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Tris POV
Winter break is two weeks away and I can not wait!!! It's SOOOO cold here! It snowed a couple days ago and it all froze last night so the roads are all icy.

The girls and I decided to go shopping for warm-ish clothes for Disneyland and dresses for the winter formal coming up, so right now I'm driving to the mall.
I hear my phone buzz on the center console, so I quickly grab it to see who's calling me. Tobias. I press answer and then click speaker.

"Hey baby," I hear Tobias's voice come through the speaker.


I hear him laugh and say, "Are you at the mall yet?"

"No," I turn left at an intersection, "I'm about five minutes away."

"Ok, call me when you get there."

"I will."

"Bye, I love you!"

"I love you too!"

He hangs up and I put my phone in my purse.

I come up to another intersection and as I turn right, something comes in contact with my car and I go spinning. I soon fall into unconsciousness.

◣◥◤Tobias POV◥◤◢

"She should've called by now!" I yell. Tris told me that she was five minutes away from the mall and that she'd call me when she got there. That was an hour ago.

"Calm down, dude. Her phone probably died," Zeke says as I pace back and forth in his room.

"No. She always plugs it in when she gets in her car. I know my Tris."

"I can call Marlene and see if she's there but forgot to call you."

"Can you?"

He nods his head and presses Marlene's contact on his phone to call her.

"Hey Marlene, is Tris there with you guys?"

I hear something that I can't quite make out.

Uriah looks up at me and shakes his head.

"Thanks anyway, babe."

"I love you too, bye," he says and hangs up.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I rip it out to see if it's Tris.

It's an unknown number. I press accept and put the phone to my ear

"Hello, is this Tobias Eaton?" I hear a female voice say.

"Is it Tris?" Uriah, Zeke, and Will ask in unison.

I hold up a finger and say, "Speaking."

"Do you know Beatrice Prior in any way?"

"Yes, she's my girlfriend."

"Ok, I'm afraid she was in a very severe car accident," my heart drops, "and I'm going to need you to come down to the hospital right away."

"Ok, thanks for telling me," I say and hang up.

"What happened?" Zeke asks.

"Tris was in a car accident, and I need to get down to the hospital right now. Can you guys go tell Natalie and Andrew and the girls for me?"

"Yeah, totally."

"I gotta go," I say as I race down the stairs.

"Four, where are you going?" Zeke and Uriah's mom Hana asks me.

"It's Tris!" I say as I run out the Pedrad's front door.

I open my car door and get in. Buckling up my seatbelt and putting the keys into the ignition.

I back out of their driveway and race to the hospital.

When I get there I park my car in the closest parking spot I can find and run into the building.

I find the front desk and the lady asks,

"Who are you here for?"

"Tris Prior."

"Room 446, fourth floor," I run to the elevators and jab my thumb into the up button.

One of the elevators finally opens up and I rush in there and press the number four.
I get to the fourth floor and I run around to find room 446. When I finally find it I run inside the room and Tris. My Tris with only a few scratches here and there. My beautiful, strong, and brave Tris. If only she was awake so I could see those mesmerizing blue-gray eyes.

I run to her side and grab her hand.

"You're okay," I say as I stroke her hand with my thumb.

"She's not as okay as you think," I hear someone say. I turn to look at the source of the voice and see a middle-aged woman with dirty blonde hair.

"Then what's wrong with her?" I ask and stand up.

"She's in a coma that can last for who knows how long," she answers.

That's when I can't take it anymore, I fall to my knees and start sobbing. I hear someone walk in but I don't look up.

Someone starts gently rubbing my back and I cry even harder. Tris always touches me gently.

I lift my head from my hands after I calm down a little bit and wipe my eyes.
I stand up and see Natalie, Andrew, and Caleb in front of me.

Their eyes are puffy and their noses are red.

I sit in a chair next to Tris and grab her hand.

I see a group of people standing outside the door.

The gang.

They're all arguing with a nurse probably trying to get in here.

The nurse sighs and says something that I can't hear.

The nurse walks in and says, "You guys are going to need to wait out there for a little bit."

"I'm not leaving," I say.

"Whatever floats your boat," she says and walks out.

Tris's family walks out and I stay in my place.

The gang walks in and they all look sad.

"I call for a group hug!" Uriah yells.

We group hug and I let a tear fall down my cheek.
A/N: OMG I AM SO MEAN! Don't worry, it's gonna get better... Maybe😈

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