Part 15

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Surprisingly, the night went well. He stayed on his side of the bed, didn't snore. Talked in his sleep a little.. But other than that, nothing.. I got up, brushing my teeth and changing into a pair of jean shorts, a white blouse and a Gucci belt (If you spend all that money on it, you gotta wear it, even if you don't leave the house).. I did my small amount of makeup quickly, and put on a triad of necklaces, pulling my hair into a high-ponytail...

I walked out of the bathroom, checking the time. 8:30AM. I quietly walked downstairs and made myself some breakfast, and some tea.. I ate fast, and then took some toast and a cup of tea upstairs.

I walked into my room, shutting and locking the door back behind me. I set the stuff down on the bedside table, and sat down on the bed. "Hey, wake up."I commented, as gently as I could. He groaned, rolling over away from me, his arms getting stuck on the ropes..

"I brought you breakfast."I said, and he rolled over, looking up at me. "Really?"He asked, trying to sit up, but failing due to the ropes. "Here, wait."I said, leaning all the way over him and untying the ropes from the bed on his side. "Don't take this wrong, but you smell really good."He commented from beneath me. I laughed, looking down at him. I pulled the ropes off the bed, and leaned back on my heels.

"Thanks. Here."I said, grabbing the plate off the table, and handing it to him after untying his wrists. He took it, sitting up. "I brought you some tea too. I don't know if you'll like it or not.."I commented, reaching over and grabbing the cup off the table.

"Wow, thank you. That's really good."He said after taking a sip of it.. While he ate, I scrolled through some messages on my phone. I could feel him watching me, and glanced up at him. "That's quite some outfit you're wearing."He stated, and I looked down at myself, then back up at him. "Thanks."I said, taking the empty plate from him. I set it down on the end table.

"So, how'd you sleep?"I asked. "Really well, thank you. You still do talk quite a bit in your sleep."He commented, and I laughed. "I talk in my sleep? No, you're definitely the king of that."I replied. He smiled, taking another sip of his tea.. "Did Chris give you shit for letting me sleep up here?"He asked. "Not yet; they aren't up. I was going to sneak you back to your room, so you can spend some time with Niall."I explained. He nodded.

"Great, just give me a minute to wee."He said, getting off the bed. He handed me his tea, and then went into the bathroom..

I put my phone in my back pocket. A minute later, he came out of the bathroom, and I handed him his cup.

He picked up one of the ropes off the bed, and I stood up. "Alright let's go."I commented, not tying his wrists back. He followed me out of the room and down the hall..

I unlocked the room, walking in.
I shut the door back behind us, and he went over, sitting on the couch, sipping his tea. Niall rolled over, waking up. "Where've you been?"He asked, seeming confused. "With Brooke."He said, making a motion towards me..

I walked over after being sure the door was closed. Harry held his left wrist out, and I tied the rope around it, and then tied the other end to the couch.. "Alright. I gotta go."I said, walking towards the door. "See you later."Harry stated. I left, shutting and locking it behind me..

I went downstairs, and started making breakfast for the guys, which is what I've been doing everyday..

I went back upstairs, and took the rest of the guys their breakfast. "Where is he?"Zayn asked, sitting up, the rope restraining his ability. "Where is... Who?"I asked, setting each of their plates on their beds. "Niall. That guy, Chris, came in and took him. He hasn't come back. Where is he?"He questioned.

"Oh. Uh, you know I've been out all night; so I don't know anything about that. But I'll ask Chris about it."I stated, playing innocent. He nodded, hesitantly sipping his water after smelling it..

There was a knock on the door, and I walked over, pulling it open a little. "Hey, oh my god!"I exclaimed, going out and shutting the door behind me.

"I'm so glad you're back!"I stated, hugging her. It was Kai, and I saw Peyton coming down the hallway. "So, give us all the updates... Here, we can go downstairs."Peyton commented after giving me a hug..

"Ok. So, Niall and Harry are rooming together now, but the other boys don't know that. They don't know where Niall is, and they still don't know about Harry being here. The three in the bunk room are getting along really well though."I explained. "Oh, that reminds me I have to bring Niall his breakfast."I stated. "So basically, you've been doing all the work around here? Where're Chris and the other two?"Kai asked.

"I mean no, not really. Chris takes them to shower, Evan let's them walk around the house and supervises them when they workout. Adam.. Honestly I think he just helps with security measures. Which is totally fine, cause we need that."I explained. Peyton shrugged, following me into the kitchen.

I grabbed Niall's breakfast, and walked back upstairs. I unlocked the door, and opened it, hearing them talking inside. Niall was speaking. "Ok, I know what you're saying. But still. They full on kidnapped us, you can't possibly be—"I pushed open the door, and shut it behind me when I entered..

"I brought you breakfast."I stated, walking over and handing him his plate. "Thanks."He said, looking at me, and then glancing over at Harry.

I looked over at him; he was just sitting there watching me. "Did you need anything else?"I asked him. He shrugged. "I think I'm alright. Thank you for the tea."He replied, handing me the cup from earlier. "Not a problem; I'm glad you liked it."I stated. I walked back out of the room, shutting the door as I heard their conversation start back up.....

Pretty boring ending, and possibly boring chapter. It can only go up from here ;)

Edited: 8-7-2019

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