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After I got home from Tris's house, I quickly started making dinner. About half an hour in to making dinner, I hear the voice I hate most in this big world enter the house.

"Tobias, why isn't dinner ready yet?" My father asks, walking into the kitchen.

"It will be in five minutes," I say.

"Why is it taking so long?"

"I, uh, got, uh, held up at school," I lie. Goddamn it, Four! Why did you have to say 'uh' so many times? He'll definitely know you're lying!

"Are you lying to me, Tobias," he asks, using my name like poison.

I keep my head down. "No, sir."

"Okay," he says, eyeing me skeptically. "Get that dinner done."

"Yes, sir." Phew! This is going to bite me in the ass later.

+ + + + +
Out of nowhere my phone buzzes. It's from Christina. I got her number earlier today so we could text each other about shopping.

Where do you live?-C
Like 2 stalk much?-T
Haha, real funny. But srsly, where?-C
74602 Dauntless Lane-T
K be there in 5-C
K. C ya-T
C ya-C

I talk to my mom and brother for a bit until the doorbell rings.

"That's for me. Mom, is it ok if I go shopping with a few friends?" I ask.

"Sure, just be home by eight."

"Thanks Momma!" I go answer the door to see Christina.

I grab my phone and put it in my purse and I head outside with Chris to her car. I get in the passenger seat with Mar and Shauna in the back. Chris turns the music up. All About That Bass comes on and we all sing like maniacs. We continue singing until our throats get dry and we get to the mall.

We head inside and go to Forever 21. I get 4 dresses, 3 skirts, 6 shirts, 3 sweaters, 2 pairs of jeans, 10 scarves, and 7 pairs of shoes and that's only from one store! We went to 5 different stores.

I love shopping, but usually I only go into one or two stores. Shopping with Chris, if I didn't have to be home by eight, if the mall didn't close, and we had enough money to buy everything in all of the stores, we'd never leave. We leave the mall around 7:30 and she takes me home.

"Bye guys! That was a lot of fun! And I think I'm about to lose one of my limbs!"

"Haha... See ya tomorrow!!"

"See ya Tris!"

"See ya!"

"See ya tomorrow!" She drives away and I walk into my house. I am greeted by my dad first.

"Hey Bea. Did you go shopping?"

"Yeah. With my new friends Christina, Marlene, and Shauna."

"Looks like you got a lot of stuff." My mom says, "Need some help with that?"

"Sure, thanks Mom!"

"No problem honey, let's go."

We head up the stairs to my room and put my bags down. I thank my mom and go get ready for bed. I know it's like 8:15 but I am dog tired! I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

A/N: Yay!!! Chapter Tobias!!!!!!!

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