
5.3K 115 37

The girls and I are in the basement of my house playing Mario Kart 8 before we go to the Civil War game at 7.

At 6:15, I run up to my room to change into something warm for the game. I put on a blue and gray baseball tee, a black infinity scarf, black leggings, and ripped jeans over the leggings. I put on my jean and cotton jacket, and slip on my black Ugg's. I put my hair into a loose French braid going down the side of my head. I run back down stairs.

"Ready?" I ask the girls.

"Yep," they all reply in unison.

We all head out to my car in the driveway. I get in the drivers seat and turn on the heater. All of the girls fight over shotgun, probably to get the butt warmer.

"Ok, if you guys don't pick someone to sit in shotgun in less than 30 seconds then you're all walking," I say, kinda POed.

Lynn then points somewhere far away and yells, "Hey, look! There's Santa!" The other girls look in the direction Lynn pointed her finger as Lynn opens the passenger door and gets in. She locks the door and smirks. I give her a high-five and laugh

"Well played, Lynn. Well played," Shauna says

Shauna, Marlene, and Christina all get in the backseat and put on their seatbelts.

I back out of the driveway and drive to the football field.

When we get there, I turn off the car and we all get out. I put on my black gloves and Tobias's letterman jacket that he's letting me wear for the game. We use our student ID cards to get in and walk over to the concession stand to get hot chocolate. We get our hot chocolate and walk over to the student section on the bleachers.

The game starts at 7:05 when the Eagles kick off.

Two and a half boring quarters of the score being 22-7 go by before anything remotely interesting happens. Tobias gets the ball, but before he can do anything with it, he gets tackled to the ground.

At first, I'm a little worried, but I know he's gonna be ok, because he's gotten tackled before. It's when Tobias doesn't get up that I know something's wrong. He clutches his leg, clearly in pain. I run off the bleachers and try to get onto the field, but someone holds me back.

"Miss, I can't let you onto the field."

"Please, that's my boyfriend out there. I need to be with him."

"I'm sorry, I can't let you do that."


The medics put Tobias onto a stretcher and lift him up. They pass me and Tobias sees me.

"Tris," he says through clenched teeth.

I run up to him and grab his hand.

"Are with him?" one of the medics asks.

"Yeah, I'm his girlfriend."

They put Tobias in an ambulance, and I get in after him. I grab his hand again and push his sweaty hair away from his forehead. When we get to the hospital, they take Tobias to get an x-ray and make me wait in the waiting room.

Around 8:30, -I don't know the exact time because I can't read analog clocks very well and I forgot my purse which had my phone in it at the game- the whole gang walks in.

"Have they told you anything yet?" Zeke asks as Chris hands me my purse.

"Nothing except for that they think that his left tibia is broken."

"That sucks."

"Yeah. I have no idea how Four is gonna take it, if his leg is broken then he'll have to be out for 6 to 8 weeks to let it heal. He's not going to be able to play, and football is his life."

"You're his life too. The only reasons why he gets out of bed in the morning are you, football, baseball, and probably because he has to pee." Everybody laughs at the last part.

"I'm sure he gets out of bed so he can see you guys too."


Time Lapse

Tobias walks into the waiting room with crutches and a blue cast on his left leg. The nurse that walked him out talks to him for a bit and then walks back through the door. I walk up to Tobias.

"Hey baby," I say.

"Hey," he says, clearly upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Tris, my tibia is broken. I won't be able to play football because I'm going to be in the cast for 6 to 8 weeks. and after that I'm gonna be in physical therapy. There's not too many weeks left in the season. I'm sure I can forget about my scholarship to ASU."

"There's still baseball. You got a scholarship to ASU for baseball too. And I have my scholarship to ASU for volleyball. So we can go to ASU together or if I don't like it and you do, you can go there and I'll find a different college, or vise versa, or even if neither of us like it then we can look for someplace else. But I'm not worried about that right now, Tobias. We have lots of time to be worried about that. I'm worried about spending as much time with you and our friends as possible, in case I never see any of you guys again. I'm worried about spending time with my parent before going off to college, as they're gonna be empty-nested and lonely next year. I'm worried I'll never see my brother again. I'm worried about applying to colleges I like and getting accepted into those."

"You sure are worried about a lot of things, Tris," he says, making me laugh.

"I know, and there's lots more than what I just told you."

"I don't think that's very good for you."

'I know, I just can't help it." I look around the room to see it's just Tobias and I. "Looks like our friends left. C'mon, I'll drive you home." We walk out of the hospital and over to my car in the parking lot. I drive Tobias home and walk him to his door just to say goodbye.

I park on the street in front of my house and lock my car once I get out. I walk up the pathway and into my house. I talk to my parents for a bit and then run up to my room to change into pajamas and go to bed.


Hi guys... I went to my friends birthday party today and I swear, this was the 3rd party I've been to in a week and a half. We went to a water park type thing and I was A LOT of fun. They had two slides, one with inner tubes and the other without, and combined, I went on them 7 times. I went on the inner tube one 5 times, 3 times forwards and twice backwards.

Oh yeah, thanks for 16k!❤️

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