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I wake up wrapped up in Tobias's arms.
He stirs, and I hear him yawn and say,"Morning beautiful."

"Morning handsome."

Thank goodness I changed into the sweats and shirt that I brought yesterday. If be so uncomfortable if I slept in my jeans.

Tobias and I stay wrapped up in each other's arms until everybody else wakes up. Everybody is in the basement except for Zeke and Uriah.


"Breakfast is ready!" I hear Zeke and Uriah call from upstairs. So that's where they were.

We all go upstairs and eat peanut butter chip pancakes. They're amazing!

"What should we do today?" I ask.

"Paintball!" Everybody screams.

"Ok. I'm gonna go home and change so see ya guys later! Christina! You coming? You drove me!"

"Yeah one sec."

Kissing Tobias goodbye, Chris gathers her stuff and impatiently waits for me.

"Let's go, T!" She yells and we run to her car.

Ten minutes of jamming out to music later, we arrive at my house.
"Bye Chris!" I say.

"Bye Trissy!" After waving goodbye, Christina drives off and I walk into my house.

"Hey mom!" I say as I walk into the living room and run up the stairs.

"Hi sweetie! How was the party?"

"Good," I answer as I walk to the hallway closet to grab a towel so I can shower. Fifteen minutes later I walk out of the bathroom to my room and find something to wear.

I don't know what to wear because I have never played paintball before.
I decide to wear black Nike leggings, an old Franklin High hoodie, and black tennis shoes.

I just put my hair in a ponytail and decide to go natural for make up and stuff besides a little concealer for my stupid zits.

I head downstairs to get some lunch.
I make a grilled cheese sandwich and text the group while I'm eating.
The greatest group chat ever👊🏼🔥
Tris-what time do u guys wanna meet 4 paintball??

I glance at the clock and see that it's 12:15.

Chris–k cool
Zeke–okie dokie

I lock my phone and watch TV until 12:45.
"Bye mom! Heading out!" I yell and run outside to my car before she can answer.
I start my car and jam out to music all the way to the paintball place.

A/N: hey guys! I know, short chapter. But a short chapter is better than no chapter, right?

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