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Tris POV
I sit in front of my makeup vanity as Christina surrounds me doing my hair as I anxiously twiddle my thumbs.

"Don't be nervous, Four loves you with all his heart," Christina says as she pins my hair into an updo.

"It's not that I think that I won't look pretty-it's just that I don't want to break his heart again."

"Stop worrying," she pins a flower to the back of my head, "it'll be fine. I promise."

"Ok," I mumble even though I'm still unsure.

"Do me a favor, have fun!"


She sprays some hairspray on my hair and almost yells, "Done!"

I look up from my hands to the mirror and see someone different than I saw an hour ago. I have white eyeshadow and blue eyeliner, a little blush, and skin colored lipstick. My hair is up in an elaborate updo with curls hanging around my face.

"Chris, I love it! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome! Now, go get your dress, shoes, and jewelry on!"

I walk to my closet and take my royal blue strapless dress off the hanger and slowly put it on. It's more beautiful than I remember it! I slide my bejeweled heels on and grab my 'diamond' bracelets and put them on too.

Christina gets up from her chair and puts on her jewelry and high heels. She's wearing a a white dress with a blue jewel ombré starting at the top then thinning out to white at the bottom. She's really pretty in it. She has her hair down in waves next to her face and makeup like mine.

I glance at the clock and see that it's 5:45, and the dance starts at six. Four and Will should be here any minute.

Just then, I hear the doorbell ring and my mom yell, "Tris! Christina! Your dates are here!"

"Ready?" I say to Christina as I grab my bejeweled clutch.

"Ready," then we walk down the stairs to see Four and Will talking to my mom.
Four sees me and his eyes widen. I blush and look down. He walks over to me puts his hand on my chin to make me look at him. I look into his eyes and immediately get lost in a sea of blue. I manage to make myself look away.

"Shall we go?" I ask, trying to break some of the awkward tension.

"Sure," Four says. I bite my lip and grab his hand.

"Let's go then," I smile.

He leads me outside and I see a long black limo. I see Lynn, Marlene, and Shauna pop out of the top of the limo and wave.

"Lynn! Mar! Shauna!" I say and wave back.


Four opens the door and I climb into the limo. Christina and Will climb in after Four and I.

"Hey guys!"


⌃⌄⌃Time Lapse⌃⌄⌃

We just got to the school and I'm very nervous. Four helps me out of the limo and leads me to the gym. I gasp when we get there.

A/N: hey hey! Okay, I think I'm just gonna give a name to you guys, and that's going to be....*drumroll* cupcake initiates! Ya, idek where that came from...😂 but Ya... Anyway, yesterday, my friend had a birthday party, and we got to make clay cupcakes! It was awesome!

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