Part 21

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I woke up, groaning from the instant headache. I had very vague memories from last night, but definitely didn't remember getting in bed. I felt an arm around me, and instinctively moved closer to that person..

Their hold tightened a little. It took me a few minutes to wake up. "Who is this?"I murmured, not opening my eyes, knowing it'd be too bright.

"Harry."He said, laughing. "Oh god. I'm sorry."I murmured, still cuddled against him. I didn't feel like I could move. My entire body ached. "No, it's fine. What happened to your arm?"He asked.. I briefly remembered Chris saying it was bleeding last night. "I fell off the kitchen counter."I replied, realizing he was still shirtless, and I had my arm loosely thrown over his stomach.

"You guys were pretty loud last night. I could hear you laughing from all the way up here."He commented. I groaned. "Sorry. It was the rum."I said. "Why am I laying like this?"I asked.

I felt him move a little, and assumed he shrugged. "What happened when I came in here last night?"I questioned. I still had all my clothes on. Sweatpants and all. Which was a good sign.

"Uh, you came in. You showered, and put on the same clothes, brushed your teeth, washed your face, put on a face mask, took it off.. Then you came and got in bed, untied me, and you talked for a while."He said. "I did all of that?"I asked, reaching up and feeling my face. Damn.

I let my arm fall back across him, too lazy to roll over to the other side of the bed. I just hoped I wasn't bothering him.. "Yeah, it was pretty impressive."He said. I managed to get a laugh out. "Sorry I kept you up all night talking. I can't even imagine what all I told you."I said.

"Let's see. Uh, you told me all about your family, and how you like them but you don't.. You told me about college, and that nights you went out your freshmen year.."He explained. I groaned. "Is that it?"I asked. "Sadly no. You went on to explain to me in great detail your ex-boyfriends."He elaborated. "Oh no. No. Really?"I asked, feeling his hand on my side.

"It was very interesting."He commented. I sighed, feeling nauseous. "And then what? I just laid like this?"I asked. "Yeah, pretty much."He replied. "Ugh, I'm sorry."I murmured.

"Can I get you some water or something?"He asked. I groaned. "You don't need to do that. I should probably not be lying here anyway."I said. "No, it's fine. I don't mind."He commented, getting up. I finally opened my eyes, and after a minute or so, they adjusted back to where I could see him walking back into the room. He had a cup of water with him, along with what looked like a bottle of Aleve. "Thanks."I said, drinking the water, and taking three pills.

I got up, going into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and used the toilet. All that alcohol sitting in my bladder like that, was not fun to wake up to..

I walked back out, getting back in bed and pulling the sheets back over me.

He got back on the bed, sitting right next to me. I felt his arm come around me, pulling me closer to him. He was super warm; the heat radiating off of his skin. I'd always heard that guys had higher body temperatures, due to their muscles or something. And, Harry definitely was living proof of that.

After a few minutes, I sighed. "Is my arm bad?"I asked, slightly being able to feel it now. It would bruise, and it felt like there was a cut on it..

"No, I think you cleaned it up last night and wrapped it."He said. I felt his hand on my side. "Wow."I replied, slightly impressed with myself for not being a total disaster last night.

"Did I do anything?"I asked. "Like what?"He questioned. I shrugged. "Like.. I don't know. I tend to be all over the place depending on what I drink. And last night, Kai made me drink probably a whole handle of rum. Which, sucks."I explained. "So, what would you have done?"He asked.

I laughed a little. "I don't know. Sometimes I get too touchy-feely. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't more than what I'm doing right now."I elaborated. "Oh. No, you didn't. You pretty much laid here, talked for an hour, and then crashed."He replied. I laughed.

"You probably shouldn't drink that much. That's a lot; you could've gotten alcohol poisoning."He stated. "You aren't wrong about that. Did I not get sick?"I asked. He laughed. "Surprisingly, no. It's pretty impressive that you were even still walking around."He responded..

I sighed, letting my eyes shut back. "Can you hit that button next to you on the wall?"I asked, remembering it was there from the last time I stayed at this house.

He reached over, hitting it, and all the blinds went down, making it nearly pitch black in here.

"Why're you helping me?"I asked. "With everything I've done to you, you should want me locked up.."I said. I felt him shrug. "You've opened my eyes to new things and ideas. And, you've been nice to me. Sure, I'd love to get out of here. Maybe talk to my manager, and my mum. And a few other people.."He commented. I sighed. "My phone's in my pocket."I murmured. He tensed up. "Really?"He asked. I shrugged.

"But if you tell them anything.. You know we can be out of this house, back off the grid in twenty minutes; and there's a fair chance you'll be injured."I explained...

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