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After hours on a plane from Paris, I'm walking to the front doors of the Chicago airport. I look around for a second and see faces that I have seen in two months. The entire gang-surprisingly Tobias is there too- plus a girl who's face I don't recognize. Then I realize that she's attached to Tobias.

I run to my friends and hug all of them except for Tobias and his girlfriend; I plaster a fake smile when I get to them. Since I grabbed all of my bags already, I just have the boys take them out to my car for me while I carry my carry-on bag.

We put the bags in the trunk of my car and everyone decides to go to my house. The girls ride with me and all of the boys except for Tobias ride with Zeke in his mom's minivan. Don't ask me why he's using it, I don't even know. Tobias and his girlfriend ride in his car.

We pile out of my car when we get to my house and we all walk inside.

I'm greeted with people yelling, "Surprise!" and throwing confetti in my face. Then they all yell, "Welcome back, Tris!"

"Wow! Oh my gosh, guys! This is amazing!" I look around the living room and see that it's decorated with a bunch of Paris themed decorations. "But I should probably go change, because I'm still wearing my plane outfit, so I'll be right back." I dash up the stairs into my room and then I walk into my closet.

I pick out a knee length dress with a coral Aztec print top part and a navy blue bottom, a tan leather belt, and coral wedge pumps. I put on dangly coral earrings, a gold bow bracelet, and a necklace that says dream with a cubic zirconia moon. I quickly apply red/orange lipstick, blush, mascara, eyeliner, and coral eyeshadow. I leave my hair how it is because it looks fine and run out of my room and down the stairs as fast as I can with heels.

"I'm back!" I yell. They all cheer and I look around to find my friends. Unfortunately, I see Tobias making out with his girlfriend before I see my friends, and it sends a pang of sadness in my heart.

I walk over to Marlene to talk to her.

"Who's the girl that Four's making out with?" I ask over the music.

"She's his new girlfriend, Allie. She's really nice, but it's totally weird not to see him making out with you."

I lightly laugh a bit, but my heart hurts not to be over there with him.

"I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Kay, see ya."

"Later alligator."

"After awhile crocodile." She says and winks. We both burst out laughing.

Once I regain my composure, I walk over to Tobias, tear him away from Allie, and drag him into the nearest closet.

I close the door behind me and turn on the light.

I get the sudden urge to slap him in the face, so I do.

"Ow! I really thought that you were going to kiss me," he says, rubbing his cheek.

I grab his shirt and pull him closer. "Shut up! You have a girlfriend, I'm not going to mess with that." I unclench my hand before taking a step back. "You said you were going to wait. You clearly didn't."

"I needed someone to help me get my mind off of you. Allie does that."

"Are you happier with her than you were with me?"

"Of course not."

"Ok, I just needed to know."

I turn off the light, open the closet door, and walk out.

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