Part 31

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"Just me and you? No secret meanings?"I asked. He laughed. "No. None."He said, his hand coming up to the side of my face. I didn't pull back when he leaned in, and next thing I knew, the kiss was deepening further and further.

There was a knock on the door, and I pulled away. "Go upstairs and get in the shower. I don't know who this is, but they can't invade that type of privacy. So, go do that."I explained quickly. I threw my hair into a ponytail and got up. He went upstairs, and I heard the bathroom door shut.

I pulled open the front door, seeing a middle-aged woman and what appeared to be her husband. "Hi, how can I help you?"I asked, realizing I was still only wearing my sports bra and sweatpants..

"Sorry to barge in on you like this."She started. "Oh, no it's perfectly fine. I was just finishing up my morning yoga. What can I help you with?"I questioned, giving her a friendly smile.

"The sheriff has everyone out looking for this young man.. I don't know. Supposedly the governor of Iowa gave him orders to ask the locals to keep an eye out. So, we're just checking with all our neighbors."She explained. "Oh, no. What happened?"I asked, though I already knew.

"Here, I have a picture of him on my phone. Just give me a minute to pull it up."She commented. "Sure, sure. Um, would you like to come inside for some water?"I asked. "You know, that would actually be really nice. Thank you."She said.

I stepped out of the way, motioning for them to enter. I was trusting Harry way too much to stay upstairs. I could hear the shower running..

They followed me into the kitchen, and I got some glasses out and poured them water from the Brita filter.

"Here he is. Apparently he's in some famous band or whatever, and they all went missing.. I don't know, it's a very confusing story."She tried to explain, handing me her phone. It wasn't a picture of Harry though; it was Louis.. "Oh, well I do recognize him.. Wow, that's crazy. He was in this band I listened to a lot in high school. I can't believe he's missing. I guess no one's had any luck in finding him?"I asked, acting slightly concerned..

"Yeah, no luck with any of our neighbors."She said. I nodded, pretending to think about it. "Oh, I'm Carmen by the way. Carmen Santiago."I said, giving them my fake name. I shook their hands. "I'm Beth Jefferson. And this is my husband, Lance."She expressed.

"So, are you new to the neighborhood?"Lance asked, speaking his first words since they'd arrived. I nodded, leaning against the counter. "Yeah, I just moved in recently. My brother's upstairs."I lied. Luckily, I've always been an amazing actor, and liar. But, I think those go hand-in-hand..

"Oh, so you two are living together?"She asked. "No, he's just helping me move in and get settled. My mom was really worried about me living on my own, and wanted him to spend the first few days with me."I explained.. She nodded. "Ok, well. I'd hate to intrude on any more of your morning. It was great meeting you, Carmen. If you need anything at all, Lance and I are just up the road. The white house on the end."She commented. I nodded. "Thank you."I said, following them back over to the door. Harry was still upstairs, thankfully.. After another minute, they were out the door, and on their way back up the street. I shut the door, locking it back behind me..

I made my way upstairs, knocking on the bathroom door. "They're gone."I called out, and the door opened. Harry was standing there with a towel around his waist, soaking wet, like he actually was showering.

"Jesus, you can dry off."I stated, laughing. He nodded, shutting the door back..


"So.. Can I sleep with you?"He questioned, watching me turn off the lights downstairs.. "No."I said. "Oh come on. Please?"He asked. "Not happening, no."I replied. He was standing at the top of the stairs, waiting..

"Ok. Well, I'm going to anyway."He said, quickly turning and running down the hallway..

I ran up the stairs and down into my room. But it was too late. He was under the covers. "You're a pain in the ass. I'm sleeping on the couch."I said, turning to walk out of the room. He jumped up, tripping over the sheets a little. But he still managed to reach me before I got to the door, and gently grabbed my wrist. "Come on. There's no harm in it."He said, pulling me back towards the bed. I rolled my eyes.

I groaned, absolutely exhausted from today. "Ok, fine. But we aren't sleeping anywhere near each other. You're staying way over there."I said, getting under the covers, on the very edge of the bed. He got in the bed, and I pulled my phone out, checking the news. Both Zayn and Louis still missing, which meant my friends were safe..

I suddenly felt Harry's hand on my side and pushed it away. "Stop."I said, not taking my eyes off my phone. "What's this tattoo stand for? Or did you just.. Get it 'cause you liked it?"He asked, referring to the one on my hip. It's a floral pattern that I have wrapped around my hipbone.

"I wanted another tattoo, so I got my friend to draw me one. Decided to get it there."I replied, glancing over at him. He was lying on his side, staring at me. "Stop it."I commented. "Stop what?"He questioned..  "You're staring at me. I don't like it."I elaborated. "Sorry, you're just.. Very pretty."He stated. I rolled my eyes, turning the lamp off and surrounding us in the dark.... He pisses me off.

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