood back up, making sure to keep my eyes leveled away from him in the process.

"What's that?"He asked. "I got your products."I said, setting the bag down on his lap, since there was no counter space. I grabbed one of the containers and opened it. "Ok, head straight."I stated, and he did as I said.. I put some of the product onto my palm, and combed it through his hair with my fingers.. I was standing somewhat between his legs, and realized how easily he could hurt me if he wanted to..

"Alright. I'm done."I said, taking a step back, and to the side. He stood up, turning around. "Wow."He said, running his hand through it..

He checked my work, obviously surprised I didn't fuck it up. I was also glad I didn't, cause everyone knows his hair is a huge part of him..

He looked over at me. "That's impressive."He commented.. "Alright. Time for you to put clothes on."I stated, moving past him back into my room..

After a few minutes, he came back out, but still didn't have a shirt on. Just his athletic shorts.

"What's going on?"I asked. He leaned his back against the wall again. "Nothing, you can take me back downstairs now."He said, grabbing the rope off the desk and tossing it to me. I caught it. "No, you're acting weird."I stated. He shrugged. "I'm being held hostage by a group of teenagers.. Not really a mood-lifter."He commented.

"Two things. One, you're acting different from how you've been acting these last three months. And two, none of us are teenagers. I'm only four years younger then you."I said, and he was just standing there watching me. It was weird to see him without his shirt on, just talking to me super casually. I know, we've been doing that for three months. But it's just weird to think about. I mean.. This is Harry Styles.

"So. that makes you 21. How old's Chris and the rest of them?"He asked. "Uh, let's see.. Chris is 23. Evan is 26, Adam is.. I think he's 24. Kai is recently 22, and Peyton is 21, like me. Oh, and Dylan is also 26."I explained. He nodded, thinking. "So most of you are slightly younger than the boys and I."He stated. I nodded. "So, you're the youngest?"He asked, seeming surprised. I laughed. "Yes."I said.

"You don't act like it."He replied. I shrugged. "Was forced to grow up fast I guess."I stated.

"May I sit?"He asked, motioning to the bed. I shrugged and moved over some.. He walked over, sitting down..

"So, what's on your mind?"I asked, glancing over at the drawer next to my bed, where the gun was..

He looked at me. "I want to see the guys."He commented. I moved so I was lying down, putting some pillows behind me so I was still sort of sitting up.. "Yeah, that's not really up to me.."I said.. "Besides, when we first put them all together, they got together and tried to get out of here.. Luckily y'all are outnumbered, and out-powered."I stated.

"Oh really? You think so?"He asked jokingly, leaning back on his elbows. He looked over at me. "I know so. I took down Zayn and Louis, all on my own."I explained. He gave me a look, obviously not believing me. "I'm serious! I mean, they weren't at their full strength, and I had the element of surprise. But, still. I'm highly skilled."I stated. "Uh huh, sure."He replied, looking around the room some.

"This is nice in here. Much nicer then the sofa I have."He commented. "Yeah, sorry about that. The boys took all the beds. But I mean, you've got the most space and privacy."I replied.

He rolled his eyes, giving me a look. "Space and privacy isn't exactly ideal in this situation."He said. I shrugged. "Better then it could be. We could've been like the kidnappers in a lot of stories, where they lock you in a dark, cold basement with mold and spiders."I said. "Sorta feels like that after a while."He stated..

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?!"I called out. "It's Chris! Open up!"He exclaimed from the other side. I stood up. I glanced over at Harry, not wanting to turn my back to him. "I'm not moving."He commented, holding his hands up in a trusting gesture.. I decided to give him another chance, and walked over to the door, unlocking and opening it a little bit.

Chris was standing there, and I saw Niall standing against the opposite wall. I was so glad that I hadn't opened the door all the way. I glanced over my shoulder. Harry was still on the bed, but had moved so he was lying flat on his back..

I looked back at Chris. "What's up?"I asked, briefly glancing at Niall..

"It's time."

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