Part 39

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A/N: I'm not gonna lie, this chapter is tying up extra details. So I'll probably post part 40 along with it, and that one should be more interesting. Thanks for reading! <3

"I think maybe he genuinely likes the girl. I mean, they were sleeping together. I just can't believe he'd have actual feelings for her."He stated, and the interviewer was obviously extremely interested in that.

"Really now? So, wait.. Ok, so you think they were sleeping together, just because he didn't want to leave? And that he liked her a lot because of that?"She asked, not getting any of it it right at all.

"No. That's not.. No."Louis commented. "He was obsessed with her. And I mean, she was pretty. But, still. I just don't get it.. I saw her multiple times around the house with bites on her neck, and that definitely wasn't from me. And I definitely heard some sh.."He trailed off, realizing he was taking it too far. He was probably referring to hearing Harry and I have sex that one night. I'd forgotten he was in the next room over.. I still hate that I didn't realize that he was that close to us. But, at this point there really isn't anything I can do about that.

"And so.. Do you believe that Harry would rather stay there, with Brooke.. Then be out here, where he can continue on with his life?"She asked.

Harry was still holding me close to him, his arm had slid down around my waist.. "Honestly.. I have no idea. After today, I don't think I know who he is. I mean, he was totally delusional to stay there another minute. Crazy." Louis answered. Wow..

Harry tensed up at that, and I knew it got to him to hear his long-time bandmate say that.

"Alright, well.. Do you think you could give us any more details about Brooke? What she looks like, acts like? I think everyone wants to know, and anything would be helpful to the people who are trying to find her. Cause, you know, she's completely off the grid. So, no one knows who she is."She questioned, reading off of her script again..

"I mean, I already gave the police a description. But.. Brown hair, blue eyes. Probably like.. 5'4. She couldn't be more than maybe 120 [ lbs ] tops.. I guess she's sort of got a tan. She's in pretty good shape. Like, athletic wise.. She could take on all five of us boys at the same time. You wouldn't think she could, just by looking at her. But, that girl's got skill."He commented, and I smirked. "So, what was she like? Like.. Her personality."The woman asked him.

"Uh.. I mean.."He hesitated, glancing off screen. It almost looked like he wasn't sure which questions he was allowed to answer.. "I guess she was nice, most of the time.. Could hold a conversation. She mentioned to me at some point, she'd had some issues in her childhood that messed her up. But, she seems pretty normal other than the whole kidnapping thing. I honestly don't know that much about her though. She's not very open at first. She seems closer with Harry. I think they must talk a lot more than I ever talked to her. But.. Yeah. I dunno. She was interesting, I guess. Totally batshit crazy, but interesting."He explained. "Love that."I commented, and Peyton laughed. "What?"Harry asked.

"Being called crazy."I answered. He gave me a confused look, his hand still resting against the bare skin on my waist. "I mean.. Have you ever been called weird?"I asked. He shrugged. "Sure."He stated. "So, it's like that. When someone calls you weird.. At first, it makes you self-conscious. But then, you realize, it's so much better to be weird, than to be labeled normal, or to not even be thought of as any different then the next person."I explained.

He nodded, thinking about it. "I mean.. I guess in a way you are insane."He said, looking over at me. I saw a look flicker through his eyes, and laughed. Peyton coughed, and I glanced over at her. "Sorry to interrupt y'alls little moment. But, they're talking about you."She said, motioning at the screen.. I looked over at it, trying my hardest to ignore the vibe I was getting from Harry.

"Police have been investigating this matter for a few months now. We've been told they've been having a hard time figuring out who Brooke is. They spoke to us this morning, and said they think they're getting closer to learning her real identity. As of right now, inside sources have told us that they went through school records of the other suspects, and narrowed down the list of people named Brooke. That trail went cold, however. So, from that, we can conclude that the search for her identity is no closer then it was at the beginning of this."The news woman stated. Louis had left already.

"But what would make her so hard to find? I mean, how can this girl be on nobody's radar. Alright, how about this.. Anyone who was friends or acquaintances with the other two girls, Peyton and Kai.. If there's anyone out there who knows these girls, and has seen someone with them, who matches Brooke's description, call in. Let's see what we get from that."She said, looking over at her co-host.

I glanced over at Peyton. "Who knew that the one to find me out, would be some woman who hosts a tv show."I commented, then heard the phone ringing on the tv. The host put it on speaker. "This is Channel 19 E! News, you're live on the air with Kaitlin."She announced. "Yeah, hi. Um, I went to high school with Peyton and Kai. And I actually remember this third girl who was in their little clique. She matches the description."The girl stated. "Fuck that bitch."Peyton murmured.

"Do you know who that is?"I asked. She nodded. "Carly Summers. She hated us."She commented. I laughed. "I was nothing but nice to that girl. She's the one with the red curly hair, right?"I asked. She nodded..

"So, you know Brooke?"Kaitlin asked. "I mean, her name was Brooklyn. Brooklyn Daniels I think."She explained. "But, I don't think they'll be able to find her under that name. She got her name legally changed when she was 16. I don't remember what last name she goes by now. But, she went kind of crazy after her parent's divorce, and decided to go off the grid."Carly explained. I bit my lip, vividly remembering my parents' divorce. I'd changed everything about myself just to ensure they'd never be able to find me. I of course still sometimes talk to them, and I speak to my sister. But that's it. None of them know where I am or what my name was changed to.

"Wow. So there's the name. We can probably get a picture from that, right?"Kaitlin said. "Oh, well no. Brooklyn, or Brooke I guess, made sure there's no current pictures of her out there, anywhere. The only ones you'll find are old, and she's changed quite a bit in the last five years."Carly commented. "Really? So you've seen her recently?"The woman asked. "Yes, maybe a year ago. Before all this went down. She was out with Peyton and Kai, and some of her other friends. They were all drinking at the bar I work at."She said. My jaw dropped, and I saw Peyton had the same expression.. She'd been there the night we decided to do this whole thing.

"And?"Kaitlin pressed on. "Oh. Well I mean, she was drunk, so I don't think she recognized me when I took her drink order at the bar. But, she was very nice to me. Gave good tips. Looked.. Amazing. She really glowed-up even more after high school. I don't think she'd be capable of the things you people are saying though. She's not like that.."Carly elaborated. "Awe."I commented. Peyton laughed..

"Alright, well thank you very much for calling. We are sadly all out of time for today's show. However, join us next week when we talk to Donald Glover about his new album."She concluded as the credits started rolling. Peyton cut the tv off, looking over at me. "You're so lucky they don't know who you are."She said. I laughed. "Yeah. As exhausting as it is, it pays off."I replied. I saw her looking at Harry, and glanced over at him. He was watching me. "Stop."I said, making him smile. "Sorry."He said, looking over at Peyton.

"I mean, if y'all wanna do it on the couch again I can just go upstairs."She said. I glared at her. "Shut up."I replied, laughing. I checked the time on my phone. "Well, I'm going to go shower and go to sleep. This has been exhausting."I said, standing up. Harry got up too. "No, stay down here. You and Peyton can talk or something."I said, walking upstairs. He sat back down on the couch, and I heard them start talking...

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