Part 24

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I woke up, and heard Harry talking in a hushed tone.

I was lying right next to him on my stomach, and realized my phone was no longer in my pocket..

"Did you release the statement?"Was the first thing I heard. "Ok, well—"Whoever he was talking to cut him off. "No, I have no idea where I am. But listen to me. The other boys are here. I haven't seen any of them except for Niall. But they're here."He said, practically whispering. I groaned, not wanting to deal with this.

"You better hang that up."I mumbled, throwing my arm across his stomach in an attempt to hit my phone. I felt his hand come down on my arm, lightly holding onto it.

"No.. It's.. One of the girls. Listen, I should go."He said. I couldn't hear what the other person was saying. I assumed it was his manager. "No, really Jeff.. I have no idea where we are. There's trees everywhere. But that's—"He sighed.

"Hang up the phone."I repeated into the pillow, pinching his side. "Ow."He said, grimacing. "No, she pinched me. Listen, I gotta go."He said, and hung up the phone. I turned my head, looking at him. He showed me the phone, showing me he'd actually hung up this time.. "Why would you do that?"I asked.

"I didn't tell him anything. He just.. Wanted to know if I was ok."He tried to explain. "Harry. You can't do that. Cut my phone off."I said. He cut it off completely. "What's with the pinching?"He asked, rubbing his side where I'd done it. I laughed, rolling over onto my side, facing him. "You wouldn't hang up."I replied. He looked over at me. I glanced around the room, and saw the desk drawer open.

I hesitated, realizing what he was doing..

I moved quickly, shoving him so he was on his stomach and I was sitting on his lower back. It was all one swift movement, and I had his hands pinned behind his back within five seconds of me noticing he was trying something..

"Damn it."He muttered. "Give me the gun. Where'd you put it?"I asked, tightly squeezing his wrists.

He winced. "It's under the pillow."He commented, pulling at his arms, obviously uncomfortable.

I held his wrists with one hand. Which, wasn't easy considering my hands aren't the biggest. I reached around him, taking the gun from under the pillow and sitting back up.

I tucked the gun into my waistband. "Why the fuck did you do that?"I asked. He groaned. "Is that really so hard to figure out?"He asked, looking at me over his shoulder. "Can you let go of my arms? This hurts."He commented.

"Oh, it hurts. I'm sorry."I said, sarcastically. "I've been so nice to you, and you'd seriously try something like that?"I asked, not releasing his wrists. He pulled at them again, struggling. I didn't loosen my grip at all..

"I told you, I want to get out of here."He stated. "That's great. But you really thought you could take me one on one?"I questioned. He sighed, giving up. "I mean.. You don't really look like someone who could do this."He replied.

"This is nothing compared to what I've been trained to do. I recommend not trying this again."I said, grabbing the rope that was tied to the side of the bed. I tied it tightly around his wrists and got off of him. I made him get off the bed.

It's around three in the morning right now, after the long nap I took. I pulled him down the hallway, and knocked on Chris' door. "What?"He called out. I opened the door. He sat up. "What's going on?"He asked. "Well, I was hungover, and decided to take a nap. So, I woke up, and realized very quickly that Harry had not only gotten my phone and called his manager again. But he also got my gun out of my desk. So, this happened. Because, well.. He thought he could outsmart me. Which, obviously failed."I explained.

"So.. What do you want me to do?"Chris asked, leaning back on his hands. I gave him a look. "I don't fucking know. Something besides just sitting there."I stated. "Ok. Well, first of all. I'm not doing anything. That's all your fault. You didn't hide your phone from him, you didn't tie him up, and you didn't lock your gun up. Always lock the gun away."He commented.

"Ok, so.."I trailed off. "Take him somewhere else. You can't keep him here. There's a good chance they traced the phone call. So, take my truck and just.. Go somewhere else. Don't let him near your phone."He commented, lying back down. "It's three in the morning."I said. "So? You'd rather be arrested?"He asked.

"Or I guess you can wait 'til morning. Put him in the bunk room. But here, let me do something first."He said, getting up. He walked over, and I moved out of the way, confused. "Hold onto him."He said. Harry looked at me. I grabbed his wrists, standing behind him.. I looked around him and saw what he was doing.

I reacted, taking a step back. But Harry wasn't as fast. Chris' fist slammed into the side of his face, and I held Harry up when he started falling to the side from the impact. "Fuck."He spat out, grimacing.

"Don't fuck with her. Ever."Chris threatened. "Duly noted."Harry replied, pulling at his wrists. I turned him a little, seeing that Chris had broken the skin over Harry's cheekbone. I sighed, grabbing the rope around his wrists, pushing him out of the room. "Thanks Chris."I commented. He nodded, walking back over to his bed.

I sighed again, thinking. "Where are your keys?"I asked. Harry was pulling at his wrists, uncomfortable with them being tied behind him so tightly..
He told me where they were, and I walked back down the hallway.

"Wait, we're going to the guys' room?"He asked when we stopped outside the bunk room. I pulled out the key, unlocking the door. "Yep. For tonight. You aren't sleeping in my room."I commented.

I opened the door and turned on the lamp by the door. I heard Liam groan, and he rolled over, waking up. He looked over and I pulled Harry into the room by his wrists. He stumbled over his feet.

I glanced over at him. "Could you stop yanking me around?"He asked, looking at me. His face was already beginning to bruise some.. "Holy shit."Liam said, realizing who it was. I told Harry to sit on the floor, motioning to the spot next to the ladder decor. He gave me a look.

"This is what you get for trying to attack me."I stated. "Yeah, ok."He muttered, managing to slide down the wall. The rest of the boys slowly started waking up.. "Thought you said his security was too advanced. What changed?"Zayn commented from his bed..

I started tying Harry's wrists to the ladder.

"He's been here the whole time."Niall answered for me. They all looked at him. "When they took me out of here, they put me with him. But, he's been sleeping in her room with her."He explained.

"What's going on then? Why's he in here now? With a giant bruise.."Louis questioned. I was crouched down right next to Harry. He looked at me to answer. "While I was sleeping, Harry decided to get my gun from where it was stored.. And, well. This was the result, because he wasn't aware of my training, and decided to be an idiot."I explained.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not an idiot. If I'd closed the desk drawer, you never would've known I'd taken it."He stated. "Ok, but you also called your manager, again. And, I didn't tell you you could do that. So.."I trailed off, tightly knotting it. He winced.

"Wait, you called someone? How?"Liam asked, sitting up, the rope around his wrist restraining him,
pulling him back. "Her phone. I told him everything. But I didn't know where we were. So, hopefully they tracked the phone."Harry replied. "How'd you get her phone?"Louis asked.

Harry looked at me.   "I told you, he sleeps in her bed with her."Niall said quietly. I glared at him, standing up. "We're leaving first thing in the morning."I said to Harry, walking out of the room..

Written: 7/28-29/2019

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