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I wake up instantly remembering that it's Tobias's birthday.

I roll out of bed and walk slowly-but surely-to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and walk into my room with a towel wrapped around my small but strong body.

I pick out a strapless light blue dress, brown combat boots with white crochet on the side, and white/cream socks.
I walk over to my makeup desk and put on some eyeliner, mascara, light blue eyeshadow, blush, and pink lipgloss.
I open my jewelry box and grab my diamond dangly earrings, diamond five-petal ring, blue topaz ring, blue topaz necklace, and the locket that Tobias gave me.

I just put my hair into a high bun with a flower headband around it.

I grab my phone and text Tobias, telling him that I'll be picking him up today.

I pick up my backpack a run downstairs. Surprisingly, mom's still home. She been home a lot lately.

"Morning sunshine," she says.

"Morning mama. You've been home a lot lately."

"Yeah, they're just having me draw sketches for a new clothing line."


I eat the blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese the she made me and put my paper towel in the trash.

I grab my phone and my backpack and open the front door.

"Bye mom!"

"Bye sweetheart! Wait, isn't Tobias picking you up?"

"No, it's his birthday, so I wanted to drive him."

"Oh right! Tell him I said happy birthday!"

With that I run out the door to the car and get in.

I put the keys in the ignition and start the car.

I back out of the drive way and drive into Tobias's.

I text him to say that I'm here.

Two minutes later, I see him walk out of his door with a blue button down shirt with jeans.

He opens the door and I smile. He gets in and kisses me.

"Happy birthday baby! You're officially 17!"

"Thanks baby, but not exactly, I'm not 17 until 1:46 pm."

"Ok, Mr. Smartypants," I say with a smile.

"Oh yeah, my mom said happy birthday."
He smiles and grabs my hand.

I back out of his drive way and drive to school. When we get there, we get out if the car and walk over to our friends.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOUR!!!" they all scream when we get there.

He smiles and says,"Thanks."

The bell rings and we all walk inside.

∞Time Lapse∞

Right now, it's after school and practice. The whole gang is at the Dauntless Diner where there's nobody but us and the waiters and waitresses.

We all just had dinner and now we're going to do presents, and finally, cake.
"Open my present last, ok?" I whisper I Tobias ear.


He goes through all of the presents and he finally gets to mine.

"I know it just looks like an envelope, but there's something way bigger inside," I whisper in his ear.

He open the envelope and pulls out 9 tickets to Disneyland.

"Really?! 9, for all of us?!" They all say in unison, except for Uriah, who's a little bit behind.

"Really!" they say, again in unison.

"The second week of Christmas break."

"Yay!" again, in unison.

I smile and shake my head.

"Cake time!" I say.

"Yay!" Tobias says.

I smile again and kiss his cheek.

They bring us the cake and Tobias, Uriah, Zeke, and Will's eyes widen in amazement.

"Dauntless cake?" they say.

"Dauntless cake."

≬≻≺≬Time Lapse≬≻≺≬

It's ten o'clock now and I just got up to my room after talking to my parents and Caleb since eight. I look through my window to Tobias's. He's pacing back and forth. He sees me and he picks up a piece of paper saying, 'come here.'

I open my window and climb out onto the tree branch and he opens his so I can get into his room.

I climb in and hug Tobias. I look at his face and see pure confusion and disbelief.

"What's wrong, baby?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says not looking in my eyes.

"Tobias, look at me," he looks in my eyes, "what's wrong?"

"Sit down." We sit down on his bed. "You know how I told you that my mom died?"
I nod my head, "Well, apparently she's not, cause when you dropped me off, I went to get the mail and there was this," he says and shows me an envelope. "Look at who it's from."

I look at the address that it was mailed from and I'm confuzzeled by the name.
"Evelyn Johnson? Wouldn't it be Evelyn Eaton?" I ask.

"Johnson was her maiden name. She could've changed it back after she 'died.'"

"You should open it. See what she has to say."

He opens the envelope and takes out a piece of lined paper.

He reads it and hands it to me.

'Dear Tobias,
I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to contact you. I miss you a lot baby boy.
Look, I don't want to go on and on in a letter, so I'd like to meet with you at Dauntless Diner at eight o'clock this Thursday.

A/N:Ooohhhh! Evelyn! Weird! Sorry it has taken so long, but I've been SOOO busy with spring break and stuff that I haven't even had the time to update! Sorry again!!

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