Part 25

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I got ready, and wiped finger prints from my room. I stripped the sheets off the bed and put them in the wash. After that, I packed my bags, and put Harry's clothes in my bag with my stuff. Then changed into a pair of grey joggers, and a cropped red hoodie..

I threw it in the backseat of the truck, and went back inside. I quickly ate, then went up to the bunk room. It's now around 8:00..

I opened the door, and they all woke up pretty fast. Harry was already awake, pulling at his wrists. They were still tied behind his back. "Thank god, can you untie me yet?"Harry asked. I looked down at him. "What, so you can break my trust again? Fuck that. No, it's time to leave."I said, crouching down to untie him from the ladder.

"Where are you taking him?"Louis asked, pulling at his wrist restraint. I glanced in his direction. "Anywhere but here."I replied, pulling at the knots. "Why?"He asked. "Cause there's a chance they tracked my phone."I stated, getting the ropes untied.

"What's with the bruise?"He questioned, trying to sit up. "Chris did that."I answered. "Can we ask you something? Before you take him?"Niall asked. I nodded, pulling Harry off the ground. He leaned against me, trying to untie his own wrists. I gave him a look, and he stopped.

"So. You two have been sleeping together this whole time. We asked Harry here, but he won't give us details."Niall commented. "You want.. Details. Of what?"I asked, confused. "You know.. I mean, Harry said nothing happened. But we—"I held up my hand and he stopped. "Nothing happened."I commented. Harry was watching me..

"Now, let's go."I stated. "Wait, why aren't we going too? Why just him?"Zayn asked. "Well, I'm assuming we're splitting off. You'll probably all be separated until we can figure something out."I replied..

"So.."Niall trailed off. "Listen, I gotta go. Ask Chris or someone else your questions."I commented, pulling Harry towards the door. "Ow, ease up."Harry stated. "Oh, I'm sorry. Ease up?"I questioned sarcastically. "Yes, I did one thing. One. And you've become so different."He stated. I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. He was standing in front of me now.

"You used me. You lied to me. You betrayed my trust. So, no. I won't ease up."I said, reaching to grab him so we could leave.. He took a step back, dodging me. "I didn't lie to you. I meant everything I've said to you."He stated. I glanced over at the other guys, who were listening to our conversation.

"What're you talking about?"Liam asked, confused. "Nothing."Harry and I said at the same time. Louis rolled his eyes. "We'll talk about it in the car."I said quietly, meeting his gaze again. I motioned out of the room, and he looked at the boys once more, then to me, then walked out of the room.


"So, where are we going?"He asked, looking at me.
"A house."I replied. It was one that I'd bought last year. It's great. I know, I'm only 21; how could I have bought a house?

Well, I have the money for it. My job pays pretty well, and there's not much to spend money on. So, my savings added up over the years...

I had to turn my phone back on, which immediately started ringing. "Here. They want me to let your people trace the call one more time while we're driving, to throw them off."I said, handing him the phone. "You know damn well not to try anything."I stated, pulling the gun out of the hoodie and setting it on my opposite leg. He sighed, and answered the phone. He put it on speaker.

"Hello?"Harry asked when no one said anything. "Where have you been? Did the plan work?"He asked. I laughed, covering my mouth. Of course his manager was in on it.

"Um. No. It didn't."Harry said, looking at me. "Wait, where are you going? This says you're on the interstate.. Going.. West?"His manager asked. My plan was already working. I signaled Harry and did quick sign language, telling him to say yes.

"Yeah.. They're moving.."He looked at me, and I signaled him. "All of us."Harry finished his sentence, his eyes still on me. "Do you know where?"His manager, Jeff, asked.

"No. Um. I don't."Harry said.
"Listen.. I should go. I—"Jeff cut him off. "Harry, can you see any signs? We have a general area of where you are right now. What type of car are they taking you guys in?"He asked. I rolled my eyes. What does he think this is, conversation time?

I used one hand to sign Harry a completely different type of car. "It's sort of a small car. Um. I don't know, I guess we're somewhere in Colorado."He said, watching as we passed a sign. "Yeah, we can see that. Harry—"I cut him off.

"Hang up the phone."I said.

"Wait, wait."Jeff commented. "I want to talk to that person."He said, and I realized he was referring to me. "What?"I asked, taking the phone from Harry, who was looking out the windows, reading the signs.

"We have authorities on the way. You won't get away with any of this. You need to return Harry to his home right away."He commanded. I laughed.
"Listen. Jeff, is it? I do wish I could do all of that.. But, no can do."I replied. "Ok. Um. What's your name?"He asked. I laughed again. "Sorry, no can do. Gotta go. Have to lose those 'authorities' you're sending."I said, hanging up. I pulled over, and quickly deleted everything on my phone. After wiping it for fingerprints, I tossed it out the window and then made a U-turn..

I got off an exit, driving in the opposite direction, and then going North after another hour.

We made it to Iowa 11 hours later, and I pulled into the driveway...

Written: 7/30/2019

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