Part 33

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I laughed. "No. We aren't in a relationship. We sleep in the same bed, and that's it."I explained to her. "Yeah, well.. At least we haven't gotten caught yet."She commented. I nodded. "Yeah, these two people came to my door earlier, and asked me about Louis.. I told them my name was Carmen Santiago. So, if anyone asks.. Give them a fake name, and tell them you're my sister, and that you're visiting me.."I explained to her.. "Got it.. Alright well, I'm gonna unpack. How are we doing sleeping arrangements?"She asked.

I shrugged. "I call sleeping with Brooke."Harry shouted from in the other room. I laughed, looking at Peyton. "So where is Louis going to be? Down here?"She asked. "Yeah, that could work."I replied.

***Two weeks later — February 1st, 2020 ***

It was Harry's 26th birthday today.. He was still sleeping, and I was watching the tv in my room, keeping up with everything that was going on with this.. He has his arms wrapped around me. I swear, he physically cannot stay on his side of the bed. It's impossible for him..

I'd already gotten out of bed, brushed my teeth and whatnot. But decided to get back in bed.

Apparently Niall decided to interview about the whole situation, after getting sick of everyone bombarding him with questions everywhere he went.. He looked a lot better. He'd obviously shaved and cut his hair the second he got out of here.

"So, tell us about Harry. He's still missing. What was his situation like at this house you were kept at? Was it better then yours?"

"We actually switched places a few times.. But, I mean, sure. I think he was allowed to shower whenever he wanted. He seemed like he was being taken care of.. Out of all the guys, I was the only one who saw him more than once. Which is how I knew he was sleeping with Brooke. She'd been letting him shave, and he told me she'd cut his hair for him, and had been buying his hair products and whatnot..
But, she was pretty pissed off when he used her phone to call his manager.. When I saw him last, his face was bleeding and bruised. It wasn't good."Niall explained.

"Did this Brooke girl say anything about where she was taking Harry?"The interviewer asked. "Um. No. She was very efficient in her work. Definitely knew what she was doing. We'd had multiple chances to escape, and we took every single one of them. But she was always the one who was able to get us back. Supposedly she'd been doing some training of sorts her whole life. It was insane; she could take all of us down in less than a minute. I just hope Harry hasn't tried anything else s.."Niall trailed off, glancing over to the side of the screen. I guess his manager or someone was there..

"But I'm sure he's fine. She was very nice the rest of the time. She kept telling us she didn't want to be a part of this, but that she couldn't abandon her friends. She actually helped get Liam and Zayn off the drugs they'd put us on originally. But.. Yeah. I don't know. After a while, it just got boring being there. I'm not sure what they wanted with us. They never physically hurt any of us, except for Harry. Oh, and Louis. Brooke fractured his nose. And they never asked for money.. So, I'm not sure."He explained..

"And what about the other girl? The one who's supposedly holding Louis hostage?"The woman questioned. "Sorry, which one is it? There were a few girls."Niall said. "This is a picture of the one who was arrested when the police found Zayn."She said, handing Niall a picture. He looked at it. "Yeah, ok. Um, so I guess the one who has Louis is the girl named Peyton. I think that was her name. She never really did much. I'm pretty sure her role in this was the drugs.. She knew a lot about them, and how much they could give us without hurting us. But, none of us ever talked to her, or even saw her after the first day. Brooke was the main one taking care of us.."He explained to her..

"Why was she the only one taking care of you?"The woman asked him. "Oh. Um.. You know, I'm not entirely sure. I think she just was that type of person."He answered.. The woman was nodding, reading off her piece of paper.

He was really not holding anything back in this interview. I guess he just wanted everything out there, so that people would stop asking him questions.. "And so, the police believe there's two girls left out there. Brooke, and I guess Peyton is the other one's name. They know from interviews with the other boys, that one is a brunette, and the other is blonde. Do you know which one is which?"She questioned. I swear, this was more detailed than a police interview. Did she really need to know all of this?

"Yeah, of course. I already shared that with the police. But, um. Brooke has brown hair, and blue eyes. Peyton is blonde, but I don't know what color eyes she has. Never was close enough to see."He elaborated..

Harry was staring at me. "Afraid they'll catch you?"He asked. I laughed. "Not in the slightest. I'm actually planning on going to the police station soon. I have to bail Kai out. It's in our girl code."I explained. He raised his eyebrows. "You're.. Willingly walking into a police station, where they have your description.."He trailed off, giving me a confused look. "Look, I don't expect you to understand girl-code, it's ok. But, I'm loyal to my friends."I stated.. He laughed. "Alright. Well, I'm getting up now. So, if you could get off me.."I trailed off. He moved up a little, and his hand came up to the side of my face. He didn't hesitate to kiss me, fixing how he was lying.

We made out for a while; which is something that took me a while to get used to.. I felt his hands come under my shirt, resting on my waist. I turned my head to the side, since I was lying down and that was the only way to pull away from him. He proceeded to leave a trail of kisses down my neck. "Ok, ok. I need to get up."I said, patting the front of his shoulder.

"Oh come on, it's my birthday."He breathed out on my skin, still kissing my neck. "Yeah, yeah that's great. I was gonna let you talk to your mom today."I said, and he pulled away, sitting up. "Really?"He asked. I shrugged. "Sure."I replied. "You've had your phone off for two weeks though. I figured you weren't going to cut it back on.."He commented. "I mean, it can't be traced. So, there's no harm in it."I stated. He nodded. "Ok. Ok. So, um. When?"He questioned.

"Mm. I guess now."I said, reaching over and pulling my phone out of the drawer. I turned it on and handed it to him.. He dialed the number and put it on speaker.....

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