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Volleyball tryouts are today, and I am so excited I've missed playing all summer. I've played club since I was a sixth grader, and for the last two years I convinced my parents to tryout for the travel team instead of the local one. My club season was amazing, we went to Denver, LA, Philadelphia, and even Indianapolis. It was awesome.

Since we all have an open seventh, the nine of us decided to go get some food before practice starts. When we're done and walk out to the cars, I intertwine my fingers with Tobias's, happy to be connected to him. Before climbing into Shauna's car, I loop an arm around his neck and kiss him. Tobias enthusiastically responds, snaking his arms around my waist as we kiss. The gang whoops and hollers, and it occurs to me that they've all probably been watching he whole time. Slightly embarrassed, I pull back, my cheeks flushed.

"Aww, come on, Prior" Tobias whispers.

I giggle, "Sorry, Number Boy." Tobias just grins and presses his lips to mine again. I dread having to pull back for the second time, but we do, and Tobias releases me from his grip around my waist.

"Good luck!" I say and get into Shaun's silver 2014 Ford Edge hybrid.

Somehow since there are five of us, I got stuck in the middle seat with Mar on my right and Chris on my left. Lynn is in shotgun and Shauna is driving.

Lynn turns on the radio and Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson comes on. We all start singing like crazy maniacs.

The McDonald's we went to is about 5 minutes from school and we get there 20 minutes before tryouts start. We all rush into the locker room and change.

I put on a gray Franklin High volleyball shirt, my black spandex, white Nike elite socks, my white knee pads, and finally, my Nike volleyball shoes. After quickly throwing my hair into a ponytail, I grab my blue Hydro Flask and run out to the gym.

Once everybody gets out of the locker room, the coach introduces herself, "Hi, ladies, I'm coach Cooper and this is coach Lucas. We're going to start with some stretches, then a couple of passing drills, then setting, serving, and finally hitting. Start stretching." We do as she says and start stretching.

"Ok, girls, let's have number one out on the court, we're going to do serve receive passing, and the rest of you can pepper on the other two courts."

The girl with a one pinned to her shirt steps out onto the court, as the rest of us grab balls and start peppering.

"Hey, Tris," Mar says as she walks up to me, "partners?"

"For sure!" I answer, tossing her the ball, she passes back to me, and I set it up for her to hit it. She does, and I pass back to her so she can set to me. We continue this cycle for awhile, and we laugh when one of us accidentally shanks a ball.

And then it's my turn.

I step on the court and get ready for coach Lucas to serve the ball. Her first serve is to the right of me, so I shuffle to the right, and get my platform in from of me to pass. When I do pass, it's perfectly to target and it makes me grin on the inside. She gives me a few more serves, a couple more to the right and a couple to the left, and I pass almost perfectly each time. Then, I watch her arm as she serves the last one, and I can tell it's going to be short. My first instinct is to sprint for the ball, so that's what I do. I dive out in front of me, and luckily the ball hits my pancaked hand.

I get up and see coach Cooper whisper something in coach Lucas's ear.

Next we start serving, and I start with just an easy float serve. As I get more warmed up, I start jump serving. I think I see the coaches looking at me a couple of times.

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