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I can't believe it. I'm graduating from high school today, along with 5 of my best friends. Poor Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn have one more year.

I get up and take a quick shower, then dry off to get dressed. I put on a black dress  with blue flowers and black strappy heels. I curl my hair and put part of it up in a small pony. I put on mascara, eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, blush, and pink lipgloss. I put on my heart stud earrings, a blue statement necklace, a wing ring, and an elephant ring.

I grab my purse, phone, and graduation gown and cap, and head downstairs. I put all my stuff except for my phone on the couch in the living room neatly, and walk into the kitchen where my mom is making pancakes. I grab two pancakes and put them on a plate. I lather strawberry jelly on them and start to devour them. Right as I start my second pancake, Caleb and Dad walk into the kitchen. Caleb's been home for about a month now. They both grab pancakes and a plate and Caleb sits next to me at the island.

I take a drink from my orange juice when Caleb speaks. "Are you ready to get out of that hellhole?" he asks. Mom smacks him on the arm with her spatula.

"So ready," I reply.

After breakfast I hug my parents and brother and grab my stuff that I put on the couch earlier. I go to the garage and get in my car. I open the garage door and back out of the garage and driveway. I turn on the radio and jam out as I drive to school.

I arrive and park in the parking lot in front of the school. I get out of my car and grab all my stuff. I look around and see that Tobias and Chris are the only ones of my friends that are here yet. I walk over to them and kiss Tobias on the cheek.

"Hey," he and Christina say at the same time.

"Hey," I say. They glare at each other and I stand there almost feeling awkward. "You two are special."

"Yeah, I know," they say at the same time again. "Stop copying me! You started it! Nuh uh! Yeah huh!"

"I swear you're like siblings or something."

"I don't think I'd be able to handle being her brother," Tobias says.

"And I don't think I'd be able to handle being his sister." Will comes up and wraps his arms around Christina. He kisses her cheek and they whisper something to each other.

I turn to Tobias and reach up to kiss him. He kisses back and I pull away when I hear someone yell, "No PDA!" I have no doubt that was Zeke. Sure enough, Zeke and Shauna are walking towards us.

+ + +

"Thanks for coming today everyone," Mr. Jones says. "Now may I present that class of 2016."

"Christina Atkins."

Blah, blah, blah.

"Four Eaton."

Blah, blah, blah.

"Shauna Jacobsen."

Blah, blah, blah.

"Will Johnson."

Blah, blah, blah.

"Zeke Pedrad."

Blah, blah, blah.

"Tris Prior."

I walk up the ramp to the stage and grab my diploma from the principal. I shake his hand and walk down the ramp on the other side of the stage. I get my picture taken and walk back to my seat next to Tobias. He grabs my hand and kisses it. The valedictorian—Will—tells us all to move our tassels to the left side, and we do.

"Congratulations class of 2016!" Will says into the mic. We all cheer and throw our caps into the air. Tobias grabs my waist and pulls me close. He kisses me and my hand cup his face as I kiss back. I pull away and smile.

I find my family and hug them all. I get pictures with everybody, I mean pretty much everybody I know.

My cousin Claire, who I'm holding on my hip, is going to turn five in a couple weeks, and will be in kindergarten in the fall. I walk over to Tobias, while still holding Claire, and he puts his arm around my waist. He's been talking to my mom, dad, and uncle.

"Bea put me down," Claire whines.

"Ok." I put Claire down and she runs over to her mom.

We all go back to my house, where my parents are holding a graduation party for all of us who graduated today.

I stay close to Tobias for most of the party, mainly because I don't really wanna be with any other person.

So we just hang out by the door to the kitchen, my arms around his waist and his arms around my shoulders.

"I swear you guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen," Aunt Rebecca says while walking up to us. We talk for awhile and she leaves to find Claire.

After about two hours, everybody begins to leave. We show them out and they thank Mom and Dad.

Tobias and I sit on the couch with his head in my lap and the tv playing some dramatic housewives show on Bravo.

I have never been happier than I've been these past two years at Divergent High.

Thanks to Divergent High, I found my true love and and the best friends in the whole entire world.
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Thank you all for reading my version of Divergent High. There are 30 thousand reads on this story that I'd never dream I'd get. Book 2 should be up ASAP.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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