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Science goes by in a blur; the only thing keeping me awake were Zeke's strange yet hilarious jokes. After an hour of zoning out Ms. Matthews, the bell finally rings, signaling lunch.

"Hey Tris, do you want to sit with us at lunch?" Zeke asks as we walk out of the tortuous classroom.

"Sure, why not. I mean you guys are like the only people I know besides my brother here."

"I'm sure Four will be happy to see you," he comments. I don't reply, but I ponder the remark as we walk to the cafeteria. Four can't like me, We've known each other for like, less than 5 hours. Zeke continues as if he'd never said what he just did, and I don't question it. He probably didn't mean anything by it. He couldn't have.

I finally brush off the comment just by making small talk with Zeke until we get to the cafeteria. The two of us spot Four and Shauna, and we head over to them. Zeke greets Shauna with a kiss on the cheek as he sits down next to her, and I take a seat next to Four. Christina sits between me and the guy I assume is Will, and Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn, who I've learned are sophomore whereas the rest of us are juniors, fill the remaining three seats.

"So, you girls up for shopping? I already know Tris is."

"Wait, what?" I interrupt. I don't remember this conversation.

"We talked about this during PE, like a few minutes before the bell rang," she reminds me.

"Oh, right. Sorry. I kinda wasn't paying attention at that point."

"Anyway, I think it would be fun!" Mar says.

"Ok. I need some new clothes anyway." Shauna states.

"Hell to the no!" Lynn exclaims.

"Lynn! Why not?" I ask.

"Cause I hate shopping with Christina."

"I'm not that bad! I just really, really, really like shopping!" Christina exclaims.

"Yeah, no kidding." Lynn mutters.

Christina waves it off like she hears it all the time. Swiftly, a girl that's wearing heels that are too tall and a skirt that's too short comes up to the table and stands next to Shauna.

"Oh, New Girl," she says, pointing at me. "I've been looking for you."

"Go away, Lauren," everyone at the table except me says.

"I don't have to if I don't want to, and I don't want to. What's your story, New Girl."

"Just ignore her, Tris," Chris whispers.

I slightly shake my head. "I have a name, you know, Lauren."

"Does it look like I care, New Girl?"

"Lauren, stop," Four says.

"Oh look at that, the almighty Four to the rescue! Thank God! New Girl, you're saved!" she says sarcastically.

"Lauren, go away, and leave my friend alone."

"Or what?"

"Or I'm going to tell everyone that you slept with Zach even though you're with Blake."

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh yes, yes I would."

She stomps away, clearly defeated.

"Thanks, Number Boy," I say and wink. "What's her deal anyway?"

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