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A/N: Wow! Chapter 50? That's crazy!

I lay in bed, not wanting to get up. Today's the day that my mom's making me do the interview.

I know Tobias said I enjoy my 5 minutes of fame, or whatever, but I don't want those 5 minutes to turn into a lifetime. Just because I'm the daughter of two famous people does not necessarily mean that I want to be famous like them. Fame does have it's upsides, but it also has downsides, for one, little to no privacy what-so-ever!

Once I decide that I should get out of bed, I roll off of my bed and trudge into my bathroom so that I can take a shower.

After my shower, I wrap a towel around me, and trudge into my closet to get dressed.

I put on a pair of jeans, a light gray tank top, a white and gray plaid shirt, and tan heeled ankle boots. I curl my hair with my curling wand. I put on eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and my favorite red lipstick. I put on a moonstone ring, a black stone ring, a necklace that looks like a dream catcher, a blue charm bracelet, an arrow bracelet, and diamond stud earrings.

I go downstairs and see Mom making pancakes in the kitchen. I don't see Dad anywhere, so he must be in his office.

"Breakfast's ready!" Mom yells from the kitchen. I run into the kitchen, grab a plate of 2 pancakes, lather raspberry jam on them, grab 3 pieces of bacon, grab a fork and a glass of orange juice, and sit down at the island to eat.

Time Lapse

At 12, I hear the doorbell ring, so I answer it.

"Hi! Are you Tris Prior?" a lady, probably in her upper thirties asks.

"Um, yes."

"I'm Chloe Smith, and I'm here for your interview with People Magazine."

"Oh, cool.  Come on in." I open the door up more and take a step back. She walks in, looking around.

"Nice house."

"Thank you. The living room's in there if you want do sit down."

"Oh thank you."

She walks to the living room and sits down on one of the chairs. I sit down on the sectional.

"Let's get started then," Chloe says.

"Yeah, ok."

"So, you're a senior in high school, correct?"


"Your mom said that you were kind of hesitant to do this interview, why is that?"

"Uh, when she first mentioned it, I had just gotten back together with my boyfriend, and at that time I didn't want my life to change. I was assuming that if I did the interview, that my life would make a complete 180. That's not what I wanted to happen. What I wanted was to get through my senior year with straight A's and to find and get into the perfect college that my boyfriend and I both loved."

"You mentioned your boyfriend a few times there. Who is he?"

"His name's Four Eaton. He's everything I've ever wanted in a serious relationship. He's my entire world. I know this sounds kinda cliche, but I love him to the moon and back."

Chloe asks me more questions, and I let the words flow out of me, as if I was talking to an old friend I hadn't seen in years.

About halfway through the interview, my phone rings. I immediately recognize the minion ringtone I use for Tobias.

I answer my phone.

"Hey baby," I say into the phone.


"I can't really talk right now, baby, I'm doing the interview with People. I'll call you back later, kay?"

"Ok. I love you, babe."

"I love you too. I'll talk to you later. Bye." I hang up and lock my phone.

I put my phone back into my pocket and return to the interview with Chloe. She asks more questions, and like before, I let the words fly freely.

"Ok, one last question, Tris. Why didn't you want your life to change by you becoming famous with this interview? Doesn't everybody want to become famous at some point in their lives?"

"I did want to be famous when I was little, but it was kind of a different kind of famous, I already had famous parents so it was weird, it's kinda hard to explain. I didn't want my life to change because I already had everything I'd ever wanted, I didn't need anything else. I have a perfect boyfriend, the best friends in the entire world, and a perfect family. That's all I really need, well, a roof over my head, and food on the table are nice too."

"Well, thanks, Tris! That's all we need from you today."

"Thank you, Chloe."

I show Chloe out and shut the door behind her. I sit down against the door and keep running my finger through my wavy hair.

After a while I get up and run up the stairs to my room.

I climb out my window onto the tree branch, and knock on Tobias's window.

He gets up from his chair and opens the window.

"Hey," I say as soon as I get through the window.


We lay on his bed, our legs intertwining. My head rests on Tobias's chest, and our fingers are interlocked.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you, too."

We don't talk much after that. The silence isn't awkward though, it's comfortable.


EY, guys. I finished reading If I Stay the night before last night, and I was bawling one minute and laughing the next. I wanna write like that some day, you know, give someone enough emotion to laugh out loud (literally) or start crying a river in an instant.
Then I watched If I Stay on Netflix last night, I laughed, and cried, and laughed, and cried again.

Almost 20k!!!!
Love you guys!😘

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