Part 3

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Once we got to Florida, we put all the boys in separate rooms. Apparently Liam and Zayn were a total nightmare on the drive down, so the boys had to keep them on a pretty heavy dosage of drugs to keep them subdued..

Louis was apparently pretty similar to Niall. Pissed, but fairly easy to deal with...


After about a week, we lessened some of their dosages, so they could at least comprehend what was going on...

I was in the room when Liam woke up. He was still blindfolded, and had stronger bonds keeping him tied up. He was pissed; screaming and kicking, struggling to get free. "Brooke, go give him this."Chris commented from behind me. I turned, taking the paper plate from him. It had a sandwich on it. I sighed. "What if he gets loose? Where are the other girls?"I asked. "Out at the store."He replied..

I sighed again, nodding. He walked off down the hall, and I took a few steps towards Liam. He was still struggling against the restraints. He was sitting on the floor. None of them had beds. We thought that would just make things more difficult..

"Liam."I said, gently. He immediately went still. "Who's there? What do you want? Let me the fuck out of here!"He screamed.. "I just.. I brought you something to eat."I said, hesitating. "Is it filled with more drugs?"He asked, obviously frustrated. I shook my head, then remembered he couldn't see me.. "Um. I don't think so. Chris made it.."I answered, getting a little closer to him. "Ok. Fine. But only 'cause I'm starving."He stated.

I walked the rest of the way over, crouching down next to him. I let him hold the sandwich, since the restraints were holding his wrists in front of him.. He seemed hesitant, before taking a bite out of it...

I got up to leave. "I'm going to bring you some water."I said. He just nodded, and I walked out of the room, shutting and locking the door behind me. I could hear Zayn screaming at the end of the hall..

"The Irish one's requesting to see you."Evan stated as he walked out of Niall's room. "Ok. Just a minute."I replied, getting a water for Liam. I walked back to the room and unlocked it.. I helped him drink the water. "What happens if I need to use the loo?"He asked.. "I'll have to get the guys to help with that."I answered. He just nodded.. "Thanks for the sandwich."He said. "No problem."I replied, pushing a hand through my hair and leaving the room...

I went down to Niall's room after telling Chris that Liam wanted to go to the bathroom..

I shut the door behind me. "Hey. He told me you wanted to see me?"I asked. Niall's blindfold was off, since he's been compliant other than the incident in the car. He looked up, meeting my gaze.

"When am I getting out of here?"He asked. "And where's Harry?"He continued. I ran a hand through my hair. "Uh. I don't know. And, he's down the hall."I answered. "Why are you the only one who answers my questions?"He asked. I laughed. "Probably not supposed to. But, I don't know. Guess I feel a little bad. I thought we'd keep you in more comfortable living quarters."I replied.

He nodded, watching me. "They said your name's Brooke, right?"He asked. I nodded. He seemed to be thinking. "When can I see Harry? Did you let him off those drugs at least?"He questioned. I sighed. He had an endless list of questions. I sat down on the opposite wall, keeping my distance..

"We did. He's been compliant so far. Has he always been so quiet?"I asked.. He just nodded in response.

"So um.. Why are you doing this?"He asked. I looked up at him. "You've asked me that already."I stated. "No. I'm asking why you are doing this. You don't act like the rest of them, you're nice to me, almost like you didn't want to do this to begin with."He elaborated. "Oh.. Well, I mean it's not that I didn't want to do it. Pretty sure it was my idea actually. I mean, I was joking of course, when I mentioned it. I had no idea they'd actually take me seriously, I was drunk.. But I guess I just.. Went along with it."I answered.

He was still watching me. "Anyway, I should get going, I'm supposed to call my mom today."I said, walking out of the room and locking the door behind me.. I jumped when I turned around, seeing Kai and Evan. "Are you going to chicken out of this?"She asked. I laughed. "No. No. I just answer his easy questions. You know, to keep him from getting all hostile towards us.. Too much built up anger could lead to problems in the future."I stated.

Kai was looking at me. "Told you she always has good intentions."She commented, her eyes flickering back over to Evan, who was watching me.

"Alright well since she's so good at calming them down, send her into Zayn's room."

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