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I lay on the couch watching Saturday Night Live on Netflix. This show is undoubtedly one of my favorites.

The bell rings, and I know it's Tobias because he said he was gonna come over with the gang like fifteen minutes ago.

"It's open!" I yell.

I hear the door open, and multiple people's feet running on the hardwood floors.

Suddenly, I get sprayed with water, by multiple water guns.

"Ahhh!!!!" I scream and look away from the tv. Tobias, Zeke, Uriah, and Will stand with water guns in their hands.

I give them death glares and Christina speaks. "Yeah, they did it to us too." I look over at the girls and see them soaked, but close to drying.

"I can see that," I say while getting up. "I'll be back."

I run to my back door and Tobias yell, "Oh no! She has huge water guns in her backyard!" I open the door and run outside to the shed. I open the shed and grab one of the Nerf Super Soaker water guns. I run out of the shed. The slightly long grass tickles the bottom of my feet as I run.

Everybody's outside by now, shooting freezing water at each other. I get sprayed a number of times, drenching me. I feel arms wrap around me and pick me up. Then I get thrown into the pool. I swim back to the top and wipe the water off my eyes.

I pull myself out of the pool and grab a towel off one of the chairs. I wrap myself in it and sit by the the hot tub with my feet in it. Everybody else starts coming over and grabbing towels. Tobias sits next to me, and I put my head on his shoulder. Then he tilts his head so it's resting on mine.

We all sit with our feet in the hot tub for awhile, then dry our feet off and go inside. We sit on the couch and watch Spongebob on Nickelodeon.

I order pizza and cheesy bread from Domino's and it arrives within 20 minutes. I pay the guy and take the pizza to the living room. I grab a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi, 9 red solo cups, and 9 paper plates and bring them to the living room too. I sit back down on the couch next to Tobias and grab a plate and a piece of pizza. Finding Nemo plays on the tv while we eat.

We watch some more movies and then eventually all fall asleep on the couch and floor.


Hey guys... I'm sorry about the short chapter. I just couldn't think of anything for this chapter, so therefore, the short chapter. I'm sad to say there'll be only one more chapter in this book. I'm planning to have two more books, though.
Almost 30k!!!!👍🏼👏🏼
Love you guys!!!❤️

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