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I wake a little after 8 o'clock Monday morning. The first thing I see is Tobias's relaxed, handsome, face. I gently wiggle out of his arms, and walk to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I wrap a towel around myself, and grab some clothes to change into. I put on a tropical bikini with black bottoms, jean shorts, a loose navy blue short sleeve shirt and slide my sandals on. I put on minimal makeup; a bit of eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lip gloss.

I look over to the bed to see Tobias still sleeping soundly.

I put my hair in a bun and grab my phone of the charger.

I walk over to Tobias's side of the bed and kneel next to it.

"Tobias," I whisper into his ear, "wake up, baby. C'mon, it's almost 10."

"Five more minutes," he mumbles.

"I didn't want to have to do this," I say. I jump on Tobias and straddle him. "Wake up, sleepyhead." I lean down to kiss his cheek, but he turns his head at the last second so I kiss his lips.

"Morning," he says.

"Morning," I say, still straddling him.

"Can you wake me up like this every morning? I really like it."

"No, I can't. Cause there'll be days where I wanna sleep in."

"Darn." I laugh a kiss him again.

"I could stay like this forever." He wraps his arms around me.

"Me too."

"You should take a shower though, you really stink."

I roll off of him and onto the other side of the bed.

He stands up and walks over to the bathroom. As he's walking he farts and says, "Breaking the barrier!"

"I should not have showed you that video!" I say. Last night, I showed him a video about a couple, and in the beginning, the guy farts and says, "Breaking the barrier." So the girl, who was really mad that he farted in the beginning, starts farting a lot, gives her boyfriend a 'cup of cheese,' and finally, it's too much for the guy so he breaks up with her. (You guys need to check out this video, I tried attaching it, but I was only able to hear it when I was typing on my computer so I unattached it. -Anna)

He walks into the bathroom laughing, and I go downstairs, laughing also.

I find everyone at the dining room table eating blueberry Eggo waffles on paper plates.

"Morning guys."

"Morning Tris," they say in unison.

"Where's Four?"

"Taking a shower." I grab a waffle from the freezer and stick in the toaster. I get out a cup and grab the orange juice from the table. I pour myself some juice and take a drink from my glass. When my waffle pops up, I grab a paper plate, the waffle, syrup, a fork, and my juice. I sit down at the table and drown my waffle in syrup.


We walk down to the beach. We all run into the water, and I swim over to Tobias. I wrap my legs around him and my arms around his neck. He kisses me and I gladly kiss back.

"I love you," I say in between the kisses.

"I love you too."

After splashing around for awhile, we all head back up to the beach to dry off. I put my shorts, t-shirt, and my sandals back on, and decide to take the gang to Santa Monica Pier.

Tobias and I hop into my convertible, and the rest hops into the suburban.

When we get there, I find a parking spot, and we all head in.

We all go over to the carnival games and play the horse-racing one where you try to roll the ball into one of the holes to get your horse to the end of the 'track'.

Tobias comes in first, Zeke in second, and  me in third.

Since there are 9 of us, we were playing for a large prize. Tobias chooses the adorable big dog and gives it to me. I thank him and wrap one arm around him and the other around the dog.

We spend about an hour playing other carnival games. Balloon darts, the one where you try to blow up the balloon with water, milk jug toss, basketball, and so many more. We decide to go on the big roller coaster and walk over to the big line. When we're the next to go, Tobias grabs my hand and holds it really tight.

"Ow, Four," I say.

"Oh, sorry." He loosens his grip a bit, but it's still tight.

"Are you ok? You seem uncomfortable."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You're afraid of heights."


"You'll be ok. Just hold my hand."


"Next," the guy says. Tobias and I walk past him and get in the front of the car. Everybody else gets in behind us.

We pull down the thingies, and the car starts going. Tobias hold my hand super tight as we go up the rails. I give him a reassuring look and he gives me a small smile.

"Ready?" I ask as we get to the top.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he says right before we start going down. We fly down the rails, turn left and right, go up and down several times before the ride is over.

When it is over, we get out and walk over to the food section.

"See? It wasn't that bad."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Aren't I always, though?"

"Yeah, you are," he laughs.


Hey guys. Sorry for the really long wait. School is so time-absorbing. IT'S SO ANNOYING! And for the past few days my mom and brother have been in Arizona, and they left me here, in Oregon, where it's been cold. I don't like cold, I just don't. So that's had me in a bad mood.

Omg, so I made my brother take me to Starbucks on Wednesday morning, and I didn't finish it before school started so I had to have it in 2nd period(we skip 1st on Wednesdays) and my teacher was all like, "Sweetie, you can have water, and water only, I'll let you finish it this time, but don't bring it again." So I'm shaking, since I hate bad attention(you know, when a teacher's like, "hey you,") and I'm barely able to get out an "ok." Plus, my crush is in the class, and I sit right next to him, so I was trying to be cool about it, but I was also like, "oh my god."

Anyway, sorry for making you read that, I wouldn't even mind if you skipped through it, but yeah. Oh yeah, my fruends and I went to a halloween store yesterday, abd i was like,"I have no idea what i should be." Then I found a really cool Frozen Elsa crown and I'm just like, "I don't care how much this is, I'm buying it, and I'm gonna be Elsa for Halloween." So I'm planning on wearing the crown, with a Elsa sweater, and jeans.
Sorry bout the really long a/n😂

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