Part 36

430 11 3

***February 19th, 2020***

The rest of Harry's album was released yesterday. The news was blowing up about it, and I had yet to cut the tv off. All it did was make me more paranoid about being arrested.. That was my inevitable fate, however.

Today's the day I go to bail Kai out of jail. The bond was set pretty high, but it was doable. I'd bail her out, and she'd go home to Atlanta. I wasn't going to tell her anything..

On the way there, I put in brown colored contacts, and hoped for the best...


"Ok. I just need you to sign right here for me. And are you paying this in cash, check or card?"The police officer asked me. "Cash, I guess."I said, pretending to look into my purse for money. "And what'd you say your name was?"He asked, looking at the name on the file, the description of her arrest. His eyes landed on me, waiting for my answer. "Carmen. Carmen Santiago."I lied, looking up from going through my purse. I didn't have to fake not being nervous. For as long as I've lived, I've been amazing at staying calm in stressful situations.

"Great. Ok. Well, Miss Santiago. You know how much you owe. I will send someone to go get her from her block."He explained. I nodded. "Ok, thank you."I said, shuffling through my purse and pretending to barely have enough to cover the bail. Which, was pure acting. I had more than enough. But.. I needed him to believe that I was just some normal college student. I also made sure to stay turned away from the cameras at all times..


After a few minutes, I was waiting in my rental car outside. Kai came out, and she got in, looking over at me. "Wow. I cannot believe you."She commented. I smiled, pulling out of the lot and heading straight for the airport.. "Had to stick to our girl-code."I stated.

"So, what fake name did you use this time?"She asked. "Carmen Santiago."I answered.. "Nice. Nice. Ok. Well, thanks for bailing me out. I assume I'm going home?"She asked. I nodded. "I'm sorry I can't tell you where we are."I stated. "Don't worry about it. I totally understand. And, I'll bail you out in a few weeks."She said. I laughed. "Yeah, thanks."I commented, stopping in front of the airport..

"Alright well, bye. Love you."She said, getting out. "Love you."I replied, waving.. I watched her go inside, and then drove off. I went straight to the rental car place, and returned the car. I still had my contacts in, and paid for it in cash, under that same name.. After that, I called a cab, took it to a small rural coffee shop. From there, I contacted Peyton via a new disposable cell. She came and picked me up in an old car that we'd taken the plates off of..

Next thing I know, I was back at the house, and just hoped my plan had worked out ok..

****                     February 27, 2020                         ****

It took about a week for them to realize what had happened. It was on the news first thing this morning.

Harry had cut on the tv, and then rolled over onto his stomach, wrapping one arm around my waist and falling back asleep..

I turned the volume up a little.

"So, apparently one of the suspects involved in the One Direction kidnapping, was bailed out of jail a little over a week ago. Supposedly, Brooke is the one who bailed her out. For those of you who don't know who Brooke is, she's one of the main suspects still missing in this investigation. The officers who were on duty, have said they remember a young woman walking in and asking about Kai Mitchell, who is one of the other known suspects. However, when asked for identity, Brooke supposedly provided a fake ID. On cameras, there wasn't ever a clear view of her face.. Here's a short video from the officer who spoke directly to her:"

"I keep having these young women come up to me asking how I didn't question her identity, given her description, and who she was bailing out. The description of this Brooke girl, is a caucasian female with blue eyes and brown hair. This young woman had brown eyes, which I have been informed were likely contacts. This is one of the reasons I didn't question who she claimed she was. She also did not seem to be any type of threat. When I heard the description of her personality, I imagined that she would be very rude, arrogant, impatient, and possibly violent. But this young woman was none of these things. She seemed genuinely concerned about her friend's well-being, and was very kind. I apologize for making this mistake, it won't happen again."He stated.. It flipped back to the main news reporter, and I zoned out after a minute.

I flipped the channel to E! News, knowing they'd be more interesting to listen to. I had to wait about an hour, before they started talking about the situation.

"Alright, so I know everyone's been wanting the rundown on what's been going on with the whole One Direction kidnapping fiasco. Well, supposedly, Brooke went into a public jail, bailed out one of the other suspects, and didn't get caught. They had her right in front of them, and didn't notice.. If that's not a hint to our state government's.."She trailed off, clearing her throat before continuing. "Supposedly they're investigating this further, and working just as hard to find the two singers who are still being considered missing."She concluded, and I sighed, turning the tv off.

"You're that good, huh?"Harry murmured into the pillow. It was my pillow, because he was all the way on my side of the bed. I told you, he literally cannot stay on his side. "No. It's only a matter of time. I may be off the grid, but there's a lot of incredibly intelligent people working for the government. It only takes one of them to go through the school records of Kai and Peyton's high school, find my
name, trace that to the court where I got my name changed.. And from there, they have to follow a pretty thick paper trail. But, it's not impossible. I could do it."I explained. "What was your name?"He asked. "Brooklyn."I replied. He nodded, obviously thinking about something..

"You know.. It's been a while since I've called Jeff. Do you think I could do that? And ask him how the album is doing?"He asked, dragging his fingers up my arm. "No. Not today. I'm giving it time. I feel like the more I let you talk to him, the more he finds out. Like, him knowing Louis is here. Peyton can't even leave the house now, cause her picture is plastered all over town."I replied. He nodded, and sat up a little, leaning his weight on his elbow.. " Well then.. Can I do.. This?"He asked, his hand coming up to the side of my face. He pressed his lips against mine, pulling back a second later.

"Mm.. I guess so."I stated, earning a smile from him. He bit his lip, and kissed me again....

Ok, so I'm gonna be honest and say I have no idea why this story became another Harry Styles story. It sort of just turned into one, and I'm not really sure where it's going. But, I guess we'll find out.

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