Part 32

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**Two days later**

I cut on the tv, rolling over in the bed. I cursed. They'd found Zayn, and arrested Kai.

"What happened?"Harry asked, rolling over, his eyes landing on the tv. "Oh, good."He commented. I rolled my eyes. "She was my friend. So, no. It's not good."I stated. He laughed. "You all kidnapped us, and expected to get away with no punishment?"He questioned. I looked at him.

"No. You're so irritating."I commented, groaning and moving to get out of bed. He grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "I'm just communicating."He said. "Ok. Then, no. I knew we'd all end up getting arrested. But they're still my friends."I replied. He looked at me, searching my eyes. Both of us heard his name on the tv at the same time, and I switched my focus to listening to that.

Someone was interviewing Zayn. But you couldn't see him. It was just his voice. I guess he didn't want to be seen on screen.

"They were truly horrible. For the first week or two, they forced drugs into my system, and I assume the other boys' as well. For the whole eight months, they kept us tied to these bunk beds. We only saw Harry once during that time period, 'cause he was sleeping with one of the girls th—"The woman interrupted Zayn.

"Hold on. You said he was sleeping with one of them? I thought you were all being held as hostages?"She asked. "Well, the day before we were all separated, the girl brought him into the bunk room. Niall was actually the one who said that they'd been sleeping together. But, we asked them about it and they both said nothing happened."He answered. "Listen, I don't feel comfortable talking about that. I don't have any proof anything happened between them."He stated.. But, she only persisted. "Do you think Harry would do that?"The woman asked. There was brief hesitation from Zayn. "I mean.. She was pretty nice. Well, compared to the rest of them."He said. I laughed. Harry rolled over onto his stomach, throwing his arm across my waist..

"Well, I don't want to push you to answer anything. But, was she attractive? Like.. Could she have been Harry's type?"She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes."Harry said, and I looked over at him. I glanced back over at the screen, ignoring his statement.

"I mean.. I suppose it's possible."He answered, sounding uncomfortable. "Did she have a name?"The lady asked him. "Yeah. Brooke."He said. The woman looked off screen, as if someone was telling her something.. "Can you give us any more information about your time there?"The woman asked, changing the subject. "I already spoke to the police about it. But, we would get three meals a day. Sometimes Brooke would bring us snacks. They'd let us shower twice a week, although Niall said that Harry got more. They'd take us one at a time to the gym they had at the flat.."He trailed off. She was nodding, thinking about it.

"So do you think this time together brought you all closer?"She questioned. There was a pause. "No comment. I'm done."He said, and the feed abruptly cut out as Zayn took his mic off.. She thanked him for his time, and after another minute, went to commercial...

"We got some new information today from the interview with Zayn. We learned that there are still two suspects out there that were involved with this kidnapping. They are both female. Both are said to be caucasian. One brunette, and one blonde. We're sad to announce that Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are still missing. The authorities in charge of the search for the boys, mentioned to us that they believe the two are not being held together. This makes it harder to find them. However, Harry is rumored to be in a relationship with one of the suspects. We believe he might have had the opportunity to get away, like the others, but has chosen not to."The woman explained. Lies. Of course. Any chance to say Harry's sleeping with someone, they don't even hesitate.

I got up, shutting the tv off and going into the bathroom.

I quickly got ready, and then walked out, wearing a pair of lounge shorts and a cropped sweatshirt.

I walked out of the room without saying anything, and heard him get up and go into the bathroom...


At around three in the afternoon, I got a call from Peyton, and I gave her my address. I was really looking forward to seeing her, but told her to be careful, since they're looking for Louis around here now..

I was washing dishes when I heard a car pull into the driveway. She made it into the garage, and I ran out to the front yard, manually shutting the garage door, since the button to the door is broken..

I went back inside, seeing Harry lying on the couch with a blanket over him. He was watching some documentary of sorts, and didn't even notice my presence.. I walked through the kitchen and into the garage, seeing her get out of the car. "Oh my god, it's so good to see you!"I exclaimed, running over and hugging her. She wrapped her arms around me. "Dude, they have Louis' picture up all over this town.."She commented, pulling away after a few seconds.

"Yeah, I know. We'll have to keep a low profile. Is he in the back?"I asked. She nodded, opening the backseat. He was unconscious, lying on his side, his arms tied behind him. "It's been so fucking difficult keeping him hidden for so long. How's Harry?"She asked. "Good. He won't stop flirting with me, so I'm really glad you're here."I explained. She laughed, dragging Louis out by his shoulders, and I helped her drag him into the house and heard Harry get up off the couch. "Holy shit."He muttered, and I glanced over my shoulder. He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen..

"Oh thank god, could you pick him up and put him on the couch?"I asked, standing up. He was watching me now. "Again, with the staring.. Stop."I commented. He nodded, walking over. He passed by me super close, and grabbed Louis by his arms, putting him in a sitting position, and then hoisting him up and over his shoulder..

I followed him out into the living room. Peyton was looking around. "Wow. Brooke, this place is really great. How many bedrooms?"She asked, touching one of the paintings on the walls.. "Two. And two baths. But Harry is in my room anyway, because he likes to irritate me."I replied, watching as Harry gently put Louis down on the couch.. He looked down at him. "Is he alive?"He asked. I looked over at Peyton. "Yeah, he's just on a very high dose of Ketamine right now."She answered..

He nodded, and laid down on the other couch, pulling the blanket back over him and hitting play on his documentary..

"Here, we can go in the kitchen and talk."I said.

"Are you sure? He won't try and run?"She questioned, following me into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes. "I really wish he would try that."I stated, laughing...

"So, the news ladies say you two are in a pretty intense relationship."

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